Computer toys of our youth

Prince of Persia
Jordan Mechner, 1989

The game was a four-color Prince, five enemy types, three types of traps, weapons, which first had to find two types of environment: the dungeon and the palace. In 1989 it was very cool, the game immediately became popular and has spread like a plague, and in Russia the game continued to play massively more in 1992. And someone plays so far. Availability Scene, smooth animation, music and cute design was quite an achievement in those days.

King's Bounty
New World Computing, 1990

You choose a hero from four possible, gathers an army and forth. We had to find an artifact, marked on ancient map. And by clicking on the «F», you can fly (provided that the entire army could fly), overcoming great distances and viscous sands.

Heroes of Might and Magic II
New World Computing, 1996

An incredible number of hours have been spent on the development of fighting, new maps and finding hidden artifacts. The main thing - do not forget to save, the enemies are not asleep and the army.

Sid Meier for MicroProse, 1991

This wait until pixel will develop word «Civilization» (Russified), and then will be a cartoon about the history of the Earth. Played certainly for the Russian, Moscow could be established in the year 4000 BC, and instead build a spaceship often easier to just make the rest of civilization. But the most difficult in the game, of course, was the choice of what style to build a castle.

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Blizzard Entertainment, in 1995

Orcs or the people? Awesome graphics for the time, addictive gameplay. And you can relax and use cheats, but better not. By the way, if a lot of times in a row click on the seal or a sheep, he will say «BA-RE-MUS». And, of course, "Stop rock the boat! I am a little nauseated "and" We were attacked! ».

The Lost Vikings
Silicon & Synapse, Inc., 1992

Eric Fast, Strong and Olaf Baleog Fierce trying to work together to return home after they kidnapped Tomator. In general, the aliens got from the brave Vikings. If you are not lucky, then the burning boat was carrying away the fallen heroes.

Virgin Interactive, 1993

Army guards, roof and raw Agraby prison - except that scare barefoot thief? But to win the lottery, really incredible dexterity required. The game was almost better than the movie. Even based on the works of Disney were excellent and the Lion King Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games.

Need For Speed
Electronic Arts, 1994

Need for Speed - the most successful racing series in the world of computer games, and one of the most successful video game media franchise history. The first game was released in 1994, and by October 2009 it sold more than 140 million copies of games in the series (and how much was copied by pirates?). Everyone remembers a great soundtrack, "ketchup", "traffic", the design lines with a mass of turns, which resemble tracks F1, and various gadgets like stickers and tuning, which often do not affect the characteristics of the machine (but to get some runs, we had to hang round them in full). Electronic Arts has already begun to celebrate the anniversary of the game.

Pizza Tycoon
Microprose, 1994

If you come up with a pizza with herring and bananas, sprinkle with pepper, do not be surprised that people have ceased to come into your establishment. Or do you long labored picked furniture and the sweat stood at the plate, but came all the mafia wants to select. The hard life of an entrepreneur.

DMA Design, 1991
They walk without stopping, the main thing - time to give the job and not to lose too many people. Incidentally, in the Scottish city of Dundee, the local council decided to commemorate the heroes of this game in the form of sculpture, situated a few hundred meters from the old building of DMA.

Seek and Destroy
Epic MegaGames, 1993
You are leaving your base and go out to battle with opponents. It lives up to its name: to find and destroy all the alien, simultaneously completing the mission. Play was boring even to those who do not love voynushki and simulators.

Prehistorik 2
Titus Interactive, 1993

A fun game about the prehistoric man, everything is simple: hit the enemy, seek food under any stone. Interestingly, the most coveted bonus - a fridge full of food. When you start at a later time a message is displayed: "Yeaaa ... My game is still working in [year] !!! Programmed in 1992 on AT.286 12MHz ... Enjoy oldies !! »(eng. Wow ... My game is still running in the year !!! ... The game was written in 1992 on a computer AT.286 12MGts ... Enjoy classic !!)

Coktel Vision, 1992

Mysterious quest of three is not particularly clever goblins, each of which is able to do one thing. Sometimes we had to hang on for a long time obnom level, to understand what's going on.

The Legend of Kyrandia
Westwood Studios, 1992

No less mysterious quest with precious stones and magic, and beautiful legend - as befits a game of fantasy. To get in a stalemate or die, thereby losing, it was easier than winning.

Golden Axe
Sega, 1989

Everything is simple: you have to kill everyone you see. Warrior, an Amazon or a dwarf, or go further and further through the fabulous world, or endlessly fighting with evil spirits.

id Software, 1993

Even those who never came to the computer knows it - the demons and shotguns. The game is popular and is still, and has spawned a whole layer of culture and design Doom inspired the artist Giger and writer HP Lovecraft. Here you can recall and Quake, and Heretik, and Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein, and indeed any first-person shooter - Pixel blood terribly frightened. Well, you know that "Doumer does not go around the corner, and first looks».

Mortal Kombat
Midway Games, 1992

What good is the MC, so it is extremely easy to operate. With this you could easily udelat older brother, just by virtue of its persistence.
Fatality, brutaliti, babaliti, frendship, proshibanie opponent ceiling and other fun. And a ton, a ton of blood and violence.

Interplay, 1997

Gloomy post-nuclear world: Pip-Boy, Volta fight Vault 13, Heath and all in this spirit. As in any game of this level, it moved to the realities of modern culture. If desired, you can perform tasks at all and just wander in the desert. You can also go through the game without committing any murders, but that is for the most persistent. In general, there can be many things - a nuclear war has been. You can even rob Korowai.

Blizzard Entertainment, in 1996

Beautiful and exciting game: You are clearing the dungeon from the undead, occasionally returning to the surface to dress up and sell all found. The game is full of mysteries and secrets levels, magical artifacts and beautiful sets of weapons and armor. It has a huge amount of mods and semi-ons. This story will end a long-awaited release of Diablo III last year. By the way, the distinguishing feature of many old games had a great soundtrack.

But the most hard-headed gamers, I propose to recall the names of the characters in the picture.

Source: www.adme.ru