Healthy and strong teeth!
Natural Toothpaste do it yourself!
To have strong teeth, you must follow some recommendations:
1. Rinse with water or brush your teeth after every meal.
2. The diet must be present in sufficient quantity products containing essential for healthy teeth vitamins and minerals - calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D (apricots, sesame seeds, legumes, wheat germ, apples, peas, sea kale, cucumbers, all kinds of cabbage, celery, potatoes, currants, grapes, gooseberries, carrots, cherries, peaches, pineapple, greens, dandelion, nettle, nuts, bran, etc., and preferably not in boiled form, and cheese, pristine!
3. The standard recommendation - you need to brush your teeth thoroughly, 2 times a day or more, for at least 3 minutes.
4. Try not to use regular toothpaste napichkanymi chemistry and bringing the teeth not only benefit much harm. Look for organic toothpaste or powder, and can themselves prepare them from natural herbal ingredients.
Here are a few recipes are not complicated natural beautiful toothpastes:
Cumin powder 1 -2stol. spoons,
Baking soda - 1 teaspoon,
Salt - 1 teaspoon,
Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly and brush your teeth.
Mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt with finely ground honey until creamy state and add 2 drops of clove essential oil (can substitute for clove tea tree oil, camphor, pine, lavender, mint). Clean teeth!
Banana toothpaste.
Take equal parts of powder of dried banana peels, fine sea salt, olive oil and pine extract.
Eucalyptus toothpaste
Mix fine table salt, baking soda, olive oil and powder, eucalyptus leaves.
Watch out for the health of their teeth! Good luck and stay healthy!