Mouse story
Six months ago, we have bred a mouse ... But no. The story is better to start with a cat. We have here the fifth year there is a cat Nelson. Cat home, castrated, and in this regard me as a man, still at times tormented conscience. However, the decision to accept castration I personally, as previous experience suggests that walking cats, unfortunately, often do not last long. But conscience still hurts because it is not clear that the cat has chosen himself, having the right to a choice of a long life without sex or vice versa.
Son have already an adult, 17 years old, so the unspent tenderness parent to spend on a cat. And it must be said, reciprocates. Gentle and pakostyaschy. And the role of the child performs with pleasure. Even fashion took over - late at night to go to bed in the corridor on the floor and wait for the owner to take the hand, he will carry into the room and put to bed. Like this.
In general, the extent of a spoiled cat. And the same as the owner of a fan of «Dinamo».
Thus, at times tormented by already known reason, I really wanted to make the life of Nelson richer. And three years ago I started to make my wife the brain: "Puss in our home. Life is live, and the mouse did not see ... Let's buy him a mouse. Look, smell, and release it somewhere in the basement. " My wife and my obsession for a long time did not agree, saying that nefig mock the unfortunate mouse, though I argued that bullying is no per se and will not - look, smell, and the will in good conscience ... But no ... And suddenly, in December of last year right before the New Year brings ...
Mouse. The Mongolian gerbil. In distant relatives in gerbils jerboa, so instead of hairless tails like normal mice, gerbils fluffy tails with a brush on the end. And by the way, the smell of the gerbils too, no, that you will agree - an overriding factor.
It was love at first sight ... With a light hand of his wife mouse (it was a girl) named Jerry and away we go ... We decided that it would be a sad, so I came girlfriend. Girlfriend hit his jumping ability, so he named it, I Isinbayeva that quickly reduced to Iskov. She remembered his nickname quickly and readily responded, running up to the door of the cell. Jerry they lived together, occasionally brushing each other coats. That's the way.
Further more. We decided that the girl is good, but it would be necessary and a boy. Thus was born a male, which because of the color I called Sasha.
However, in practice it turned out that the sellers of pet stores, too, are mistaken and third mouse girl too, and Sasha White is not sound, so it was just a squirrel. But that we could not stop, so soon after all, and there was a boy. One of the three ladies, penniless and, in fact, even without pockets. Alphonse, definitely. So called, however, reduced to Alpha.
So we bred four of the mouse, the appearance of which the cat reacted rather philosophically. That is - to live the house mouse - so someone need it ... So, observe, smell, touch, paw at the event.
Mice were surprised even more. It would seem that here they are, just need to shy away from the cat like fire. But no! Cat like a cat. I do not know, maybe in Mongolia No cats or mice which is too infantile, but Nelson has appeared for them is quite normal, as metaphysics for Kant. But I had to wonder.
Frankly, although I am a person with a biological form, but it is not expected that each mouse will have a completely unique character.
Squirrels like to dig and regularly rearrangement of furniture. Seeing her Herculean effort to drag the metal wheel from one corner of the cell to the other, I could not stand, and put the wheel in the desired angle. But the squirrel immediately started to shove back wheel. Its factory process and not being afraid of difficulties. Iskov despised the process of digging at the root, it was the element of sport and so it could run on a wheel for two hours without a break (I'm not exaggerating). Then - a light snack, and another two hours of training. In general Iskov differed most sociable and quickly acquired the status of pet owner. Grab a bite on the shoulder of the owner ...
Or eat apple on the kitchen table ...
Or just to defile the eyes of the cat ...
And if you jump off the floor, then half an hour you can happily play with the host, running some of the refrigerator, then because of the tables, and then running away and hiding the accompaniment appeals host "Isya, Isya! ..»
But as you know permissiveness ruins.
Jerry first got pregnant. I'm not smart enough to transplant it to the birth and not one day, after returning home, we found six small naked corpse. Judging by the fact that after that Alf gave Iskov uniform flogging, driving across the cage, pups she ditched it. To avoid another corpse (and for the mice is quite real, as is optimal for them living in pairs) had to quickly acquire Iskov to separate home and resettle. Since then, the nature of her spoiled.
Iskov Betta was a real mouse. At different sites for lovers of rodents write that gerbils forget each other for a day or two. After that, they can try to reduce and settled together (under certain conditions).
Iskov not forgotten anything. Flatten it with someone still can not, and at a meeting with any other mouse, even a male, she immediately attacks. And separate them without gloves - so stay with the blood bitten hands (gloves come with experience).
Then I got pregnant squirrel and prudently before delivery to transplant it into a prepared container. She safely delivered, but back Alf and Jerry it is not accepted. We had to resettle with mice and squirrels. When the pups have grown up a bit, it occurred to me to spend quite stupid (I admit) experiment. I argued the wife, that should work Iskov maternal instinct and took a chance to show it yet blind mouse, although his wife and discouraged until recently. Iskov split second was enough to mouse scalp. I told my wife that I was a fool with the letter "M", at a time when squirrel tried in vain to lick a terrible wound on the head of his son. I had to drown a mouse to get rid of needless agony, but in my conscience, he will remain forever ...
Meanwhile pups grew up, and a new problem - where they attach.
Still he managed to attach several nieces giving wife and my students. A "mouse services" at home is now looked like.
There are some crazy old lady who kept house for 40-50 cats ... I realized that he had them close, so the three houses of the mouse, it was decided to stop.
At that time, she gave birth to Jerry. And here I was frankly amazed Alf. Such a caring husband and father still have to search. Even during pregnancy, Jerry (as he understood it?), He built her nest sobstvennolapno. And after the birth of Jerry often leave pups and then all the time Alf spent with them, gathered in a pile and warming your body.
Gerbils are very fond of sunflower seeds and I occasionally treat you with their hands. Mouse climb to the palm, pushing each other. But Alf, is not going pups would not even come close. Here you have a mouse ... But his relationship with Jerry can be seen in the following photo (though I accidentally woke them)
In general, we also have much to learn from them.
Alf is and fun. He is the only of the mice who did not learn to run around in the wheel and so he turns his legs outside.
Now, sometimes with his son.
By the way, the wheel is probably the main drawback ... Mouse - it's still a mouse. And at night there are often more active than during the day. And it starts drive.
Although I used to, and his wife for any noise is cut down for 5 minutes, sometimes still at night take out the wheel from the cell. Then the mice can hit the ceiling ...
I do not like them you can not. And animals inexplicably feel when they love truly and always reciprocate.
And Jerry is pregnant again ...
So, gentlemen, if you decide to start a rodent, then I strongly recommend gerbils. Thank you!
P.S. The son also lives in the room a couple (boy and girl) - Barack Obama.

