Ways to get plenty of rest

You feel overload? Is it true that you rush from one activity to another, but never have time? According to the researchers, modern people are too busy for that whatsoever. Too busy for making new acquaintances, for dating and sleep for sex and vacations ... and they have no time for lunch.
But what if you're not busy - and just feel like being busy? Multitasking destroys people. And the saddest thing - it can not be effective. It adversely affects us, but it seems that we have time to do more. It also makes us more stupid than after consuming alcohol or drugs. Psychologists write about working with clients in a state of burnout who live with a false belief - higher employment, the higher the competence, intelligence, success and more admiration and envy from others. What to do with this?
Experts recommend the following seven ways:
1) Save all.
How to get rid of the feeling of overload? To brainstorm and write down what's on your mind at the moment. It reduces anxiety and organizes mysli.Osvobozhdaetsya energy that goes into aimless anxiety.
2) Prioritize or die.
You can not do everything. Some lessons are more important than others. Priorities will help to understand - it is important to have a clean garage or change jobs? The most important thing is always done in the first place. Otherwise, the most important thing will never happen. The basis of correct decisions is the ability to appreciate and take care of the most important people, places, occupations, animal and spiritual unity of music and things that are dear to you. Maximum life balance is there.
3) Automate everything.
Familiar things do not experience your will. The more training you do with habits, the less anxiety they will bring. Create a routine and habit, so as not to deal with and just do it. Secret breakthroughs - to automate things and actions. As a result of automation reduces the cost of what is happening to your energy.
4) Act as athletes.
People are not born to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We were created for the sprint, rest, sprint - on the basis of the life of athletes. Your sleep is cyclical and, by its nature, the activity of your mind is subject to cycles. To be most effective - alternate hard work intermittently. We ignore the onset of fatigue, boredom, irritation and just go to the goal. But the results of our work are the best with extremely great effort. It is not surprising that less than 10 per cent of working in the offices of productive thoughts during the long working hours and they are constantly distracted extraneous events and people.
5) in the same business.
Forget multitasking. It generates a sense of burnout and inefficiency. Use the clock in ktoroye your activity peaks. The main objective is to create periods of time devoted to one important lesson. This can be a middle of the night and daytime defined.
6) Live in DETO.
Acronym decipher how to do it only once. For example, a letter that you have opened 60 times a day? Not sure what to do with him? Decide. Answer, remove or assign time to deal with it. The constant return to the unimportant classes spend a huge amount of your time and energy. According to the principle DETO immediately respond to email or save it to a file with a note - or - immediately remove. In most cases, the third embodiment is better suited others.
7) Make the purpose of recreation.
Most people think that rest is the absence of any occupation. This is wrong, because we are happy, if you do something. For example, playing tennis with a friend instead of switching TV channels. Therefore it is necessary to select as a target vacation. When there is a nice goal in the form of recreation, it is easy to focus only on him. When people can dispose of their free time, they are more likely to go with the flow and get their life experience. The problem is that people do not know what it means rest and do not stop to find out.
To sum up - it is harmful to assimilate congested office employees, who in 1000 at the same time do things. We all have only 1440 minutes a day. You can not do everything, so with the utmost responsibility need to perform only the most important. It should not be equated with the importance of employment. Performing only necessary things has a real importance.