Seven, five, three - charging is melted as a stopwatch. A couple of seconds e-mobility swept coasts and fell silent. Functional, "stove" is working, but the machine is ... Hell, we still have not driven a kilometer!
18 photos and text.
- What happened? Why do not we go?
- The battery of the village. The idea now is to start the engine to recharge it, but for some reason he does not start.
- Do we have broken e-mobility ???
- Now find out - out runs engineer ...
About this project, without exaggeration, they know everything. Good name, coined by Belarusian artist Vladimir Tsesler promised "mass" revolutionary technologies, significant investment through ... Despite skepticism in the comments of experts, in e-mobile did have the potential to become "popular": long before the appearance of the first moves of the sample number of pre-order exceeded two hundred thousand.
Why the interest? Well, of course, because so much was promised: a revolutionary rotary vane engine, allegedly featuring the incredible efficiency (reported consumption of hybrid - about 3, 5 liters per "hundred"), frame-stamped body with plastic outer panels, not fearful corrosion series hybrid transmission with supercapacitors, which was obtained by a separate patent. Specialists grinned, listening to all these promises, and the people believed.
However, "we wanted the best, but it turned out as always": dates postponed over and over again, objective data to the extent necessary as there was no and no. From the project disappeared Swing-piston engine, but the announced price has consistently grown: instead of 450,000 Russian rubles "for the top version," as promised by Putin during the first test drive, recently managers are increasingly voicing the price tag in the region of one million Russian rubles. Million? For what?
In a conversation Andrew Ginsburg, Chief Designer and CEO of "E-car", with correspondents of Russian NTV, thanks to which we met with the E-Mobile, regularly hears the word "Tesla". However, the American electric vehicle is often mentioned and compared correspondents, since it is not correct to compare "train" and hybrid. But the parallels are obvious: their car is already sold, it is popular, and the Russian never grew out of the "short pants" "predseriyki." How Come?
On the question of the shortcomings in the work of his predecessor, Andrei Biryukov, Andrew Ginsburg answers evasively, saying that only used to answer for his words. But many who are familiar with the history detail "e-project", are unanimous in their opinion that the early years developed only two areas - public relations and sports team. While all the news feeds hotly debated next information about E-Mobile, Andrei Biryukov built very good sportprototipy, which appeared in good competitions at various levels. And at the recent near Minsk jeep sprint one of these prototypes has once again demonstrated that sports cars can cost Biryukov: from e-SUV was not worthy competitors, despite the fact that the race was attended by eminent Russian riders on the sport prototypes.
But back to the prototype production model. Since the "new" Andrew about the "old" talk is not particularly set, angling for information leading questions.
- Sports e-mobiles have something in common with these crossovers: layout, components, assemblies?
- No.
- And in what year was developed platform?
- In 2012 ...
- And when they were collected the first specimens of these crossovers?
- In the autumn of last year ...
Finding dates: Andrei Biryukov was removed from his position as CEO in the fall of 2012 - so some of the work was still done with him. And now and really can not tell what ... However, what's the difference - the project is still sold. Yo-mobile will not?
In the form in which it was promised to consumers - probably not. However, it is possible that in one form or another will use the project's results, the same famous supercapacitors. Or frame-stamped body with plastic bodywork. After all, as it turned out, for a symbolic 1 euro sold nothing at all - the technical documentation on the crossover, next to which we stand. And all the rest: patents for supercapacitors, the right to brand themselves crossovers - remained at the previous owner. So that the project is not dead?
Died - was reborn. In the eyes of Belarusian engineers I see calm: salary goes, work goes. They talk enthusiastically about what and how to do show "advanced" tools, looks at Ginzburg, when it comes to very very "thin" technical issues, saying that you can tell about this? Answer all the questions we find on the card: it turns out, we did not have a party of "Yo-mobile", and the other - "Yo-engineering"! Which continues to operate quietly: moved to a new building has several engineering projects.
- These five crossovers we will use as a "mule": modifying them to existing technologies, experience new. Cut them to pieces, as in Soviet times, and we do not plan to sell.
And finish off there is that we have not driven and kilometers, as the battery "died", the car stopped. Minute, two minutes - stand, it is not clear what we expect.
- Do we have broken e-mobility ???
- Now find out - out runs engineer ...
The situation was resolved simply, there is nothing we fortunately did not break - just "hung" operating system, which "tied" to control everyone and everything, including the engine. Reboot - and under the hood immediately angrily growled 1, 4-liter engine fiatovsky. Why was he?
- We were looking for the unit, which as built a bi-fuel, and the engine can run on both petrol and methane.
The funny thing happens - gas-gasoline hybrid. And the hybrid serial-type: The above fiatovsky motor rotates a generator that charges the supercapacitors, and they feed the front and rear electric motors. Yes, e-mobility, moreover, also a twin-engine! More precisely - the three-motor, assuming also the engine.
However, the rigid connection between the engine and the wheels do not - they rotate only the electric motors. Although experts say that the efficiency of such a scheme, especially at high speed is about 75%, Andrew Ginsburg adamant: no gearboxes. By the way, not on E-mobility and usual starter - it replaces the motor-generator.
How it all going? Quite quickly! With the seats up to 40 km / h E-mobility breaks better than the Porsche 911: Corolla launched in parallel instantly falls short of 20 meters, and it's not a show - the dynamics of hurricane really! And until the batteries are fully charged, the focus can be shown several times in a row. Here would be surprised neighbors downstream, it appear E-mobility in urban traffic!
But this happiness does not last long - after 40 the intensity of acceleration is markedly reduced. After 50 km / h and did feel sad: a dimensional crossover howling motors accelerates about as VAZ "classics". In this case, the battery is reduced much more intense after a couple of accelerations its symbol is colored red.
But that's OK: after reboot "OSes" engine runs without problems, quickly charges the battery and then stalls. Braking battery also charges, and the recovery time is well felt: with a light touch of the brake pedal going strong slowdown, and the battery level instantly grows. But it, as has been said above is not enough for a long time: a couple of laps around the building - and under the hood again roar engine. And the engine immediately after starting out at high speed, which, combined with its rough sound a little scary. However, this is a prototype - on a production model if desired sound engine in general can be reduced to a minimum, as is done, for example, at Toyota Pruis.
Since transmission is clear, and that is a very e-crossover? Honestly, nothing interesting. Since this is a pre-production prototype, hand-built by a roundabout technologies, then in almost all respects it resembles a home-made - even inferior to the level of serial car "ёshka" while nedotyagivaet. Yes, e-crossover goes smoothly, accelerates well and powerful brakes, but the scale is in the "Settings" stands at the very beginning - "train" in this car need to literally everything.
For example, the suspension - even small holes in the asphalt E-mobility has been very hard, as if we're going to uncompromising supercar. Wheel unnatural light. With the brakes, too, something must be done, because the pedal too sensitive, and all its working stroke is very small. Insulation seems to be absent, with the vibrations from the engine is also something to do. Door handles hang in doorways, the right door easier to open from the inside, so as not to break the outside handle ... In general, if the project did not suddenly shut down, run Andrew Ginsburg had to be a lot more. By the way, why after so many years of investment Prokhorov suddenly decided to complete the project so disgracefully?
- We just came to the stage where it was necessary to buy equipment, and this is hundreds of millions of dollars, and therefore, it was necessary to know for sure that the project will reach mass production. And know exactly when it will happen, and we, alas, still no confidence in the timing.
And this is a very honest answer: the further advance Engineers "Yo-engineering", the greater the amount of work ahead of them open. Everyone remembers how Andrei Biryukov said that the readiness of the project is already almost 90%, in fact, even today, if he is willing to good by 50%. Andrew Ginsburg and honesty in this situation is captivating: it is not Julita, not away from uncomfortable questions - everything tells honestly, professionally and objectively. For two hours interview with enteveshnikami with their provocative questions Ginzburg never threw up his hands, as is often done Belarusian leaders, saying, you know. He remembers all the dates, sprinkles terms, can tell you about the date, place and manner of construction of any of the thousands of parts Yo-mobile. But the main thing - in his eyes lit the fire! He is not just a professional doing his job - he loves her. And this gives us hope - then all will be well. Maybe not the "Yo-mobile", so at least the "Yo-engineering." And we hear about and supercapacitors, and about the frame-stamped body. And maybe even about Swing-piston engine ...
Source: http: //
18 photos and text.

