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10 places worth to visit

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6. Fort Knox

Camoe inaccessible vault on earth. Here is the American gold reserves. History of Fort Knox began in 1936 when President Franklin Roosevelt ordered to build superzaschischennoe underground storage of granite, concrete and hardened steel. This construction cost the State 7, 5 million dollars (today's money). In 1937 here from across the country began to come specially protected train laden with gold.

For three years before that in the US was held total forced confiscation of gold coins, which was taken out of circulation and melted down into ingots. It is gold and brought to Fort Knox to ensure henceforth paper dollar. Economically, this move has provided a new round of market growth and yield of America out of the Great Depression. In the longer term, the country received a progressive increase in the money supply, stable inflation, devaluation of savings and "bubbles" in oil markets, computers and real estate. And also quite a strange legend of the "inviolability gold reserve", a kind of reserve fund world's largest economy.

So, in the heart of America, in Kentucky, is located deep underground stone reinforced bunker filled with gold ingots. Today there holds about 4, 5 tons of gold. This is the second-largest gold vault in the world (the first - in New York, but there are not just American bullion). Access to the gold in Fort Knox cellar door blocks weighing 22 tons, resistant to explosions. Code from it does not know a single person in the world: it is divided into ten parts, each of which is managed by a special guardian. Above the entrance to the cave was built a stone fortress, surrounded by several fences.

Next door to the vault is a military base of Fort Knox (which gave its name to the entire complex). Formally, the military did not have a relationship to gold, however, that if any attacker can count on 30,000 military personnel, tanks, artillery and helicopters Apache. Also of special auditors National Bank USA in the repository is not allowed no living person. Even the president of the United States. Not to mention the casual tourist.

And another funny detail: Fort Knox makes an attempt main villain in most, perhaps, the legendary series of James Bond - in "Goldfinger."

Was there a basement?

Emergency supply of American gold actually once opened. After otvyazki dollar from gold in 1972, the total weight of bullion at Fort Knox is rapidly reduced from 20 tons to the current 4, 5. At this level, the US government seems to be decided to stop to provide a reserve fund in case of emergencies. However, Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (Commission for inspection of the gold reserve) for ten years, is seeking an independent audit of Fort Knox, which is not held there for more than 50 years. Guys suspect that all-American Potbelly completely empty.

7. Oak Island

Island where buried one of the most mysterious treasures on the planet. Approximately in 1805, two boys, doing the will of the deceased grandfather loony pirate, found on a small uninhabited island off the coast of Nova Scotia grotto covered with earth. After several days of hard digging they managed to get to the bottom slab of oak logs. Parse it, the boys found a mine, leaving in the dark depths. Descend into it then not possible.

Even in adulthood friends returned to this tunnel. This time they managed to get down to a depth of 28 meters, passing the overlap of coal and coconut fiber. Here they found a stone with the inscription encrypted. Since it was filmed and subsequently transcribed copy. The inscription reads: "Here, at a depth of 170 feet buried 2 million pounds." Speaking Russian, at a depth of 52 meters in the mine were great treasures.

Immediately after the discovery of the stone work will continue with violent force. But one morning, searchers found the mine flooded. It turned out that the tunnel they dug leads plurality guttering from all over the island. Having spent a fair amount of effort and resources for pumping water from a depth of 30 meters Friend extracted oak barrels with unknown contents, and then hastily left the island. One of them subsequently incredibly rich.

In 1848, a tunnel dug to stumble locals found in the hut next door diary of one of the friends (it provides an inscription on a stone), and also take up the excavations. New treasure hunters decided that foolish to build a huge system of the mines for one barrel, even with gold. Soon the story gets in the newspaper, established a syndicate, which employs 200 workers, literally raznesshih neighborhood to shreds. In 1863, the mine seems to be felt for a few chests, but as a result of drilling illiterate they failed system of tunnels at a depth of about 70 meters. In 1865, a syndicate swerved work after one morning found the body in the mine of its founder.

Further, up to 2005 the island was visited dozens of treasure hunters (incidentally, one of the campaign finance future US President Roosevelt). Last of the diggers dug parallel shaft tunnel, at a depth of 70 meters found a water-filled cave, dropped in her underwater camera and saw "a fragment of a human skeleton", then the whole system collapsed.

