Ninja will soon disappear completely

Jinichi Kawakami is the 21 th head of one of the 53 families that were part of the ninja clan Coca. As a child, he went full training ninja and is able to move completely silently penetrate any locks, making pipe bombs and drugs.

However, all his knowledge, seem to die with him, as the latter in Japan Ninja decided not to appoint a successor, and not to teach anyone the art of being a ninja. With the death of the ninja Kawakami finally remain in the past.
«during the civil war or during the Edo period, the ability of the ninja spy, kill or mix medications have been helpful - Kawakami said - but now we have a weapon, the Internet and much more effective drugs, so the art of ninjutsu has no place in the modern world ».
blockquote> And a bonus - 5 myths about Ninja:
1. Ninjutsu - a martial art. In fact, most of the ninja are taught that to defeat their enemies with the help of intelligence, because good knowledge of weapons available and ordinary soldiers.
2. Ninja are able to disappear. No one is able to disappear like in the movies, but Ninja still can quite effectively "disappear in the air" - for example, using a homemade smoke bomb to cover the retreat.
3. ninja dressed in black. Ninja Suit is not black and dark blue as black would have been clearly visible in the moonlight.
4. Ninja could fly. It is also a myth of Hollywood: the ninja moving quietly and quickly, but their feet are on the ground.
5. Ninja could walk on water. Some argue that the ninja used round wooden board for walking on water and paddles from bamboo to maintain a balance, but, according to experts, this technique is completely ineffective.