10 species named after celebrities
In recent years, biologists have increasingly referred to new species in honor of celebrities. As a result, according to various estimates, from 17 000 to 24 000 animals, plants and micro-organisms are named after famous singers, actors, politicians and other celebrities.
So, get acquainted with some representatives of the animal world, which are well-known names:
1. Richard Dawkins Fish h2>
2. Parasite Bob Marley h2>
3. Beyonce Gadfly h2>
4. Lemoore John Cleese h2>
5. Beetle George Bush h2>
6. Beetle Kate Winslet h2>
7. Beetle Adolf Hitler h2>
8. Paleosaurus David Attenborough h2>
9. Bunny Hugh Hefner h2>
10. Frog Prince Charles h2>
So, get acquainted with some representatives of the animal world, which are well-known names:
1. Richard Dawkins Fish h2>
Name Richard Dawkins is not a fish, but a kind of fish, which includes 4 types. Dawkins himself that his name was named the newly discovered species of fish, very flattered. "I am very happy that now my name is called a genus of fish. These fish are very beautiful. "According to Dawkins, it does not hurt that these fish occupy a fairly low place in the evolutionary chain.
2. Parasite Bob Marley h2>
A small crustacean creature that parasite on the fish in the Caribbean was named Gnathia marleyi, after the reggae star Bob Marley. "I named this species, which is a miracle of nature, after Marley because I have great respect for the music of Marley and admire it," said Paul Sikkel, a marine biologist at the University of Arkansas.
3. Beyonce Gadfly h2>
Newly discovered rare species gadfly Scaptia beyonceae got its name in honor of the famous American singer Beonse. This happened in January 2012. Scientist Brian Lessard admitted that he gave the name of Beyonce Gadfly because gold hairs on the chest of the animal. These hairs resemble a biologist about the singer.
4. Lemoore John Cleese h2>
Newfound view of lemur named after the actor and comedian John Cleese in 2005 th year. Lemur Avahi cleesei lives in Madagascar. Urs Talmann, the scientist who discovered this species of lemur, said that the animal called the name of the actor in return for the promotion of nature protection in many films with his participation. Cleese was very touched by the gesture and the scientist admitted that he loves lemurs.
5. Beetle George Bush h2>
Yes, there is a bug, named after the former US president. However, Bush - not the only American politician, in whose honor was named the insect. In 2005, new species of beetles are named after Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Quentin Wheeler, a member of the team of scientists who discovered three species of beetles, says that he considers himself politically conservative man, and that in this way he wanted to express their political position. According to Wheeler, Bush thanked him for the gesture.
6. Beetle Kate Winslet h2>
Newfound view of beetle Agra Katewinsletae was named after actress Kate Winslet for her role in the famous "Titanic." Terry Erwin, an entomologist who discovered the bug, explained that in this way he would like to remind of the dangers posed by this insect for forest loss. "The heroine Kate Winslet was saved, but I'm not sure that's the same thing will happen with this bug if all tropical forests will be lost and turned into pasture," - he says.
7. Beetle Adolf Hitler h2>
Anophthalmus hitleri, blind beetle, named after Adolf Hitler lives only five wet caves of Slovenia. This species was discovered in 1933 by a German entomologist. Considering that on the eve of Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany, it is not surprising that scientists have named the newly discovered kind of that way.
8. Paleosaurus David Attenborough h2>
In honor of the famous British naturalist David Attenborough name a few animals, and some of them are long-extinct marine reptile called Attenborosaurus conybeari. This species was discovered by paleontologist Robert Bakker American. Bakker admitted that he named in honor of Attenborough's views, because he has learned that Attenborough as a child fascinated by dinosaurs.
9. Bunny Hugh Hefner h2>
Hugh Hefner - it is not surprising that his name was called swamp rabbits. Full name sounds like a rabbit: Sylvilagus palustris hefneri. This rabbit lives in the southeastern United States. Among other things, he Hefner donated funds for the protection of rare species of rabbits.
10. Frog Prince Charles h2>
Earlier this year, frog, discovered in 2008, the year in Ecuador, was named in honor of Prince Charles Hyloscirtus princecharlesi. The new species was named in honor of the heir to the British throne for his charitable activities aimed at protecting the fauna of the rainforest.
via factroom.ru
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