The fate of a person is formed at the same moment, at the moment of birth. Determine which planet is the godfather...
Since ancient times, it has been noted that people born on the same day, but at different times, can differ significantly from each other in character and style of behavior. Why is this happening?
Changing each other, the Sun and the planets tirelessly move through the celestial sphere. Dominance of a planet at the time of birth imposes a unique imprint on a person, determines his skills, character and all subsequent fate.
Our forefathers knew about this connection. That is why in explanatory dictionaries you can find two meanings of the word "planid": planet and fate, share, fate.
Numerologists divide the day into periods equal to two hours, and it is in such intervals that a particular planet has a special effect on the character of the born. If you know birth-timeThen you can open a new page in knowing yourself by determining which of the planets you are.
Horoscope by time of birth
The activity of people born under the sign of Mars always has a goal, despite the difficulties. Directness often interferes with their personal relationships because the people of Mars are used to telling the whole truth to their faces.
6:00 to 7:59 Neptune time
Neptune (Neptunus) - in Roman mythology, the god of seas and streams. One of the oldest Roman gods. Neptune in astrology is the planet of mysticism, fantasies, illusions, sensations, compassion, subtle psychological sensitivity and receptivity. To live by the dictates of the heart is one of the main mottos of people born under the sign of Neptune. It is impossible to calculate their actions logically. Inside, they are mysterious and mysterious. For them, the spiritual components of the personality in other people are important. They are not interested in the material benefits of this world.
8:00 to 9:59 Uranus time
Uranus is the supreme deity of ancient Greek mythology. Uranus was the lord of heaven and the progenitor of the Greek gods. In astrology, Uranus is considered the planet of the future, associated with modern science, inventions, electricity. It is a planet of sudden upheavals and rapid, unexpected events. Her sphere of influence is everything new, original, unusual. The people of Uranus are naturally sociable. They do not tolerate loneliness, have a large number of friends and acquaintances with whom they enjoy spending time. They tend to be straightforward in communication. They like to help people, even if the person they do not know well and not the fact that it will be possible to get a return service or help from him.
From 10:00 to 11:59 Saturn time
Saturn (Saturnus) is one of the most ancient Roman gods, he was worshipped as the patron of crops and believed that Saturn partly ruled over the kingdom of the dead. The planet Saturn in astrological science is responsible for the formation of a person’s own system of values and assessments of the surrounding world. Those born under the sign of Saturn are careerists. They have a natural desire to be leaders. They listen to him and they fear him. Their personal life can suffer because they devote all their free time to their careers.
From 12:00 to 13:59 time of Jupiter
Jupiter (Iupiter) - in ancient Roman mythology, the god of the sky, daylight, thunderstorms, the father of the gods, the supreme deity of the Romans. In astrology, Jupiter is responsible for the social connections of a person, his self-affirmation in society. Gives a person a sense of completeness of being, the desire for expansion, expansion of their capabilities. The childhood and youth of the people of Jupiter takes place in entertainment, they do not have a craving for knowledge. The Troika chronically settled among the bulk of their grades at school. These people are not leaders in the crowd. The thirst for new knowledge comes much later and manifests itself very strongly. Sitting in one place is not a favorite activity for such people. To travel, to see the world in all its manifestations, that is what they like.
From 14:00 to 15:59 Pluto time
In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, Pluto is one of the names of the god of the underworld and death. Pluto is a controversial figure in astrology. On the one hand, it provides huge opportunities, a qualitatively new standard of living. On the other hand, Pluto in the horoscope means painful change, loss and destruction. Those born in this time period have an innate gift of persuasion. To their goal, they move steadily and systematically. Their charisma is harmonious and very natural. Pluto, among other things, gives such people an appearance, which is usually not indifferent to the opposite sex.
From 16:00 to 17:59 time Venus
Evening Venus gives those born under her sign sensitivity, softness and a sense of tact. These people are able to smooth out the sharp corners of any conflict situations, are romantic and inclined to idealism in everything. The main goal of their lives, they often choose the desire to find true love, but along the way they are waiting for frequent disappointments and broken about the harsh reality of romantic ideals.
From 18:00 to 19:59 time Mercury
Evening Mercury gives people born under its influence perseverance. They are ready to go to the end, no matter what. However, the extremes that people of Mercury are willing to go to often prevent them from simply enjoying life. They often tend to solve problems of their acquaintances, forgetting about their own priorities and personal life.
DepositPhotos From 20:00 to 21:59 Sun time
The sun in astrology is one of the most important indicators of the horoscope. It symbolizes the personality of a person, self-awareness, individuality. The sun is brightest in the sign of Leo, where it is located in the monastery. The hot sun makes people born under this sign passionate and loving. They are prone to star disease, try to stand out from the crowd and attract maximum attention to themselves. The Sun People are natural born actors and life leaders. Such individuals enjoy praise and even outright flattery.
From 22:00 to 23:59 time of the moon
The moon in astrology symbolizes the female passive principle, is associated with the human soul, shows the subconscious desires and aspirations of the individual. The most significant position of the moon in the birth horoscope is for women. This planet gives the desire to create a family, the love of housekeeping, the manifestation of the maternal instinct. The people of the moon are mysterious. They are people of subtle mental organization, they have a highly developed intuition. Helping others, they expect to be grateful and supportive. This is a rare group of people who know exactly what they want.
Now you know what the print is. birth-time It affects his entire subsequent life. Perhaps this will help you understand the intricacies of your own character or establish more harmonious relationships with loved ones.
Previously "Site" I have already introduced my readers to the most accurate horoscope for this year. Take a look at what love adventures, career ups and fateful changes have prepared the planets for your zodiac sign in 2018.
It will also be useful to know which 5 zodiac signs in 2018 will definitely come financial success. Rich people are not born, they become. Share information with your friends and let the planets give you luck and well-being!

