Open beetle, equipped with a "handle" for carrying

Entomologists have discovered a new kind of beetles Eocorythoderus incredibilis, who are relatives of scarabs and appearance strongly resemble them. However, on the chest and elytra insect are two directions to each other hook-like appendage, which together form the "handle" to carry. For this "handle" termites, beetles grab their jaws while carrying.
Beetles Eocorythoderus incredibilis live in termite mounds, and, apparently, never go outside - they do not have wings, and their eyes are almost completely reduced. They feed on insects fungi, termites that grow for themselves in their underground "gardens».

Freeloaders, however, abused the trust of the owners and make not only the feed, but also to endure. Deceive bugs termites manage by simulating the odor of the larvae, which are also in need of food and transportation.
via factroom.ru