- What happened? Why do not we go?
- The battery of the village. The idea now is to start the engine to recharge it, but for some reason he does not start.
- Do we have broken e-mobility ???
- Now find out - out runs engineer ...

About this project, without exaggeration, they know everything. Good name, coined by Belarusian artist Vladimir Tsesler promised "mass" revolutionary technologies, significant investment through ... Despite skepticism in the comments of experts, in e-mobile did have the potential to become "popular": long before the appearance of the first moves of the sample number of pre-order exceeded two hundred thousand.

Why the interest? Well, of course, because so much was promised: a revolutionary rotary vane engine, allegedly featuring the incredible efficiency (reported consumption of hybrid - about 3, 5 liters per "hundred"), frame-stamped body with plastic outer panels, not fearful corrosion series hybrid transmission with supercapacitors, which was obtained by a separate patent. Specialists grinned, listening to all these promises, and the people believed.

However, "we wanted the best, but it turned out as always": dates postponed over and over again, objective data to the extent necessary as there was no and no. From the project disappeared Swing-piston engine, but the announced price has consistently grown: instead of 450,000 Russian rubles "for the top version," as promised by Putin during the first test drive, recently managers are increasingly voicing the price tag in the region of one million Russian rubles. Million? For what?

In a conversation Andrew Ginsburg, Chief Designer and CEO of "E-car", with correspondents of Russian NTV, thanks to which we met with the E-Mobile, regularly hears the word "Tesla". However, the American electric vehicle is often mentioned and compared correspondents, since it is not correct to compare "train" and hybrid. But the parallels are obvious: their car is already sold, it is popular, and the Russian never grew out of the "short pants" "predseriyki." How Come?

