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Born in 70-80s

warning screams .. "accordion" and "spizhzheno" reports in nature for a long time accordion and stripped voffka.com, and from whom he took no idea and no interest

You come from 70-80s, IF:

Until now you flinch when someone close to utter high-pitched voice: "On the air - Pioneer Dawn!».
You already "get" a duet Vinokur-Leshchenko.
The girls in your class constantly sang:
"Marie-and-and-and-I-Mirabeau-ee-l-l-ah-ah-ah-ah ...»
You've seen the portraits of Gorbachev's no birthmark.
Do you remember the nearly bald Kobzon.
Have you heard the genius of the song Rosenbaum.
At the word "sport" - you remember the tears Irina Rodnina.
And the word "football" - Oleg Blokhin.
Adriano - the best Italian singer.

Strangely, the second in the "Modern Talking" - the same man, with such a hair and voice.
Do you remember Michael Jackson still black. "McDonald's" for you - the name of the fabulous restaurants.
You have not forgotten who the BG
The first association to the word "Again ..." - "twenty-five!»
Are you sure that the best team in Europe - is "ABBA" and America - "VoneuM».
At the words, "The Gulag Archipelago" - you will automatically answer, "The Gulag Archipelago!».
From the first bars of the song "Soar, bonfires," your hand is trying to correct assembly of pioneer tie.
How long have you counted how much you turn in 2000 - and not
We are hoping to reach this advanced age.
Parents are called to the school for what you played right in front of the teacher's wrappers.
It turns out, except for "SONY" and "Ranasonis" there is still a lot of good
tape recorders.

