14 famous film locations that you can visit in reality
Eighteen million four hundred fifty one thousand seven hundred ninety three
If you want to walk the kingsroad of "Game of thrones" or visit on the planet "Tatooine", it is quite feasible.
Site invites you on a tour of the filming locations of famous movies. Some of them open to the public, and on the other at least one eye Yes it is possible to look.
Alley Dark hedges (The Dark Hedges) "Game of thrones»
Sixty four million seven hundred thirty nine thousand two hundred six
Fifty seven million four hundred ninety one thousand one hundred forty
The dark hedges — perhaps the most beautiful beech Avenue in the world. It is situated in Northern Ireland and is considered one of the most photographed places in the neighbourhood.
In the "Game of thrones" this road was the Royal highway — the main traffic artery of Westeros. You can see it in the 1st and 2nd seasons of the series.
Wadi Rum Desert (Wadi Rum) "Martian»
Sixty one million seven hundred eighty six thousand seven hundred forty eight
Ninety four million thirty nine thousand five hundred two
These alien landscapes filmed in the arid Jordan. By the way, this red desert can also be seen in the films "Star wars", "transformers", "Prometheus".
Hospital Oregon "one flew over the cuckoo's nest»
Eighty million seven hundred fifty seven thousand four hundred eighty two
Forty four million three hundred fifty seven thousand nine hundred fifty eight
The chief physician of hospital of Oregon Brooks Dean (Dean Brooks) has agreed to shoot a film in his clinic. Besides, it was empty the whole Department. Some of his patients took part in the film — Brooks considered that the shooting may have beneficial therapeutic effect. He starred in the role of Dr. Spivey and became a consultant to the picture.
Tataouine (Tataouine) "Star wars»
Fifty one million six hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred forty five
Fifty eight million two hundred forty seven thousand seven hundred ninety five
"Star wars" was shot in several locations in Tunisia. One such place was the city of Tataouine. Thanks to the film of George Lucas Tataouine gained great fame among tourists. By the way, the planet Tatooine, appearing in the film named after the city.
Garlicky Department store in the role of hotel
"Grand Budapest" "The Grand Budapest Hotel»
Sixteen million five hundred forty four thousand four hundred thirty one
Seventy six million seven hundred forty five thousand four hundred thirty nine
The role of the Grand Budapest hotel starred Department of the city of görlitz (Görlitzer Warenhaus), which is located in Germany. In the process of filming the interior Department and all the scenery changed twice since the beginning of the film the action takes place in the 60-ies and only then is transferred to the 30th.
Hotel "Timberline Lodge" (Timberline Lodge) "The Shining»
One million one hundred ninety eight thousand two hundred
Eighty three million one hundred seventy seven thousand five hundred sixty six
As the appearance of the famous hotel the overlook on the panoramic shots filmed hotel "Timberline Lodge" in Oregon. All the interior scenes were filmed in a Studio setting "Elstree-studios" in England, none of which has nothing to do with real internal interior of the hotel.
Gapstow bridge (Gapstow Bridge) "home Alone 2: Lost in new York»
Four million eight hundred forty seven thousand six hundred fifteen
Twenty seven million seven hundred thirty two thousand seven hundred fifty one
This stone bridge is located in Central Park in new York. It is a favorite place for a romantic rendezvous for generations of Americans. The bridge appeared in the films "Cruel intentions," "the Devil wears Prada".
Platform 9 3/4 in the Movies about Harry Potter
Twenty two million nine hundred fifty four thousand eight hundred
Eleven million three hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred fifty four
The magic column in my life looks completely usual. And is she at the railway station king's Cross (King's Cross) in the North-Eastern part of London.
The Island Of Koh Phi Phi "The Beach»
Fifty four million two hundred ten thousand eight hundred forty three
Ninety nine million four hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred sixty seven
The island where the hero Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "the Beach", and in real life looks like Paradise on Earth. Now the island has become one of the most visited places in Thailand, here arranges excursions and surcharge on the island you can even stay the night.
Fire station in new York "Ghostbusters»
Twenty two million eight hundred forty nine thousand one hundred fifteen
Sixty seven million seven hundred eighteen thousand two hundred sixty four
The base plot of Ghostbusters is in an old fire station. The filmmakers found perfect for capturing firehouse building, located on Moore Street (Moore Street) in lower Manhattan. It was here that the Ghostbusters went to the famous car ECTO-1.
