City ninja in Japan
We all watched a movie about a great warrior, samurai fighters and super heroes. In Japan, there is a town where this train ninjas.
In prefetkure Mie live two communities: Iga and Nabari. They are from generation to generation the tradition of the art of Ninjutsu. Initially, this was done in order to maintain a very fragile economy of the region. Skilled craftsmen sell lessons, master classes, and craftsmen produced clothes and gun. These same fans are working hard to get a little closer to the ancient legendary masters.
Ninja in combat
Ninja training on the water
Prefecture is the real birthplace of the ninja, which the world learned in the 15-17 centuries. Initially, the task was a ninja of subversion and sabotage, that is, they acted as guards, spies, scouts and saboteurs infiltrated agents simultaneously. In the community there are direct descendants of the ancient masters of the Ninja, who own the complex and poorly understood techniques.
The shopkeeper shows photos of his ancestor Genpo Murai
Iga community organizes educational process for both tourists and residents. And here it is surprising how rammed in the minds of clichés about the ninja are untrue.
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
A tourist on a river
Hour and a half tour of the community center of the prefecture is only 12 euros. For the curious spectators Ninja crawling on cliffs, swim raging rivers, throw darts, walk on water, doing parkour, and praying over the waterfall, which is included in one of the ritual. Tourists themselves can take part in numerous trials and prayers that conduct for the ninja. But coping unit. Not so easy to crawl along the rope without a net or cross the raging river.
Tourists pray at the waterfall in the classroom in the camp in Nabari
Tourists choose ninja suits before the training camp in Nabari
Tourist throwing shuriken
Local museums are carefully protected masters, and they are well-known texts of the Castle Iga Ueno Ninja on art. Every one of the residents of the community aware of the content of ancient manuscripts.
Castle Iga in Nabari, city Ninja
Helmet Ninja
Kusarigama - Japan edged weapons
Shuriken and sweets in the shop of the city of Iga
Each year the festival is held in the prefecture Ninja where everyone is welcome. In addition, it is really possible to learn the ancient skills firsthand.
Festival in Iga Ninja
Festival in Iga Ninja
Festival in Iga Ninja
On the festival attracts mostly Japanese. Despite the fact that the ninja culture addicted to hundreds of thousands of people on campus Nabari almost nobody knows.
Festival in Iga Ninja
Festival Iga ninja
In prefetkure Mie live two communities: Iga and Nabari. They are from generation to generation the tradition of the art of Ninjutsu. Initially, this was done in order to maintain a very fragile economy of the region. Skilled craftsmen sell lessons, master classes, and craftsmen produced clothes and gun. These same fans are working hard to get a little closer to the ancient legendary masters.
Ninja in combat
Ninja training on the water
Prefecture is the real birthplace of the ninja, which the world learned in the 15-17 centuries. Initially, the task was a ninja of subversion and sabotage, that is, they acted as guards, spies, scouts and saboteurs infiltrated agents simultaneously. In the community there are direct descendants of the ancient masters of the Ninja, who own the complex and poorly understood techniques.
The shopkeeper shows photos of his ancestor Genpo Murai
Iga community organizes educational process for both tourists and residents. And here it is surprising how rammed in the minds of clichés about the ninja are untrue.
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
Sport tourists camp in Nabari
A tourist on a river
Hour and a half tour of the community center of the prefecture is only 12 euros. For the curious spectators Ninja crawling on cliffs, swim raging rivers, throw darts, walk on water, doing parkour, and praying over the waterfall, which is included in one of the ritual. Tourists themselves can take part in numerous trials and prayers that conduct for the ninja. But coping unit. Not so easy to crawl along the rope without a net or cross the raging river.
Tourists pray at the waterfall in the classroom in the camp in Nabari
Tourists choose ninja suits before the training camp in Nabari
Tourist throwing shuriken
Local museums are carefully protected masters, and they are well-known texts of the Castle Iga Ueno Ninja on art. Every one of the residents of the community aware of the content of ancient manuscripts.
Castle Iga in Nabari, city Ninja
Helmet Ninja
Kusarigama - Japan edged weapons
Shuriken and sweets in the shop of the city of Iga
Each year the festival is held in the prefecture Ninja where everyone is welcome. In addition, it is really possible to learn the ancient skills firsthand.
Festival in Iga Ninja
Festival in Iga Ninja
Festival in Iga Ninja
On the festival attracts mostly Japanese. Despite the fact that the ninja culture addicted to hundreds of thousands of people on campus Nabari almost nobody knows.
Festival in Iga Ninja
Festival Iga ninja