It was
I worked in a kindergarten - all the work on the little things, well, change light bulbs, paint the door, lock repairs, screwed to the wall of lockers, etc. N. And brought me into the treatment room. Well, that is Previously, it was a treatment room, and not the most run-down.
So, the first thing that caught my eye - tanning lamps. Yes, earlier in kindergartens it was really such a procedure: children brought into the assembly hall, handing out special glasses and laid out on the floor around a special lamp.
11 photo.
The equipment is dated 1985. I'm pretty sure it all in working condition
Another photo of the lamp
And yet
Next in the locker and found these very special glasses. Made all, of course, according to GOST =)
But in the locker top lying in the dust and confusion Bix. And, judging by the inscriptions on them in kindergarten was all down to the basic surgical instruments
It's very dusty, for hardly touched since Soviet times, but to clean off, if desired, can be
We remain even Bix, which connects the power cord, as an electric kettle. Cords, by the way, together with instructions, carefully lay inside
Well, in the next room, I precipitate at all, despite the fact that once upon a time everything is seen. Maybe because when I was still small, and did not attach any importance to these things. Like, there's - okay.
The first thing he saw - the device for electrophoresis
Next on the table - a tube to warm nose and throat. As I remember, sitting next to him and looked at the hourglass, waiting, when will the time to himself to replace the nozzle with a wide mouth on a narrow nose) When did it myself, not the nurse, felt so important right)) )
But at the other end of the room - Ultrasonic Nebulizer, but without masks. They, apparently, has not yet been lived. I still remember the smell that this inhaler published)
This, alas, I wonder over - take a picture with medicine cabinets did not. There's really something, and there is nothing but laperamida, tsitramona and paracetamol ...
As a child, saw all the machinery of the times, many enjoyed since often sick, and now that's grown up and thought: even in a small garden into 6 groups, on the outskirts of the city, it was, in fact, almost everything you need, even in the hospital down! And he comes up with the idea: why we stopped using it all? Where things went wrong? Why replace qualified doctors who know how to handle all of this, put the nurses that even dressing plainly can not apply? (he was a witness to this).
In general, very sorry that it happened ...
On this I have everything, thank you for your attention) This is my first post, so not much kick)
So, the first thing that caught my eye - tanning lamps. Yes, earlier in kindergartens it was really such a procedure: children brought into the assembly hall, handing out special glasses and laid out on the floor around a special lamp.
11 photo.

The equipment is dated 1985. I'm pretty sure it all in working condition

Another photo of the lamp

And yet

Next in the locker and found these very special glasses. Made all, of course, according to GOST =)

But in the locker top lying in the dust and confusion Bix. And, judging by the inscriptions on them in kindergarten was all down to the basic surgical instruments

It's very dusty, for hardly touched since Soviet times, but to clean off, if desired, can be

We remain even Bix, which connects the power cord, as an electric kettle. Cords, by the way, together with instructions, carefully lay inside

Well, in the next room, I precipitate at all, despite the fact that once upon a time everything is seen. Maybe because when I was still small, and did not attach any importance to these things. Like, there's - okay.
The first thing he saw - the device for electrophoresis

Next on the table - a tube to warm nose and throat. As I remember, sitting next to him and looked at the hourglass, waiting, when will the time to himself to replace the nozzle with a wide mouth on a narrow nose) When did it myself, not the nurse, felt so important right)) )

But at the other end of the room - Ultrasonic Nebulizer, but without masks. They, apparently, has not yet been lived. I still remember the smell that this inhaler published)
This, alas, I wonder over - take a picture with medicine cabinets did not. There's really something, and there is nothing but laperamida, tsitramona and paracetamol ...
As a child, saw all the machinery of the times, many enjoyed since often sick, and now that's grown up and thought: even in a small garden into 6 groups, on the outskirts of the city, it was, in fact, almost everything you need, even in the hospital down! And he comes up with the idea: why we stopped using it all? Where things went wrong? Why replace qualified doctors who know how to handle all of this, put the nurses that even dressing plainly can not apply? (he was a witness to this).
In general, very sorry that it happened ...
On this I have everything, thank you for your attention) This is my first post, so not much kick)