Women Naurskaya gave battle Caucasians
Eighth of March - the date "about anything." Honor our women need 10-11 June - together with the women of the village Naur, otbivshih her and her children from the wild horde.
Day of solidarity of women in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation ought not to celebrate in Russia on March 8, as in the beginning of the last century, was invented in the West, and on June 10 - the day when the Cossack wives Naurskaya gun fire, grenades and steel boiling soup repulsed and put to flight a thousand Caucasian thugs.
And it's true: one hundred and fifty Cossack husbands in the campaign, eight thousand (according to other sources - nine, but what a difference!) Kabardian, Chechen and Turkish brave soldiers who arrived for easy prey - and suddenly the bloody cabin, a two-day siege and the flight of the mountaineers .
via Ridus.ru
It was Whit Monday. Now write that the Cossacks went to the defense of the village, on holiday, but the Cossack martial girlfriend not fools consider war an entertainment and put a better harvest in the military. Just out the picket herald rode straight to the church - "Go!" - And the people rushed to the ramparts elegant. Cossacks, like all Russian women, loved red - beautiful! - And still in the village of Naur the day dress in tunics that color.
"Cossack village, especially in the Caucasus - a small fortress: the shaft, on the outskirts - blank walls of houses with a few loopholes, some old trophy guns with kernels zaploty obstructing the street in case of emergency stocks of gunpowder, rifles, grenades," - he writes the historian, writer, Cossack Colonel Valery Shambarov.
There is now every 10 June are "old wives 'festivals', as they are now called - come Cossack family, Te Deum, dzhigits with horses, swords and whips on the bank of the Terek - in 1774, the year it was all very seriously, and scary. < br /> In the village of Naur arranged dictates of Catherine the Great, three years before this - only just settled down - translated from the Volga Cossack Army families, a handful of Cossacks remained: all combatant left in the campaign, why the Highlanders and some arrived, hoping to profit.
"Naurskiy Cossack red sundresses took to protect and reflect enemy attacks, along with their husbands and brothers, armed with scythes, pitchforks and scythes. They warmed resin and poured boiling water on the heads of the enemy - even festive soup, ready for dinner, go to "treat" Busurmanov. Cossacks dragged from place to place cannons and fired guns. Twelve hours was a fight, many hours of expensive storms cost the enemy, up to 800 people were killed and several thousand injured, "- says Shambarov.
Twelve hours - this is only in the first days. And the second beat. "You do not see these battles" - he wrote poet and Ensign Caucasian Army and later on another occasion. Trying to imagine a modern man hours of continuous terror massacre - makes the brain, our ancestors had the stronger nerves clearly our "heroes - not you!" But go and beat the children! ..
When the second day of mountaineers suddenly began to move away, the reason some called Cossack Pereporha lucky shot that hit from the gun of a prince on the hill; others - "at the dawn of the eleventh of June, the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas, two riders on white horses and dressed in white passed along the enemy's camp and brought the villains panic».
Day of solidarity of women in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation ought not to celebrate in Russia on March 8, as in the beginning of the last century, was invented in the West, and on June 10 - the day when the Cossack wives Naurskaya gun fire, grenades and steel boiling soup repulsed and put to flight a thousand Caucasian thugs.
And it's true: one hundred and fifty Cossack husbands in the campaign, eight thousand (according to other sources - nine, but what a difference!) Kabardian, Chechen and Turkish brave soldiers who arrived for easy prey - and suddenly the bloody cabin, a two-day siege and the flight of the mountaineers .
via Ridus.ru

It was Whit Monday. Now write that the Cossacks went to the defense of the village, on holiday, but the Cossack martial girlfriend not fools consider war an entertainment and put a better harvest in the military. Just out the picket herald rode straight to the church - "Go!" - And the people rushed to the ramparts elegant. Cossacks, like all Russian women, loved red - beautiful! - And still in the village of Naur the day dress in tunics that color.
"Cossack village, especially in the Caucasus - a small fortress: the shaft, on the outskirts - blank walls of houses with a few loopholes, some old trophy guns with kernels zaploty obstructing the street in case of emergency stocks of gunpowder, rifles, grenades," - he writes the historian, writer, Cossack Colonel Valery Shambarov.

There is now every 10 June are "old wives 'festivals', as they are now called - come Cossack family, Te Deum, dzhigits with horses, swords and whips on the bank of the Terek - in 1774, the year it was all very seriously, and scary. < br /> In the village of Naur arranged dictates of Catherine the Great, three years before this - only just settled down - translated from the Volga Cossack Army families, a handful of Cossacks remained: all combatant left in the campaign, why the Highlanders and some arrived, hoping to profit.

"Naurskiy Cossack red sundresses took to protect and reflect enemy attacks, along with their husbands and brothers, armed with scythes, pitchforks and scythes. They warmed resin and poured boiling water on the heads of the enemy - even festive soup, ready for dinner, go to "treat" Busurmanov. Cossacks dragged from place to place cannons and fired guns. Twelve hours was a fight, many hours of expensive storms cost the enemy, up to 800 people were killed and several thousand injured, "- says Shambarov.
Twelve hours - this is only in the first days. And the second beat. "You do not see these battles" - he wrote poet and Ensign Caucasian Army and later on another occasion. Trying to imagine a modern man hours of continuous terror massacre - makes the brain, our ancestors had the stronger nerves clearly our "heroes - not you!" But go and beat the children! ..
When the second day of mountaineers suddenly began to move away, the reason some called Cossack Pereporha lucky shot that hit from the gun of a prince on the hill; others - "at the dawn of the eleventh of June, the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas, two riders on white horses and dressed in white passed along the enemy's camp and brought the villains panic».