Conflict of interest: house demolition
A few years of life, in conditions which many called inhuman, endless construction site outside, exhausting war with bureaucrats and total uncertainty in the future - so you can briefly describe the situation in which were "condemned to demolition," the inhabitants of the Polesie Street in Minsk. Having bought half of the house in 1990, Anatoly Demchin could not imagine that 20 years later he informed that his "family nest", which invested so much time and effort, razed to the ground.
Another five or ten years ago, the street Polissya, located a few hundred meters from the seafront Svislochi on one side and next to the Mayakovsky Street, on the other, could be considered one of the most attractive places for the construction of houses in the capital. A quiet private sector far from the city center, next to the pond, park - grace. In fact, here a little and began to appear respectable homes, replacing a log "Shanghai" old building. However, a few years ago holding "Lada-OMC Engineering" concluded with the Minsk City Executive Committee an investment agreement according to which the private sector on the street Polesskaya is to be demolished, and in its place will house residential complex "Cherven Park" was referred to as "elitist».
Residents of the private sector have received notification that their homes will be demolished. Someone took it quite calmly, but for some of the news was a real tragedy. We will tell the story of Anatoly Demchina, prescribed at Woodland, 50-1.
- In 1990, I bought here a half stone house, - says Anatoly. - Actually, not at home, and the "box", were available only bare walls. Our family - four: myself, my wife and son and daughter. We had to think about the future. Two years of his life laid out to bring the "family nest" to mind. After I received permission to build a garage. Almost all the work is done with their own hands, they benefit from the right place to grow, while the others were drinking and playing at the casino.
The cottage in which he lives, Anatoly, is designed for two families. Each - a separate entrance to the house, private courtyard, in fact, only one common wall separating the large building exactly in half.
The owner arranges a tour of the infield. It shows garage, small patio, proudly displays decorative elements that adorn the building, recalls: "In the summer we have been here all the grace, peace, roses bloom around." Now an idyllic little that reminds the background vengeance boils building, our movements and gestures with interest from the crane cab.
- When buying this house, warmed the idea that the earth is in a life-inheritable possession, it was the most important thing - sighs Anatoly. - As it turned out, is not "life" and certainly not "heritability».
The owner invited us into the house, coffee treats, takes several folders with documents and starts a little confused and emotional story about the trouble.
- 29 October 2010, we received notification that our house is to be demolished. Initially, of course, hoped to defend his property, but soon realized that it was useless. And living here became every day more unbearable: the roar of construction directly behind the wall, constant stress ... We started to prepare for eviction.
The notice was written that "while the owner is entitled to carry out the state registration of previously registered objects of real estate." Two ways to understand it does not - have a right to. Accordingly, we have attempted to legalize the attic, which we had not registered, but did not go beyond building standards and technical specifications. That just does not come up with the officials to prevent us to register an additional living space! As a result, and was not given. So instead of 200 square meters of living space, which, as we believe we have, we counted only 160 "squares". Meanwhile, I know for certain that a similar situation arose in the Frunze district of Minsk, where the house was estimated about our footage and even a similar design. The attic floor has been counted as living area.
As a result, according to Anatoly Demchina, he and his family have offered compensation equivalent to $ 310 thousand. Almost the same number of proposed and neighbors. The landlord is sure that this amount does not hold up to half of the real cost of the cottage.
- In the surrounding multi-storey building under construction, where the developer is selling one-bedroom apartments for 70-74 "square" without finishing at $ 1,800 per square meter - he gives an example. - By simple calculations we find that, so our house - fully secured its communications, with good self-heating, excellent finishes, capital garage and landscaped area - estimated at less than two and a half bedroom apartment. You could equate the fact that we have built here, and two and a half apartment? To me as an economist by training such math seems absurd.
Most resent the fact that the law we can not contact anywhere. Any other assessments and other opinions are not taken into account. In the end, we refused to sign the treaty and now are waiting for the case to the court. We hope to continue to defend their rights there.
The law clearly states: "to make compensation for damages." And what can be regarded as a loss? For example, where we Denham bought this house a bath, kitchen, custom-made specifically for this plan, what to do with the heating system, which has spent a lot of money, who will return to us the cost of materials, stone fence and major garage?
I turned to the experts and asked to calculate the cost spent by me in my time of construction works. As a result, only the purchase and installation of the heating system is estimated at 301 million rubles gosrastsenkah on June 1, 2013 (in particular, the manufacturer of the boiler, which I heat the house, said that the boiler with the same characteristics they have now is worth more than 76 million ). Go ahead: the fence of gosrastsenkam would cost 34 million rubles, garage - in 987 million. The preparation of the calculation I tried to go down the same path cost calculation on which there is currently any developer to form the price of their apartments to prospective buyers only, unlike him, he did not add profit. To take into account everything: the cost of materials and construction, the use of technology, and so on - and, again, on gosrastsenkam. The result was the equivalent of $ 750 thousand. I think that this is true: getting my land, the developer makes money and has to cover my expenses. Why only I am frank loss?
Anatoly Demchin concludes his story:
- My wife and I have 50, daughter 25, son of 27. The house was built for the children, for the future. I can hardly imagine their future plans. This construction has destroyed the life of our family, ruined everything, what we were their most productive years. I foresee that many readers will say, "and rightly so Bourget". However, I want to note: the law, I have never broken, just made itself, and literally - has made this house with his own hands. Now, most likely, with the children, we have to pass one another. Not because we wanted to age. Of course, our little tragedy - nothing compared to the fact that hundreds of people get luxury housing near the center of the city. However, in such a situation can be absolutely any owner of a private house in the country.
Source: realt.onliner.by

Another five or ten years ago, the street Polissya, located a few hundred meters from the seafront Svislochi on one side and next to the Mayakovsky Street, on the other, could be considered one of the most attractive places for the construction of houses in the capital. A quiet private sector far from the city center, next to the pond, park - grace. In fact, here a little and began to appear respectable homes, replacing a log "Shanghai" old building. However, a few years ago holding "Lada-OMC Engineering" concluded with the Minsk City Executive Committee an investment agreement according to which the private sector on the street Polesskaya is to be demolished, and in its place will house residential complex "Cherven Park" was referred to as "elitist».

