Most frightening abandoned places in Russia

Atomic lighthouse at Cape Aniva Bay (Sakhalin)

The lighthouse was built with great difficulty in 1939 by architect Shinobu Miura, it was the most unique and complex technical construction of the entire Sakhalin. It operated on diesel generators and backup batteries to the early nineties, and then it was converted. Due to Nuclear energy source, maintenance costs are minimal, but soon left it means - the building was empty, and in 2006 the military have taken away two isotopic installation sucked lighthouse. Once he shone 17, 5 miles, and now sacked and fell into neglect.

Fairy-tale castle conclude

It can be seen in the beautiful woodland, on the high banks of a small lake, between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Manor architect AS Khrenova was built in the late XIX century to his own design. A distinctive feature of the house - complete asymmetry, and the combination of natural and artificial materials in the construction. Gaze appears not medieval castle, not the classic city mansion, which in Soviet times was a sanatorium. Currently, the house is very slowly reduced, so it is neglected it can not be considered.

The five-star hotel "Northern Crown»

Hotels "Northern Crown" began to build in 1988, the Yugoslav firm. They wanted to build a five-star hotel with 247 rooms with a total area of about 50,000 square meters. m. Construction work stopped at the end of 1995, when the object was already almost ready. For several years are going to demolish it, but no way. So worth it moist, attracting foreign one roof unusual configuration, bright interiors and mold on the stucco plasterboard.

Eight factory shop "Dagdizel" Makhachkala
Testing station naval weapons, put into operation in 1939. Located at a distance of 2, 7 km from the coast and has long been used. The construction was long and complicated by the difficult conditions: the foundation made on the bank, and then delivered to the construction site. The depth of the walls - 14 meters, and a thickness of 1, 5 meters. Unfortunately, the shop served long plant. Changed the requirements for the work carried out in the shop, and in April 1966, this magnificent building was copied from the factory balance. Who is this "mass" is abandoned and in the Caspian Sea shore recalling ancient monster.

Diamond Mine "Peace", Yakutia

During its closure in 2004, the mine reached a depth of 525 meters and 1, 200 meters wide, making it the second largest excavated hole in the world, after Bingham Canyon Mine. The hole is so large that the airspace above the mine is closed for helicopters because of the accidents in which they were drawn downward airflow. The landscape around looks deserted and utterly alien.

Hovrinskaya Hospital, Moscow

A huge multi-storey hospital began to build on the site of the cemetery in 1980, and stopped the construction in five years. Now basements flooded and the building slowly goes underground. "HZB", "Umbrella", "Unfinished", "Nemostor": a more than well-known, has acquired a large number of urban legends and attracts a wide variety of personalities. Resident Evil and the gateway to a parallel world in the middle of Moscow. Popular with young thrill-seekers, and already has its own folklore, "the locals."

Kadykchan village, the Magadan Region

Kadykchan (translated from the Evenki - "Valley of Death"), a village built prisoners. In January 1986, the population - 10,270 people, and by 2006 there was not a thousand, in 2012 there lived an elderly man. Here mined coal, by which energy is produced most of the Magadan region, but after the explosion at the mine uezat people started, the village was closed and disconnected from the heat and electricity. Now it's abandoned miners 'ghost town'. The houses are preserved books and furniture, in garages - car, five-story building collapsed in the street.

Abandoned Navy submarine base Bechevinka

Petropavlovsk-54 Bay "Finval" was founded in 1960 as a military town, submarine base. Once a week the ship went to Petropavlovsk, ground transportation to other settlements was not. Full disbanding teams occurred in 1996. All the military equipment was removed, turned off the electricity and water supply. Simultaneously with the settlement ceased to exist Bechevinka missile Shipunsky village, located on a hill on the other side of the bay. The village is surrounded by mountains and the incredible beauty of Kamchatka.

Sanatorium "Energy" in the suburbs

On the territory there is a new building, regularly receiving guests who want to go fishing in local ponds, but part of the old building burned down and was abandoned. The burnt part of a cinema. Rooms full of mountains of garbage - TVs and furniture. The main attraction of the building - stairs in the palace style. Similar institutions in Russia a huge number, abandoned pioneer camp and sanatorium - a common phenomenon.

Maternity hospital in the Vladimir region

What could be more mysterious and darker zaboroshennyh medical institutions? Even the existing hospital strike terror in many people, simply by virtue of their specificity. The building built in the late XIX century, housed the maternity ward of the city hospital. It operates it, according to calendars and documents up to 2009, and some guards were until 2012. Broken windows were sealed regularly, and in 2013 the building was going to be repaired. Much of the building remained intact, and it seems that recently these people have been waiting a spacious hall happy news from the doctors.

Source: www.adme.ru