In 2005, the island was bought by a group of specialists in Michigan deepwater drilling. They announced Oak closed territory.

Burite, Schur burite!

There is a version that the money pit on Oak Island - just a natural system of karst caves. Overlap of logs to create a tree that grew on the edge of the mainsail and dumped there when sagged ground. However, no one has been able to explain where the North Island took coconut fiber, which, according to the analysis of carbon increased 600-800 years ago.

8. Podgorny city

Secret nuclear bunker in the bowels of the mountain Yamantau. In 1979, at the foot of the highest mountain in the Southern Urals began to build an indoor Ufa-105. Core enterprises was kind of FSUE "Management of construction number 30", which specialized in a large underground construction. Naturally, then no public information about what was happening in this city, was not. However, later, in the early 90s, the press leaked rumors that Mount Yamantau is building a vast underground shelters in case of nuclear accident. Actually, this bike has told the former first secretary of the Bashkir republican committee of the CPSU, which had already been retired and he had nothing to lose, and talk with a visiting correspondents wanted.

Local authorities denied all existing and announced that in normal grief uranium mine, maybe; product repository State Reserve. All these rumors are extinguished by the end of 90th and the Ural underground builders departed from Ufa-105 (which at that time was the Beloretsk-16) throughout Russia and built, in particular, such notable sites as Kazan and Chelyabinsk Metro, as well as road tunnel in Ufa.

However, the year in 2002, building a Mizhhiria revived. It could be concluded at least by the fact that people in the city are back, and in the vicinity Yamantau began actively to catch tourists and send them speaking Russian literature, away from here. Many Interactive conspirators immediately concluded that Putin has chosen a reason Abzakovo ski resort next door to Yamantau although special ski attractions he has never been there.

Reached what was considered the potential capacity of the underground bunker. It turned out that the mountains will suffice to ensure that within six months there could accommodate about 300 people (while remaining in the throes of dying would be a nuclear apocalypse on the surface, I suppose). Anyway, but after 2007, unemployment began Mizhhiria again. The city was deserted. Probably the city-forming underground work has been completed or are frozen again. According to eyewitnesses, the climb to the top Yamantau now only goat paths, bypassing the checkpoint on the slopes. That protected these checkpoints do not know anyone.

Dead Hand

The most inveterate conspirators claim that in Mizhhiria is not just superbunker button or destruction of all but the brain of the "dead hand". In the early 90's in the US wrote that the Soviet Union installed sensors that analyze the background radiation, the presence or absence of the radio and stuff. If signs that all died there, the central computer automatically decides on the return demonstration "kuz'kinu mother." Then he came to the conclusion that such a system is still not possible. Although ...

System "Perimeter»

In 1996, at the height of nuclear disarmament on the program START-1, in the "New York Times" published an article revealing "the construction of an underground nuclear facility" in the bowels of the mountain Yamantau. During the discussion of the nature of this object a Russian "inside source" said that under the main hopper Yamantau build the so-called system of "perimeter" overlapping functions "nuclear briefcase".

This is an automatic missile system, which is able to deliver a massive blow to the attacking side in case of connection failure with the General Staff when the "suitcase" and its owners are likely to be destroyed. And activate the "Perimeter" can not only president of the Russian Federation, but also any person who would be at that moment in the main bunker. Our generals in response to these rumors have announced that are not required to report on Russia's strategic actions to ensure their own safety. However, it is possible that they do them and run - after all, it is much cheaper than building a real object.

9. Ise Jingu

The most sacred place in Japan, where allowed only imperial family. Perhaps this is the least mysterious point in all our hit parade: just the central temple of the country, which currently stands at one and the same place (or almost the same) has been 2000 years. No it does not burn under water, he does not go away, even the icons in it are not streaming myrrh, not cure epilepsy and not fertilize desperate parishioners. However, all this is compensated by the Japanese themselves mystery.

Firstly, the central church of the country they pushed for 300 kilometers from the capital city to a small town (which, by the way, in 2000 years and have not bothered to grow up a little bit of the cultural dimension). Secondly, its main shrine they built unadorned - from simple wooden beams (that these beams stood two millennia, by the way, is also not a miracle: every twenty years, the temple rebuilt in a new location within the fenced area). Thirdly, it is the only temple in the world where, under any circumstances untouched tourists and generally draw leg except the high priest and the people of the imperial blood.

