Again, building
It all began in the summer of 2013. We had 4 families: children who do not have any, their living space also present.
So, the day came when some friends took an apartment in the mortgage, on favorable conditions (12% for 12 years, something like this), and gently "mortgage" began to move to other families.
No medicines have not helped and we also have contracted this byakoy. (By the way, everyone wanted to buy an apartment in the same complex, the idyll).
But our mortgage manager which is blunted and the mortgage was not approved (although all were almost equal). Well, not approved here, try other banks. What would especially letters not to increase the text, we took a mortgage agreement for any purpose (in this case for the construction of the house).
Planning permission has already been before, so after finding and marking the rough work force immediately started construction of the foundation.
Construction of the foundation - 2
So, the day came when some friends took an apartment in the mortgage, on favorable conditions (12% for 12 years, something like this), and gently "mortgage" began to move to other families.
No medicines have not helped and we also have contracted this byakoy. (By the way, everyone wanted to buy an apartment in the same complex, the idyll).
But our mortgage manager which is blunted and the mortgage was not approved (although all were almost equal). Well, not approved here, try other banks. What would especially letters not to increase the text, we took a mortgage agreement for any purpose (in this case for the construction of the house).
Planning permission has already been before, so after finding and marking the rough work force immediately started construction of the foundation.

Construction of the foundation - 2