Changing each other, the Sun and the planets tirelessly move through the celestial sphere. Dominance of a planet at the time of birth imposes a unique imprint on a person, determines his skills, character and all subsequent fate.

Our forefathers knew about this connection. That is why in explanatory dictionaries you can find two meanings of the word "planid": planet and fate, share, fate.

Numerologists divide the day into periods equal to two hours, and it is in such intervals that a particular planet has a special effect on the character of the born. If you know birth-timeThen you can open a new page in knowing yourself by determining which of the planets you are.
Horoscope by time of birth
- From 00:00 to 1:59 time Mercury
Mercury (Mercurius) - in Roman mythology, the patron of trade and thieves, the son of the god of the sky Jupiter. After the name of the fast-legged god, the Romans named the first from the Sun and the smallest planet of the solar system Mercury, since it moves through the sky faster than other planets.
In astrology, Mercury is considered a planet of mental activity, communication, intellectual energy. Mercury also patronizes the voice, people with a pronounced influence of Mercury perfectly perform in front of the audience, sing and dance.
The people of Mercury’s time are easily trained and enjoy the process. Thinking in people with a pronounced Mercury is fast, by nature they are mobile, cannot sit in one place for a long time, they know how to easily negotiate, they know how to find an approach to people.
DepositPhotos - From 2:00 to 3:59 time Venus
Venus is in Roman mythology the goddess of beauty, carnal love, desire, fertility and prosperity. In astrology, Venus is considered the planet that controls the aesthetic taste of people. It is responsible for the feeling of beauty in a person, the love of beautiful things.
The people of Venus are hardworking, in a good sense of the word. With the help of their hard work, they are able to realize their most daring ideas and are ready to sacrifice a lot for this. Including your own health.
Their disadvantage is the lack of flexibility in communicating with other people. They do not recognize the position of the opponent, despite the obviousness of the arguments. They tend to dominate life and work. But they're right! Loyal to family, work, homeland in every sense of the word.
DepositPhotos - 4:00 to 5:59 Mars time
Mars is the Roman god of war and patron of Roman power. Son of Jupiter and Juno. In astrology, Mars is associated with the male active principle. He is responsible for the manifestation of the will of a person, the desire to fight, the desire to win.
The activity of people born under the sign of Mars always has a goal, despite the difficulties. Directness often interferes with their personal relationships because the people of Mars are used to telling the whole truth to their faces.

6:00 to 7:59 Neptune time
Neptune (Neptunus) - in Roman mythology, the god of seas and streams. One of the oldest Roman gods. Neptune in astrology is the planet of mysticism, fantasies, illusions, sensations, compassion, subtle psychological sensitivity and receptivity. To live by the dictates of the heart is one of the main mottos of people born under the sign of Neptune. It is impossible to calculate their actions logically. Inside, they are mysterious and mysterious. For them, the spiritual components of the personality in other people are important. They are not interested in the material benefits of this world.