Residents of the private sector have received notification that their homes will be demolished. Someone took it quite calmly, but for some of the news was a real tragedy. We will tell the story of Anatoly Demchina, prescribed at Woodland, 50-1.
- In 1990, I bought here a half stone house, - says Anatoly. - Actually, not at home, and the "box", were available only bare walls. Our family - four: myself, my wife and son and daughter. We had to think about the future. Two years of his life laid out to bring the "family nest" to mind. After I received permission to build a garage. Almost all the work is done with their own hands, they benefit from the right place to grow, while the others were drinking and playing at the casino.
The cottage in which he lives, Anatoly, is designed for two families. Each - a separate entrance to the house, private courtyard, in fact, only one common wall separating the large building exactly in half.

The owner arranges a tour of the infield. It shows garage, small patio, proudly displays decorative elements that adorn the building, recalls: "In the summer we have been here all the grace, peace, roses bloom around." Now an idyllic little that reminds the background vengeance boils building, our movements and gestures with interest from the crane cab.

- When buying this house, warmed the idea that the earth is in a life-inheritable possession, it was the most important thing - sighs Anatoly. - As it turned out, is not "life" and certainly not "heritability».
The owner invited us into the house, coffee treats, takes several folders with documents and starts a little confused and emotional story about the trouble.
- 29 October 2010, we received notification that our house is to be demolished. Initially, of course, hoped to defend his property, but soon realized that it was useless. And living here became every day more unbearable: the roar of construction directly behind the wall, constant stress ... We started to prepare for eviction.

The notice was written that "while the owner is entitled to carry out the state registration of previously registered objects of real estate." Two ways to understand it does not - have a right to. Accordingly, we have attempted to legalize the attic, which we had not registered, but did not go beyond building standards and technical specifications. That just does not come up with the officials to prevent us to register an additional living space! As a result, and was not given. So instead of 200 square meters of living space, which, as we believe we have, we counted only 160 "squares". Meanwhile, I know for certain that a similar situation arose in the Frunze district of Minsk, where the house was estimated about our footage and even a similar design. The attic floor has been counted as living area.
As a result, according to Anatoly Demchina, he and his family have offered compensation equivalent to $ 310 thousand. Almost the same number of proposed and neighbors. The landlord is sure that this amount does not hold up to half of the real cost of the cottage.
- In the surrounding multi-storey building under construction, where the developer is selling one-bedroom apartments for 70-74 "square" without finishing at $ 1,800 per square meter - he gives an example. - By simple calculations we find that, so our house - fully secured its communications, with good self-heating, excellent finishes, capital garage and landscaped area - estimated at less than two and a half bedroom apartment. You could equate the fact that we have built here, and two and a half apartment? To me as an economist by training such math seems absurd.

Most resent the fact that the law we can not contact anywhere. Any other assessments and other opinions are not taken into account. In the end, we refused to sign the treaty and now are waiting for the case to the court. We hope to continue to defend their rights there.
The law clearly states: "to make compensation for damages." And what can be regarded as a loss? For example, where we Denham bought this house a bath, kitchen, custom-made specifically for this plan, what to do with the heating system, which has spent a lot of money, who will return to us the cost of materials, stone fence and major garage?

I turned to the experts and asked to calculate the cost spent by me in my time of construction works. As a result, only the purchase and installation of the heating system is estimated at 301 million rubles gosrastsenkah on June 1, 2013 (in particular, the manufacturer of the boiler, which I heat the house, said that the boiler with the same characteristics they have now is worth more than 76 million ). Go ahead: the fence of gosrastsenkam would cost 34 million rubles, garage - in 987 million. The preparation of the calculation I tried to go down the same path cost calculation on which there is currently any developer to form the price of their apartments to prospective buyers only, unlike him, he did not add profit. To take into account everything: the cost of materials and construction, the use of technology, and so on - and, again, on gosrastsenkam. The result was the equivalent of $ 750 thousand. I think that this is true: getting my land, the developer makes money and has to cover my expenses. Why only I am frank loss?

Anatoly Demchin concludes his story:
- My wife and I have 50, daughter 25, son of 27. The house was built for the children, for the future. I can hardly imagine their future plans. This construction has destroyed the life of our family, ruined everything, what we were their most productive years. I foresee that many readers will say, "and rightly so Bourget". However, I want to note: the law, I have never broken, just made itself, and literally - has made this house with his own hands. Now, most likely, with the children, we have to pass one another. Not because we wanted to age. Of course, our little tragedy - nothing compared to the fact that hundreds of people get luxury housing near the center of the city. However, in such a situation can be absolutely any owner of a private house in the country.
Source: realt.onliner.by