You remember that to change the channel - in zapadlo, because it is necessary vylazit from under a warm blanket.
Do you sincerely believe that the best "Blue Bird" Makarevich wrote nothing.
Three hundred varieties of sausage and one hundred and eight of cheese - it's just not clear.
At the word "Raikin" you remember all three of them - and the father and son, and husband.
You brought up the parents frenzy chanting loudly
"It's time, it's time to rejoice, recent findings on the century!". (or at least "a dream and we do not roar Baikonur ...»),
You are on hand copied the text of the song "Wings of Swing" and were convinced that Ressi - a breed of dog.
The best films - a "Pirates of the twentieth century" and "The area of ​​special attention».
Does your mom still kept the Polish fashion magazines.
Universal dislike the subject called "majors».
Do you firmly know that the two best varieties of ice cream - a fruit and berry 7 kopecks. and waffle cup cream over 21.
And your girlfriend like creme brulee and chocolate 15 20, and still "Borodino" cylinders in soy coffee glaze over 23. But Gourmand cost 28.
Have you been on the subway in the summer of the 80th to hear both names announce stops in English.
Thug - is the one who has regard, not the one who with Fink.
Once the cinema to the matinee, you automatically remember Andropov.
Do you understand the hidden meaning of the slogan "Us not obegorit, we did not
podkuzmit ».
You first read Bulgakov in photocopied form, and ENU - in samizdat.
Most banned a film - is "Emmanuel". There is! ..
Karate - it was very cool ... You knew a friend of a friend who had a friend of a friend secret knowledge, smashing bricks with their bare hands and was able to fill up six. Then they put him.
At times on Sunday, you subconsciously expect that the TV show "In a Fairy Tale" with good aunt Valya.
You are able to recall the names of the dispute at least five pioneers-heroes: Vladimir Dubinin, Valery Volkov, Kohl Myagotin Marat Kazei, Lenya Golikov, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnov, Hina Kukoverova ...
The motto of your class in the pioneering squad named Caesar Kunikova your school was: "Hi step back for a minute on the site, but only forward and only together!».
At the sound of the song "Lost dog named Pal" you vlazhneyut eyes.
Until now, the best brew for you - one that is out of the barrel on wheels, small - 3 kopecks., Large - 6.
Georgian tea - is sawdust. Everyone tried to get Indian "with an elephant».
Hashi hockey has always won!
Do you remember the death of Vladimir Vysotsky ...
The words "Maurice Druon" and "waste paper" for you inexplicably linked.
Your first unrequited love - Hatasha Gusev, "mielofon» ...
Pizza - food of the gods.
You guys are understood why some shot down the plane in 1983, but knew exactly what slander States.
Deodorant - is two bottles of Bulgarian "Jasmine" after three hours queue.
The dollar - it's such a piece of paper, for which can put you believe that "fantasy" - is Strugatsky brothers.
But when Dean Reed was lost you somehow felt sad ...
You close and clear the word "deficit" - and not just about money.
Two tunes you cause iron association: "Skylark" Paul Mauriat and "Manchester and Liverpool" Marie Laforêt - is "in the world of animals" and the weather forecast in the "Time».
Do you remember a subway station - "Lenin Hills" and the largest near the escalator.
You know that the country has a very small magazine: "Fun", a magazine for young "Murzilka" and two magazines for almost great "Pioneer" and "Bonfire».
You know that Hamibiya - a territory occupied by South Africa, where apartheid and Mandela.
You know the phrase "elements of the cult of personality," "violations of socialist legality," "elements of voluntarism and subjectivism».
You know that mangled the English words that are used youth - "Shuz", "drive" - ​​is a serious problem, which is discussed in youth magazines.
You know who the Nazis in the film Romm's "Ordinary Fascism" and the TV series "Seventeen INSTANT Spring", "The rate of larger than life" and, for some reason, "Four tanker and a dog," even though there is nothing actually about Nazis .
Hashi drinks - Fanta is, Tarragon and Baikal, and "Coca-Cola" - prohibited drink.
Consumer goods produced in India, in the movies, and dry goods.
You often come to tobacconists - buy gift boxes of matches. There were space, World War II, City of Heroes, and similar delights.
The word "order" is first of all to "for an apartment».
You danced in the pioneer camp for "bird of happiness for tomorrow,
flying wings flew ringing ... "(but still you liked" Ottavan »)
The ham is round, ours and in large cans (delicious).
You have heard a lot about the game "Summer lightning", saw the reports, and even struck up a movie about kids. And then themselves participated in it.
Do you secretly wanted to go in "Artek", but went there only round honors.
For you to understand the word of political information.
In inostratsev walking in Kolomna do not take any sweets or zhuvachek.
They say one boy and ate poisoned.
In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky ALWAYS midnight.
Your zazhevyval tape cassette. Oh, it was a "302-Electronics» ...
When the phrase "a necklace of toilet paper," you is not funny.
Not something that you shocked film "Intergirl" ... but this had not shown openly.
Ha "Little Vera" you went 8 times.
You do not even envied Sienkiewicz - knowing that this travel you will not succeed.
You could easily continue the line "Oh how wonderful discoveries we ..." - thanks to Kapitza and his transfer.
Ha 10 cents could bungle yourself fucking sweet drinks - 3 t-cup, one that pops to 3 kopecks. and 1 penny pour without syrup.
You a bit annoyed that the application to 'The young Technique "was only by subscription.
Color TV was cool. A VCR - steeper than nowhere.
At least one of your classmates was a metalworker, and the other - breaker.
Most of all you do not want to meet with Lubero. They were terrible people, although a few of them met in reality.
The program Musical Ring with Grebenshchikov was a highlight of the year for you.
There are only two bikes: Kama and gums. Eaglet worthless.
What to do with food? That's right, they "threw". Clearly that is not in the trash.
You still do not perceive both Tallinn and Riga abroad.
In the New Year's Eve you courageously fought with a dream to look at 3 "foreign music": the GDR television, Maryla Rodowicz, Karel Gott and Italians.
Do you remember the three types of hairstyles: zero - 10 kopecks., A Canadian - to 40 kopecks., Model - 1 R.20 cop.
Have you ever went to visit "on the VCR».
Sprat - a delicacy.
Fiction - a library of 30 volumes.
Rasputin - a hero of the underground song "Boney M».
You remember that for some reason, wanted to get Pikul.
You have not seen alive kiwi, avocado, mango, coconut and others, have been largely disappointing rare.
Vitamins in the winter - a compote: Grandma and Hungarian "Hungarofrukt».
In Afghanistan, our soldiers-internationalists fighting the mujaheds of Babrak Karmal and spooks incite the US imperialists enclose bombs on the streets of children's toys.
Somewhere build the BAM, punching the tunnels in the mountain ranges.
You remember that the parents take turns to some "wall».
Ha winter vacation you went the whole class in Leningrad (var. - Moscow).
The word "Alarm" you have not been associated with an electronic toy from Siemens, but with Hadezhdoy Rumyantseva.
Religious cartoons - it's "Captain Vrungel" and "Treasure Island
The portfolio of "diplomacy," Oh, that's very fashionable.
Parents strictly forbade you to drink soda from a machine near the subway, because public glasses transmit syphilis!
Buy Bulgarian double album "The Beatles" You seemed unreal - in stores, it cost 4 rubles but his bold speculators and sold under the counter for 25.
Soviet chewing gum - orange, such thin plates, to be honest did not go to any comparison with overseas.
You went to the Palace of Pioneers classes International Friendship Club.
Ha review of the song you sang "Buchenwald alarm": "... it is hardened and strengthened in our heart and blood ... fiery rose and rose and rose again! & Quot;
Ah, how do you like the movie "You can not dream» ...
So someone who, but you do not need to explain who the Avdotia Hikitishna and Veronica Mavrikievny.
And you were stickers. And decals, oval, GDRovskie, women, Mickey Mouse and others. They were placed everywhere, mirrors, guitars ...
Sneakers "Soviet adidas' - it's cool. They were almost to the fancy dress.
You dragged from the series "Lassie" and all classroom dreamed about a dog Collie.
No sex in the USSR!
You are the fastest in the class were able to collect the Rubik's cube! Then he
broke ...
You were in the courtyard building. Your parents and yard older children say that Construction was there before you were born. She stayed there, and when you grew up, went
Always sound the phrase "Hands off Hikaragua!»
Oh, what wonderful cartoons were fraternal socialist countries.
Rex Mole with Bolek and Lelek, Maxi-dog Fix Pishpunta and Gayaska and cat Strakoš. And of course with Krzhemileka Vahmurkoy!