8:00 to 9:59 Uranus time
Uranus is the supreme deity of ancient Greek mythology. Uranus was the lord of heaven and the progenitor of the Greek gods. In astrology, Uranus is considered the planet of the future, associated with modern science, inventions, electricity. It is a planet of sudden upheavals and rapid, unexpected events. Her sphere of influence is everything new, original, unusual. The people of Uranus are naturally sociable. They do not tolerate loneliness, have a large number of friends and acquaintances with whom they enjoy spending time. They tend to be straightforward in communication. They like to help people, even if the person they do not know well and not the fact that it will be possible to get a return service or help from him.

From 10:00 to 11:59 Saturn time
Saturn (Saturnus) is one of the most ancient Roman gods, he was worshipped as the patron of crops and believed that Saturn partly ruled over the kingdom of the dead. The planet Saturn in astrological science is responsible for the formation of a person’s own system of values and assessments of the surrounding world. Those born under the sign of Saturn are careerists. They have a natural desire to be leaders. They listen to him and they fear him. Their personal life can suffer because they devote all their free time to their careers.

From 12:00 to 13:59 time of Jupiter
Jupiter (Iupiter) - in ancient Roman mythology, the god of the sky, daylight, thunderstorms, the father of the gods, the supreme deity of the Romans. In astrology, Jupiter is responsible for the social connections of a person, his self-affirmation in society. Gives a person a sense of completeness of being, the desire for expansion, expansion of their capabilities. The childhood and youth of the people of Jupiter takes place in entertainment, they do not have a craving for knowledge. The Troika chronically settled among the bulk of their grades at school. These people are not leaders in the crowd. The thirst for new knowledge comes much later and manifests itself very strongly. Sitting in one place is not a favorite activity for such people. To travel, to see the world in all its manifestations, that is what they like.

From 14:00 to 15:59 Pluto time
In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, Pluto is one of the names of the god of the underworld and death. Pluto is a controversial figure in astrology. On the one hand, it provides huge opportunities, a qualitatively new standard of living. On the other hand, Pluto in the horoscope means painful change, loss and destruction. Those born in this time period have an innate gift of persuasion. To their goal, they move steadily and systematically. Their charisma is harmonious and very natural. Pluto, among other things, gives such people an appearance, which is usually not indifferent to the opposite sex.

From 16:00 to 17:59 time Venus
Evening Venus gives those born under her sign sensitivity, softness and a sense of tact. These people are able to smooth out the sharp corners of any conflict situations, are romantic and inclined to idealism in everything. The main goal of their lives, they often choose the desire to find true love, but along the way they are waiting for frequent disappointments and broken about the harsh reality of romantic ideals.

From 18:00 to 19:59 time Mercury
Evening Mercury gives people born under its influence perseverance. They are ready to go to the end, no matter what. However, the extremes that people of Mercury are willing to go to often prevent them from simply enjoying life. They often tend to solve problems of their acquaintances, forgetting about their own priorities and personal life.

DepositPhotos From 20:00 to 21:59 Sun time
The sun in astrology is one of the most important indicators of the horoscope. It symbolizes the personality of a person, self-awareness, individuality. The sun is brightest in the sign of Leo, where it is located in the monastery. The hot sun makes people born under this sign passionate and loving. They are prone to star disease, try to stand out from the crowd and attract maximum attention to themselves. The Sun People are natural born actors and life leaders. Such individuals enjoy praise and even outright flattery.

From 22:00 to 23:59 time of the moon
The moon in astrology symbolizes the female passive principle, is associated with the human soul, shows the subconscious desires and aspirations of the individual. The most significant position of the moon in the birth horoscope is for women. This planet gives the desire to create a family, the love of housekeeping, the manifestation of the maternal instinct. The people of the moon are mysterious. They are people of subtle mental organization, they have a highly developed intuition. Helping others, they expect to be grateful and supportive. This is a rare group of people who know exactly what they want.

Now you know what the print is. birth-time It affects his entire subsequent life. Perhaps this will help you understand the intricacies of your own character or establish more harmonious relationships with loved ones.
Previously "Site" I have already introduced my readers to the most accurate horoscope for this year. Take a look at what love adventures, career ups and fateful changes have prepared the planets for your zodiac sign in 2018.
It will also be useful to know which 5 zodiac signs in 2018 will definitely come financial success. Rich people are not born, they become. Share information with your friends and let the planets give you luck and well-being!
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