Yesterday, returning home, came under heavy pouring rain. I got on the bus, under the terrible thunder and continuous flow of water from the sky, reached to stop her and ran under the roof stops, carefully built spёrbankom. Around were the same worn out work and closeness to the people sad and detached individuals. I, in order not to get wet panties and get afloat in the house, asked her husband to pick me up from the bus stop. I stand, waiting for the prince on a white Honda, a woman approached me with the old man and asked him to put the money into the account.
Grandpa: short, skinny old man of 70 years, in an already worn things that matter, like many old people in our country. In the hands holding the phone like "babushkofon" and hands it to me. I picked up the phone, then this dialogue:
Listen ...
-pomogite grandfather put money on a certain phone number ...
Next, I go with her grandfather inside a covered stop, find the machine type 'payment system', asking sot.kompaniyu and specifies the number
How much to deposit?
-5000 Rubles
and then I osinyaet that is a complete divorce.
Turns to his grandfather, I put away the phone away from his ear and interested him what happened. Grandfather starts to tell a very common story:
-pozvonil son said, Dad, I just knocked a man, I need money urgently. Throw urgently on this issue 5000r. Then I explain everything.
I try to explain, just scared and soaking wet grandfather, his attempt to deceive and it rings not the son. And most likely his son is in order about their business. I reset call these bastards in the book and trying to find his son's room. I called his son from his phone, because these motherfuckers, sensing something was wrong bluntly called back without stopping, without giving dial.
In general, son appeared okay (I do not doubt), I gave the phone to his father that he has calmed down, and heard his son.
I see, like, my grandfather's face was less frightened.
Drove my husband, grandfather planted in the car and we drove home.
Lives grandfather, relative, not far away, but let me remind the street was a terrible downpour and pass it on foot, in search of "bills", accounted for about quarter. And all this time these bitches he called and persuaded.
In the rest of the evening my mood was spoiled because of this case ... It's a shame it was that innocent people are bred for money in such a vile way and that, basically, they get their money and go unpunished.
Epilogue. With all my heart I wish to stay in this razvodily life without children and grandchildren to an advanced age, even you had no one to take him to a nursing home and had to spit on you social services.
py.sy. Call your parents, just like that;) and the world to you!
Grandpa: short, skinny old man of 70 years, in an already worn things that matter, like many old people in our country. In the hands holding the phone like "babushkofon" and hands it to me. I picked up the phone, then this dialogue:
Listen ...
-pomogite grandfather put money on a certain phone number ...
Next, I go with her grandfather inside a covered stop, find the machine type 'payment system', asking sot.kompaniyu and specifies the number
How much to deposit?
-5000 Rubles
and then I osinyaet that is a complete divorce.
Turns to his grandfather, I put away the phone away from his ear and interested him what happened. Grandfather starts to tell a very common story:
-pozvonil son said, Dad, I just knocked a man, I need money urgently. Throw urgently on this issue 5000r. Then I explain everything.
I try to explain, just scared and soaking wet grandfather, his attempt to deceive and it rings not the son. And most likely his son is in order about their business. I reset call these bastards in the book and trying to find his son's room. I called his son from his phone, because these motherfuckers, sensing something was wrong bluntly called back without stopping, without giving dial.
In general, son appeared okay (I do not doubt), I gave the phone to his father that he has calmed down, and heard his son.
I see, like, my grandfather's face was less frightened.
Drove my husband, grandfather planted in the car and we drove home.
Lives grandfather, relative, not far away, but let me remind the street was a terrible downpour and pass it on foot, in search of "bills", accounted for about quarter. And all this time these bitches he called and persuaded.
In the rest of the evening my mood was spoiled because of this case ... It's a shame it was that innocent people are bred for money in such a vile way and that, basically, they get their money and go unpunished.
Epilogue. With all my heart I wish to stay in this razvodily life without children and grandchildren to an advanced age, even you had no one to take him to a nursing home and had to spit on you social services.
py.sy. Call your parents, just like that;) and the world to you!