The hotel "MARRIOTT" (The Marriott Marquis Hotel) "the Hunger games: catching fire»
Nine million one hundred twenty four thousand eighty two
Eighty five million eight hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred sixty four
Some scenes of the Capitol were filmed at the MARRIOTT hotel, Atlanta. The hotel was chosen because of a huge atrium with glass walls and elevators. Living room tributes filmed on the tenth floor of the same hotel.
Valley Kaawa (Ka'a'awa) "to Stay alive»
Forty six million nine hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred seventy seven
Forty one million seven hundred ten thousand thirty five
The plot of the series, to relieve the islanders of the Blues, good-natured fat man Hurley organized Golf competitions, using as a field a large plain. In fact, the plain is in Hawaii. Now here flaunt a commemorative plaque and the figure of Hurley.
Villa in Woodstock "Groundhog Day»
Eighty eight million two hundred ninety three thousand seven
Fifteen million nine hundred one thousand one hundred ninety eight
The house in which he lived hero bill Murray Comedy "Groundhog Day", is a Victorian Villa located in Woodstock, Illinois. Now it is up for sale. Until recently, the building housed a mini-hotel.
Snæfellsjökull glaciers(Snæfellsjökull) and Vatnajokull(Vatnajökull) "interstellar»
Twenty seven million five hundred seventy one thousand eight hundred one
Seventy five million five hundred twenty six thousand forty six
The landscapes of Iceland became the prototype of the planets Miller and Mann, where he landed the heroes of the "Interstellar". The scene where the crew was saved from the giant waves, appeared in the lagoon Brunander (Brunasandur). And the scene of confrontation between Cooper and Dr. Mann was on the snæfellsjökull glacier.
Photos on the preview AP/FOTOLINK/eastnews,
See also
The traveler found the filming location of famous films, and matched it with footage of them
20 locations from "Game of Thrones" that actually exist
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/20-mest-iz-igry-prestolov-kotorye-suschestvuyut-na-samom-dele-1045610/
If you want to walk the kingsroad of "Game of thrones" or visit on the planet "Tatooine", it is quite feasible.
Site invites you on a tour of the filming locations of famous movies. Some of them open to the public, and on the other at least one eye Yes it is possible to look.
Alley Dark hedges (The Dark Hedges) "Game of thrones»
Sixty four million seven hundred thirty nine thousand two hundred six
Fifty seven million four hundred ninety one thousand one hundred forty
The dark hedges — perhaps the most beautiful beech Avenue in the world. It is situated in Northern Ireland and is considered one of the most photographed places in the neighbourhood.
In the "Game of thrones" this road was the Royal highway — the main traffic artery of Westeros. You can see it in the 1st and 2nd seasons of the series.
Wadi Rum Desert (Wadi Rum) "Martian»
Sixty one million seven hundred eighty six thousand seven hundred forty eight
Ninety four million thirty nine thousand five hundred two
These alien landscapes filmed in the arid Jordan. By the way, this red desert can also be seen in the films "Star wars", "transformers", "Prometheus".
Hospital Oregon "one flew over the cuckoo's nest»
Eighty million seven hundred fifty seven thousand four hundred eighty two
Forty four million three hundred fifty seven thousand nine hundred fifty eight
The chief physician of hospital of Oregon Brooks Dean (Dean Brooks) has agreed to shoot a film in his clinic. Besides, it was empty the whole Department. Some of his patients took part in the film — Brooks considered that the shooting may have beneficial therapeutic effect. He starred in the role of Dr. Spivey and became a consultant to the picture.
Tataouine (Tataouine) "Star wars»
Fifty one million six hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred forty five
Fifty eight million two hundred forty seven thousand seven hundred ninety five
"Star wars" was shot in several locations in Tunisia. One such place was the city of Tataouine. Thanks to the film of George Lucas Tataouine gained great fame among tourists. By the way, the planet Tatooine, appearing in the film named after the city.
