Privat invited Crimean residents to sign a petition to Vladimir Putin

Privat published an open appeal to customers of the Crimea and the invitation to sign a petition addressed to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. According to the press service, the Bank seeks to find the best solutions to the current situation in the Crimea, and urges the Russian authorities not to interfere, and to assist in meeting commitments to the customers of the Crimea.
Step by step we will build our relations with the inhabitants of the Crimea for 20 years. We have invested a lot of money to our branches, ATMs and terminals were on every corner, our technology were the most comfortable, and our rates - the most profitable. And now everything is destroyed by the will of the Russian leadership blockquote> - said in an open letter Privat.
Without the assistance of the Russian authorities on the establishment of transparent procedures of the bank to pay money to depositors impossible. Also exacerbate the situation and the fact that the money issued Crimean same customers in the form of loans, and the beginning of the unrest in the peninsula almost all clients have ceased to perform its obligations under the loan. In this regard, the unilateral implementation of the commitments by Privat could jeopardize not only the work of the bank, but also the entire financial system of Ukraine.
Hundreds of Crimeans have signed a petition in the first minutes of the publication of the request for Vladimir Putin to stop talking the language of threats, blackmail and ultimatums with bank management and to permit the Bank of Moscow or any other Russian banks to be the successor of infrastructure, assets and liabilities Privat in Crimea.
Privat invites to support the petition at