An unsurpassed master wins

Napoleon said that "people who have a lot of crazy and a little character, are of little use to the profession commander. Better to have more character and less of the mind, then you can have more success. Leaders who have a great mind and a corresponding character - a Caesar, Hannibal, Turenne, Prince Eugene and Frederick ».
It is significant that Napoleon is not named the Suvorov, which deprived France of a fabulously short time all the conquests of Bonaparte in Italy. Sure, Napoleon saw the genius of the Russian general, so jealous of the brilliant victories of Suvorov, feeling him as a rival.
The genius of Suvorov was so palpable that even opponents saved. So, at the Battle of the River Trebbia Suvorov defeated the army of Macdonald. A few years later MacDonald told a Russian ambassador said: "The failure of the Trebbia could cost me my career. I was saved only that mine was the winner of the Suvorov ».
Iron nature of Suvorov manifested in everything. He did not know what laziness and fatigue, just to solve any problems. When General Moreau (second French strategist after Napoleon) was asked about Suvorov, he replied: "What can you say about the general who resists higher human, which lost itself and put its army to the last man before retreat one step?". And on the march to the Suvorov Trebbia Moreau said, as a "top of the art of war».
When the allied army Austrian commander Melas was caught the night rain, Melas soldiers stopped to give them dry. Suvorov was outraged: "For the good weather chasing women, dandies, sloths yes!". Melas was justified by the fact that the Austrians are not accustomed to such marches openly complain. (As my grandfather: "Who war rests much, he lives a little»).
Alexander was known for his generosity. Ruthless in battle, he was merciful to the vanquished, prisoners and civilians.
Once Fuchs (Yegor Ivanov, a historian and adjutant Suvorov) read notes Suvorov Russian eyewitness: "By joining forces in Naples, kalabriytsy rioted with unprecedented bloodthirstiness: kill all the Jacobins, looted houses, rampaged unhappy with their wives and innocent children. Christian army surpassed the horrors of revolutionary. On the streets of roasted prisoners, raising hostility. There were monsters who suck the blood of the slain. Russian stared with disgust at such inhumanity. They tricked the innocent victims of the hands of these murderers and heroism in philanthropy covered themselves with glory, which chronicles local stands forever ».
Listening Fuchs, Suvorov shuddered, and then stood up, crossed himself and said: "Cowards are always cruel!».
Suvorov soldiers often inspired word: "You are a miracle-heroes! You are heroes! You are Russian! The enemy trembles from you! ».
The soldiers knew that the victory is always where Suvorov. Value Suvorov appear before the army, as the morale of the soldiers immediately took off. In the battle of Trebbia Fuchs I saw the mere appearance of Suvorov of the soldiers on horseback in his white shirt, forcing the soldiers to quickly restore the frustrated ranks of battle. He talked about the great commander with the old man Derfelden:
- His presence restores order!
- I'm watching a picture for thirty-five years - posted Derfelden - is some kind of a sacred talisman that rather only deliver the troops and show to win a victory!
The legendary Suvorov Crossing the Alps Engels said: "This transition was the most prominent of all committed before the time of Alpine crossings." Before the start of the transition Suvorov turned to his soldiers: "Here there - he pointed towards the mountains - the godless French. They will beat us in Russian! The mountains are great. There is an abyss, there are streams, and we pass them-flight. We are Russian! ».
Transition of the Russian army through alpine ranges was incredibly difficult. From early dawn to dusk deep soldiers were forced marches. Many slipped and died in a precipice. 25000th army, like a huge caterpillar, crawling slowly along the mountain passes. Often I had to wade waist-deep mountain streams. All those days poured heavy rain, cold night issued a strong north wind. It was cold and damp, people were freezing even in a campfire. Heavy was the rise in the Rosshtok but almost proved difficult descent. Soldiers like the happiness dreamed of meeting with the enemy on the plain.
While Suvorov stormed the Devil's Bridge, a French general Massena defeated Corps Rimsky-Korsakov, and General Soult defeated the Austrians, who liked to sleep longer than the war. Now the entire Swiss French theater of war confronted one Suvorov with his little army, exhausted long passage, food deprivation and artillery. French Mutenskoy locked out of the valley, and the Russian army was in a prison cell.
Suvorov collected advice: "The Austrians have betrayed us. The masses of more than 60 thousand soldiers, and we have full and twenty. To go back - shame! This means retreat, and Russian and I have never retreated. Around the mountain. Aid nowhere to wait. One hope in God, and the other - to the greatest courage of the troops. We will have the greatest works of the world: we are on the brink! But we are Russian! Save the honor and property of Russia and its autocrat! "- With this last cry of the old field marshal was on his knees.
Bagration recalled: "We are just dumbfounded and all involuntarily moved to lift the elder hero. At Alexander Vasilyevich tears fell in large drops. Oh, I'll never forget this moment! I was shaking some mighty force. I was in a strange ecstatic state that if the enemy was darkness, I was ready to fight with them. It was the same with everyone, there is ».
Vilim Khristoforovich Derfelden senior after Suvorov, said: "We see that we are. But then, you know us, you faithful soul. Everything will move, not shame the Russian arms! And if you will fall, you die with glory. Guide us, Father! We are Russians!". - We swear in front of God! - Cried all the others.
Suvorov Derfelden it listened with his eyes closed. He raised his head, opened his shining eyes and began to speak curtly: "I hope so! Glad! .. Thank you! We divide the enemy and victory over him, and over the perfidy will be! ". He walked over to the map and began to explain the disposition.
"We came from Alexander Vasilyevich - recalled further Bagration - with enthusiastic feeling, with dedication, with the strength of will and spirit: win or die with glory, closing banners our bodies».
In Mutenskoy valley Russian army under the command of Suvorov defeated the French and left the environment.
Following the Swiss campaign, Suvorov, having become a legendary personality, was the focus of everyone's attention, admiration and adoration.
Emperor Paul bestowed the title of Generalissimo Suvorov all Russian troops. At the same time passionately said: "Another of this award would be a lot, but enough to Suvorov! He was to be an angel! ».
In different countries, there were articles, brochures, portraits in honor of the Russian field marshal. Germany knocked the medal with the profile of Suvorov and the inscription: "Suvorov - a favorite of Italy" - on one side and "storm of the Gauls" - on the other. The London theater after Suvorov spoken poetry. In vogue Suvorov pie, Suvorov hairstyle.
The victorious British Admiral Nelson Suvorov wrote: "I was showered with awards, but today I won the highest awards: I was told that I look like you».
King Charles Emmanuel, expressed a desire to serve in the army under the command of the great Russian commander, named Suvorov "immortal" and made him "great Marshal Piedmontese troops».
Military historians have repeatedly speculated about what would be the fate of Italy, if there lingered Suvorov, craved a meeting with Bonaparte. They noted that it is difficult to compare almost Bonaparte forced the independent chief. However, the breadth of views and sharpness of mind, the strength of iron will Suvorov did not concede, and in some ways superior to Napoleon's military art.
Source: www.orator.ru