In England, a man 6 years dressed in the costume of "ninja" and patrol the streets

Brits can never recover from the recent unrest in which thousands were burned shops and cars. Deciding that such a nightmare never to be repeated, a resident of the town of Yeovil in the southwest of England decided to take security into their own hands close.
Every night he puts on a suit and goes ninja patrol the city, writes BBC. Ken Andre, nicknamed "Shadow" for 33 years. Day is an exemplary family man, walking in the park with his wife Lee and two children. But as soon as night falls, the man wears a black suit with a ninja and go out to patrol the city.
Former military, he is fluent in martial arts for many years and studied the art of combat with the Japanese masters. In the arsenal of the British Ninja just a long stick and nunchuck - no piercing-cutting weapon. Andre also never leaves home without a special hearing aid designed to hear if someone calls for help, writes British online edition Small World.
Play the role of local superhero Ken Andre began six years ago. Then he patrolled the streets twice a week. However, when Britain embraced riots ninja nicknamed "Shadow" began to come out with all the parade on the streets of Yeovil four times a week, and sometimes every night.
The first successful raid ninja held six years ago. Criminals rob the store so scared man who with a battle cry and dressed in black jumped out at them from the darkness that cast their stolen and promptly disappeared. Then Andre did not have to use force, but he admits that sometimes he has to indulge in both fists and weapons. However, according to the man, to the power of conflict resolution measures he resorted to only in extreme cases. With each of the criminals, which is a ninja on the night streets of Yeovil, he first tries to "speak well."