As of students in Stavropol train future Russian special forces
Journalist and photographer Eduard Korniyenko visited cadet school named after General AP Yermolov, located in the north-west region of Stavropol and looked like from inexperienced youngsters prepare the future defenders of the Motherland. Schoolchildren are taught to handle weapons during a two-day field exercise.
Cadet school named after General Yermolov in Stavropol preparing to hold an annual output of the field and the final celebration. Teachers school students formed of multiple personalities, capable to realize the creative potential in the dynamic socio-economic conditions of these defenders of their homeland.
Schoolchildren are taught to handle weapons April 13, 2014. Photos released 22 April 2014.
The school allows its students to participate in field trips, during which they spend the night in the camp, improve their physical fitness and trained with weapons.
The honorary title of cadet school named after General AP Yermolov gymnasium won in 2002.
Students watch how to do the exercises, during two days of field exercises. (
The school named after General AP Yermolov many students from military families.
The modern system of education in the cadet school to determine school profiling. The school organized the Summer departments and combined arms. Beginning in grade 9, students of the department held a special flight parachute training and make parachute jumps. Students with a particular interest in aviation, and allowed to make a solo flight in aircraft.
Students participate in Orthodox worship.
"The main goal of the team cadet school - creating conditions for the fullest development and practical implementation of the talents of today's boys and girls, the formation of the youth of patriotism and responsibility for their own fate and the fate of his homeland. We believe that our work is the guarantee that the future of our city and Russia in good hands, and our graduates, as no one else will do much to preserve and increase glorious and labor traditions laid down by the older generation, showing the maximum participation. Our children - this is our hope for really bright tomorrow, "- says the school director Alexey Khitrov.
Students participate in two days of field exercises.
Schoolboy with two guns during a two-day field exercise.
Gaining strength.
Teacher shows students a portrait of an outstanding Russian military leader and strategist Michael Skobelev.
Engaged in cleaning.
Students play in bunk beds.
Source: www.ridus.ru

Cadet school named after General Yermolov in Stavropol preparing to hold an annual output of the field and the final celebration. Teachers school students formed of multiple personalities, capable to realize the creative potential in the dynamic socio-economic conditions of these defenders of their homeland.
Schoolchildren are taught to handle weapons April 13, 2014. Photos released 22 April 2014.

The school allows its students to participate in field trips, during which they spend the night in the camp, improve their physical fitness and trained with weapons.
The honorary title of cadet school named after General AP Yermolov gymnasium won in 2002.

Students watch how to do the exercises, during two days of field exercises. (

The school named after General AP Yermolov many students from military families.

The modern system of education in the cadet school to determine school profiling. The school organized the Summer departments and combined arms. Beginning in grade 9, students of the department held a special flight parachute training and make parachute jumps. Students with a particular interest in aviation, and allowed to make a solo flight in aircraft.
Students participate in Orthodox worship.

"The main goal of the team cadet school - creating conditions for the fullest development and practical implementation of the talents of today's boys and girls, the formation of the youth of patriotism and responsibility for their own fate and the fate of his homeland. We believe that our work is the guarantee that the future of our city and Russia in good hands, and our graduates, as no one else will do much to preserve and increase glorious and labor traditions laid down by the older generation, showing the maximum participation. Our children - this is our hope for really bright tomorrow, "- says the school director Alexey Khitrov.
Students participate in two days of field exercises.

Schoolboy with two guns during a two-day field exercise.

Gaining strength.

Teacher shows students a portrait of an outstanding Russian military leader and strategist Michael Skobelev.

Engaged in cleaning.

Students play in bunk beds.

Source: www.ridus.ru