That is, all around the world have long shrines built into the tourism business and in the worst case, sell souvenir relics takeout, and at best - give tours without a permit to photograph (postcard - for a fee at the exit). And then the most that you can count on - photo piece of the roof from behind the fence. It commands respect.

Tourist season

Best time to go look at the edge of the roof of the temple of Ise-Jingu - 2013. It was then held a ceremony transferring the temple, which is held every twenty years, illustrates the impermanence of all things, and is one of the most expensive festivals in Japan.

Made a deal

In Japan, still believed that every citizen is obliged at least once in a lifetime visit to Ise Jingu, (ie availability of external sanctuary, which is located 6 kilometers from the Imperial Inner Temple). However, in the Edo period, the scale of the pilgrimage there was downright nationwide. Some historians explain it very simply, in the neighborhood of Ise Jingu in those days was the country's biggest quarter prostitutes Furuichi. Generally visit Ise Jingu, then was furnished very thoroughly.

Pilgrims greeted special agents who charge a fee for entrance (the price was included sumptuous table and visit ritual dances). The next day, after praying the travelers went to Furuichi, except where brothels and was known to the whole country Kabuki theater. Returning to his native village, tired but satisfied pilgrims naturally recommend to all friends and relatives at least once in life to save money on the "great pilgrimage".

10. Harem oil prince

The palace in which they live girls from all over the world. Officially not suschestvuet.U each little bit of a wealthy man in the Middle East has a harem. So in the eastern half of the women's homes called home, home is not only a wife, but his daughter, and sister, and other hard objects identified in a burqa.

But in truly wealthy men harem can be exactly as you imagined it in their most glowing fantasies. However, to see this splendor neither we nor you, nor to any unauthorized person is not given.

These harems (in the sense of gathering forced women) are now in the Middle East are not legal. Still, it smacks too much of slavery that in the XXI century is unacceptable to the majority of European business partners oil kings. But traditions die very slowly here, and still appear in the Western press chilling stories about naive European and American female student, take a romantic trip to Saudi princes and disappeared forever. Seduced girls allegedly were immediately donated to the elderly uncle who took their documents locked in a guarded palace and began to ruthlessly exploit on all counts. How much truth there, and how anti-Islamic propaganda - it is difficult to say.

On the other hand, the US has recently published a book of a certain actress Gillian Lowrey, visited the harem Brunei prince and, in principle, satisfied that in all respects. In fact, she did not have anything to disclose, but in 1998 the Prince of Brunei Jeffrey Bolkiah was accused of embezzling nearly $ 14 billion from the state treasury (Asian crisis forced Bruneians be scrupulous) and his harem ceased to exist. Thereafter, Gillian considered itself free from obligations.

So, she says, as she was in the harem under contract for six months. Needless institutions are located in the giant marble palace behind a high fence with barbed wire, filled with works of art, with fantastic gardens, on whose territory the forty concubines (actresses, models, television presenters and a beauty) moves on the golf carts. Each of them had his own apartment with a hidden camera, and the owner of the harem could watch any of the girls when he pleases.

Many of the women of the harem has never been put to bed directly to the prince, they were present just for the entourage. It is heated in them the spirit of competition. Because it was nothing else to do but to order the most exotic food (except papaya, who hated the host) and gossiping with each other, the girls wove intricate intrigue in an attempt to capture the attention of his master. Thus the prince could give "taste" any of the concubines to their relatives or business partners, but in itself harem foreign men are not permitted under any circumstances.


If you suddenly unbearably interested garemovedenie recommend to visit Istanbul's Topkapi Palace. For a fee, where you can buy a ticket to the Harem part (visit are not included in most tours) and enjoy even foreign luxury oriental harem, alas, long deprived of its main content.

Import ladies

Love Eastern men to white women - not a modern phenomenon. Even in ancient harems bulk of concubines were not Muslim, but foreigners as formally forbidden Muslim women in captivity (though how Muslim women lived, can hardly be called differently). Thus, the official Muslim wives in the harem, as a rule, was about four, and the extras were purchased and donated inozemki, many of whom, incidentally, were taken from the Russian Caucasus. Circassian are goods of the highest quality.

The End.