Garlicky Department store in the role of hotel
"Grand Budapest" "The Grand Budapest Hotel»
Sixteen million five hundred forty four thousand four hundred thirty one
Seventy six million seven hundred forty five thousand four hundred thirty nine
The role of the Grand Budapest hotel starred Department of the city of görlitz (Görlitzer Warenhaus), which is located in Germany. In the process of filming the interior Department and all the scenery changed twice since the beginning of the film the action takes place in the 60-ies and only then is transferred to the 30th.
Hotel "Timberline Lodge" (Timberline Lodge) "The Shining»
One million one hundred ninety eight thousand two hundred
Eighty three million one hundred seventy seven thousand five hundred sixty six
As the appearance of the famous hotel the overlook on the panoramic shots filmed hotel "Timberline Lodge" in Oregon. All the interior scenes were filmed in a Studio setting "Elstree-studios" in England, none of which has nothing to do with real internal interior of the hotel.
Gapstow bridge (Gapstow Bridge) "home Alone 2: Lost in new York»
Four million eight hundred forty seven thousand six hundred fifteen
Twenty seven million seven hundred thirty two thousand seven hundred fifty one
This stone bridge is located in Central Park in new York. It is a favorite place for a romantic rendezvous for generations of Americans. The bridge appeared in the films "Cruel intentions," "the Devil wears Prada".
Platform 9 3/4 in the Movies about Harry Potter
Twenty two million nine hundred fifty four thousand eight hundred
Eleven million three hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred fifty four
The magic column in my life looks completely usual. And is she at the railway station king's Cross (King's Cross) in the North-Eastern part of London.
The Island Of Koh Phi Phi "The Beach»
Fifty four million two hundred ten thousand eight hundred forty three
Ninety nine million four hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred sixty seven
The island where the hero Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "the Beach", and in real life looks like Paradise on Earth. Now the island has become one of the most visited places in Thailand, here arranges excursions and surcharge on the island you can even stay the night.
Fire station in new York "Ghostbusters»
Twenty two million eight hundred forty nine thousand one hundred fifteen
Sixty seven million seven hundred eighteen thousand two hundred sixty four
The base plot of Ghostbusters is in an old fire station. The filmmakers found perfect for capturing firehouse building, located on Moore Street (Moore Street) in lower Manhattan. It was here that the Ghostbusters went to the famous car ECTO-1.
The hotel "MARRIOTT" (The Marriott Marquis Hotel) "the Hunger games: catching fire»
Nine million one hundred twenty four thousand eighty two
Eighty five million eight hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred sixty four
Some scenes of the Capitol were filmed at the MARRIOTT hotel, Atlanta. The hotel was chosen because of a huge atrium with glass walls and elevators. Living room tributes filmed on the tenth floor of the same hotel.
Valley Kaawa (Ka'a'awa) "to Stay alive»
Forty six million nine hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred seventy seven
Forty one million seven hundred ten thousand thirty five
The plot of the series, to relieve the islanders of the Blues, good-natured fat man Hurley organized Golf competitions, using as a field a large plain. In fact, the plain is in Hawaii. Now here flaunt a commemorative plaque and the figure of Hurley.
Villa in Woodstock "Groundhog Day»
Eighty eight million two hundred ninety three thousand seven
Fifteen million nine hundred one thousand one hundred ninety eight
The house in which he lived hero bill Murray Comedy "Groundhog Day", is a Victorian Villa located in Woodstock, Illinois. Now it is up for sale. Until recently, the building housed a mini-hotel.
Snæfellsjökull glaciers(Snæfellsjökull) and Vatnajokull(Vatnajökull) "interstellar»
Twenty seven million five hundred seventy one thousand eight hundred one
Seventy five million five hundred twenty six thousand forty six
The landscapes of Iceland became the prototype of the planets Miller and Mann, where he landed the heroes of the "Interstellar". The scene where the crew was saved from the giant waves, appeared in the lagoon Brunander (Brunasandur). And the scene of confrontation between Cooper and Dr. Mann was on the snæfellsjökull glacier.
Photos on the preview AP/FOTOLINK/eastnews,
See also
The traveler found the filming location of famous films, and matched it with footage of them
20 locations from "Game of Thrones" that actually exist
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/20-mest-iz-igry-prestolov-kotorye-suschestvuyut-na-samom-dele-1045610/