Son have already an adult, 17 years old, so the unspent tenderness parent to spend on a cat. And it must be said, reciprocates. Gentle and pakostyaschy. And the role of the child performs with pleasure. Even fashion took over - late at night to go to bed in the corridor on the floor and wait for the owner to take the hand, he will carry into the room and put to bed. Like this.

In general, the extent of a spoiled cat. And the same as the owner of a fan of «Dinamo».

Thus, at times tormented by already known reason, I really wanted to make the life of Nelson richer. And three years ago I started to make my wife the brain: "Puss in our home. Life is live, and the mouse did not see ... Let's buy him a mouse. Look, smell, and release it somewhere in the basement. " My wife and my obsession for a long time did not agree, saying that nefig mock the unfortunate mouse, though I argued that bullying is no per se and will not - look, smell, and the will in good conscience ... But no ... And suddenly, in December of last year right before the New Year brings ...

Mouse. The Mongolian gerbil. In distant relatives in gerbils jerboa, so instead of hairless tails like normal mice, gerbils fluffy tails with a brush on the end. And by the way, the smell of the gerbils too, no, that you will agree - an overriding factor.

It was love at first sight ... With a light hand of his wife mouse (it was a girl) named Jerry and away we go ... We decided that it would be a sad, so I came girlfriend. Girlfriend hit his jumping ability, so he named it, I Isinbayeva that quickly reduced to Iskov. She remembered his nickname quickly and readily responded, running up to the door of the cell. Jerry they lived together, occasionally brushing each other coats. That's the way.

Further more. We decided that the girl is good, but it would be necessary and a boy. Thus was born a male, which because of the color I called Sasha.

However, in practice it turned out that the sellers of pet stores, too, are mistaken and third mouse girl too, and Sasha White is not sound, so it was just a squirrel. But that we could not stop, so soon after all, and there was a boy. One of the three ladies, penniless and, in fact, even without pockets. Alphonse, definitely. So called, however, reduced to Alpha.

