No, no, I do not sleep

Normal room for four sophomores: Alex, Tolia, earrings and your humble servant. We were with a bit of the girls from our hostel, Alex was a friend of the city, and Serge was "idle." Good March 8, in the basement of the hostel arranged a large disco. Sometimes we went to praznikov Anzherku (Anzhero-Sudzhensk Kemerovo region) and zatarilis fuel as Tomsk then taxied teetotaler Ligachev and alcohol was absolutely impossible to get. The girls have prepared a good zakuson. Before disco well drank, danced, moved slightly left on earrings to dance and to look for a girlfriend for an hour, and with a bit of up and our girls in the room. Alex went to see his girl Tomsk home. The room turned out the lights, kerf tape and come off well. Over, turned off the tape recorder and the four of us chatted idly. Then the door opens and collapses Serge with a lady. Our eyes accustomed to the darkness saw a thick "lady" average at # bischnosti a dozen years older than earrings, which he took straight to our bunk bed with him. Me and my girlfriend were on top, Sergei began to pack her bottom. After a brief altercation with a woman, he put her on his back, and the process has begun. He turned on the music, of course, I forgot. The bed creaked in time with his progressive movements: chuk chuk-, chuk chuk-, chuk chuk,. However, after ten seconds creaking stopped. (We pretended to be asleep, I almost burst out laughing). Lady earrings slapped on the back and said, - "Oh, what are you asleep, or what? ". "No, no, I do not sleep." Again chuk chuk-, chuk chuk,. But after five seconds, history repeated itself. "Hey, you fuck me, or sleeping? ". "No, no, I do not sleep," Chuk-chuk, chuk chuk,. After the fifth time the lady crawled out from under the earrings, whispered swearing dressed and dumped. The door slammed shut, we rolled by hysterical laughter. Our laughter interrupted by the arrival of Alex. He came in, turned on a desk lamp, and suddenly stopped in the middle of the room. We are still laughing, they looked at the earrings. He was lying on his stomach, holding the pillow with both hands. Alex came up to him, slapped him on the back and said, "Sergei, why do you sleep naked? ". Serge pulled her pillow and mumbled, "No, no, I do not sleep." And the bed again creaked chuk chuk-, chuk chuk-, chuk chuk-.