So we bred four of the mouse, the appearance of which the cat reacted rather philosophically. That is - to live the house mouse - so someone need it ... So, observe, smell, touch, paw at the event.

Mice were surprised even more. It would seem that here they are, just need to shy away from the cat like fire. But no! Cat like a cat. I do not know, maybe in Mongolia No cats or mice which is too infantile, but Nelson has appeared for them is quite normal, as metaphysics for Kant. But I had to wonder.
Frankly, although I am a person with a biological form, but it is not expected that each mouse will have a completely unique character.

Squirrels like to dig and regularly rearrangement of furniture. Seeing her Herculean effort to drag the metal wheel from one corner of the cell to the other, I could not stand, and put the wheel in the desired angle. But the squirrel immediately started to shove back wheel. Its factory process and not being afraid of difficulties. Iskov despised the process of digging at the root, it was the element of sport and so it could run on a wheel for two hours without a break (I'm not exaggerating). Then - a light snack, and another two hours of training. In general Iskov differed most sociable and quickly acquired the status of pet owner. Grab a bite on the shoulder of the owner ...

Or eat apple on the kitchen table ...

Or just to defile the eyes of the cat ...

And if you jump off the floor, then half an hour you can happily play with the host, running some of the refrigerator, then because of the tables, and then running away and hiding the accompaniment appeals host "Isya, Isya! ..»
But as you know permissiveness ruins.
Jerry first got pregnant. I'm not smart enough to transplant it to the birth and not one day, after returning home, we found six small naked corpse. Judging by the fact that after that Alf gave Iskov uniform flogging, driving across the cage, pups she ditched it. To avoid another corpse (and for the mice is quite real, as is optimal for them living in pairs) had to quickly acquire Iskov to separate home and resettle. Since then, the nature of her spoiled.

Iskov Betta was a real mouse. At different sites for lovers of rodents write that gerbils forget each other for a day or two. After that, they can try to reduce and settled together (under certain conditions).
Iskov not forgotten anything. Flatten it with someone still can not, and at a meeting with any other mouse, even a male, she immediately attacks. And separate them without gloves - so stay with the blood bitten hands (gloves come with experience).
Then I got pregnant squirrel and prudently before delivery to transplant it into a prepared container. She safely delivered, but back Alf and Jerry it is not accepted. We had to resettle with mice and squirrels. When the pups have grown up a bit, it occurred to me to spend quite stupid (I admit) experiment. I argued the wife, that should work Iskov maternal instinct and took a chance to show it yet blind mouse, although his wife and discouraged until recently. Iskov split second was enough to mouse scalp. I told my wife that I was a fool with the letter "M", at a time when squirrel tried in vain to lick a terrible wound on the head of his son. I had to drown a mouse to get rid of needless agony, but in my conscience, he will remain forever ...
Meanwhile pups grew up, and a new problem - where they attach.

Still he managed to attach several nieces giving wife and my students. A "mouse services" at home is now looked like.

There are some crazy old lady who kept house for 40-50 cats ... I realized that he had them close, so the three houses of the mouse, it was decided to stop.
At that time, she gave birth to Jerry. And here I was frankly amazed Alf. Such a caring husband and father still have to search. Even during pregnancy, Jerry (as he understood it?), He built her nest sobstvennolapno. And after the birth of Jerry often leave pups and then all the time Alf spent with them, gathered in a pile and warming your body.
Gerbils are very fond of sunflower seeds and I occasionally treat you with their hands. Mouse climb to the palm, pushing each other. But Alf, is not going pups would not even come close. Here you have a mouse ... But his relationship with Jerry can be seen in the following photo (though I accidentally woke them)

In general, we also have much to learn from them.
Alf is and fun. He is the only of the mice who did not learn to run around in the wheel and so he turns his legs outside.

Now, sometimes with his son.

By the way, the wheel is probably the main drawback ... Mouse - it's still a mouse. And at night there are often more active than during the day. And it starts drive.

Although I used to, and his wife for any noise is cut down for 5 minutes, sometimes still at night take out the wheel from the cell. Then the mice can hit the ceiling ...

I do not like them you can not. And animals inexplicably feel when they love truly and always reciprocate.

And Jerry is pregnant again ...

So, gentlemen, if you decide to start a rodent, then I strongly recommend gerbils. Thank you!
P.S. The son also lives in the room a couple (boy and girl) - Barack Obama.