On the question of the shortcomings in the work of his predecessor, Andrei Biryukov, Andrew Ginsburg answers evasively, saying that only used to answer for his words. But many who are familiar with the history detail "e-project", are unanimous in their opinion that the early years developed only two areas - public relations and sports team. While all the news feeds hotly debated next information about E-Mobile, Andrei Biryukov built very good sportprototipy, which appeared in good competitions at various levels. And at the recent near Minsk jeep sprint one of these prototypes has once again demonstrated that sports cars can cost Biryukov: from e-SUV was not worthy competitors, despite the fact that the race was attended by eminent Russian riders on the sport prototypes.

But back to the prototype production model. Since the "new" Andrew about the "old" talk is not particularly set, angling for information leading questions.
- Sports e-mobiles have something in common with these crossovers: layout, components, assemblies?
- No.
- And in what year was developed platform?
- In 2012 ...
- And when they were collected the first specimens of these crossovers?
- In the autumn of last year ...
Finding dates: Andrei Biryukov was removed from his position as CEO in the fall of 2012 - so some of the work was still done with him. And now and really can not tell what ... However, what's the difference - the project is still sold. Yo-mobile will not?

In the form in which it was promised to consumers - probably not. However, it is possible that in one form or another will use the project's results, the same famous supercapacitors. Or frame-stamped body with plastic bodywork. After all, as it turned out, for a symbolic 1 euro sold nothing at all - the technical documentation on the crossover, next to which we stand. And all the rest: patents for supercapacitors, the right to brand themselves crossovers - remained at the previous owner. So that the project is not dead?

Died - was reborn. In the eyes of Belarusian engineers I see calm: salary goes, work goes. They talk enthusiastically about what and how to do show "advanced" tools, looks at Ginzburg, when it comes to very very "thin" technical issues, saying that you can tell about this? Answer all the questions we find on the card: it turns out, we did not have a party of "Yo-mobile", and the other - "Yo-engineering"! Which continues to operate quietly: moved to a new building has several engineering projects.
- These five crossovers we will use as a "mule": modifying them to existing technologies, experience new. Cut them to pieces, as in Soviet times, and we do not plan to sell.
And finish off there is that we have not driven and kilometers, as the battery "died", the car stopped. Minute, two minutes - stand, it is not clear what we expect.
- Do we have broken e-mobility ???
- Now find out - out runs engineer ...

The situation was resolved simply, there is nothing we fortunately did not break - just "hung" operating system, which "tied" to control everyone and everything, including the engine. Reboot - and under the hood immediately angrily growled 1, 4-liter engine fiatovsky. Why was he?
- We were looking for the unit, which as built a bi-fuel, and the engine can run on both petrol and methane.
The funny thing happens - gas-gasoline hybrid. And the hybrid serial-type: The above fiatovsky motor rotates a generator that charges the supercapacitors, and they feed the front and rear electric motors. Yes, e-mobility, moreover, also a twin-engine! More precisely - the three-motor, assuming also the engine.

However, the rigid connection between the engine and the wheels do not - they rotate only the electric motors. Although experts say that the efficiency of such a scheme, especially at high speed is about 75%, Andrew Ginsburg adamant: no gearboxes. By the way, not on E-mobility and usual starter - it replaces the motor-generator.

How it all going? Quite quickly! With the seats up to 40 km / h E-mobility breaks better than the Porsche 911: Corolla launched in parallel instantly falls short of 20 meters, and it's not a show - the dynamics of hurricane really! And until the batteries are fully charged, the focus can be shown several times in a row. Here would be surprised neighbors downstream, it appear E-mobility in urban traffic!

But this happiness does not last long - after 40 the intensity of acceleration is markedly reduced. After 50 km / h and did feel sad: a dimensional crossover howling motors accelerates about as VAZ "classics". In this case, the battery is reduced much more intense after a couple of accelerations its symbol is colored red.
But that's OK: after reboot "OSes" engine runs without problems, quickly charges the battery and then stalls. Braking battery also charges, and the recovery time is well felt: with a light touch of the brake pedal going strong slowdown, and the battery level instantly grows. But it, as has been said above is not enough for a long time: a couple of laps around the building - and under the hood again roar engine. And the engine immediately after starting out at high speed, which, combined with its rough sound a little scary. However, this is a prototype - on a production model if desired sound engine in general can be reduced to a minimum, as is done, for example, at Toyota Pruis.

Since transmission is clear, and that is a very e-crossover? Honestly, nothing interesting. Since this is a pre-production prototype, hand-built by a roundabout technologies, then in almost all respects it resembles a home-made - even inferior to the level of serial car "ёshka" while nedotyagivaet. Yes, e-crossover goes smoothly, accelerates well and powerful brakes, but the scale is in the "Settings" stands at the very beginning - "train" in this car need to literally everything.

For example, the suspension - even small holes in the asphalt E-mobility has been very hard, as if we're going to uncompromising supercar. Wheel unnatural light. With the brakes, too, something must be done, because the pedal too sensitive, and all its working stroke is very small. Insulation seems to be absent, with the vibrations from the engine is also something to do. Door handles hang in doorways, the right door easier to open from the inside, so as not to break the outside handle ... In general, if the project did not suddenly shut down, run Andrew Ginsburg had to be a lot more. By the way, why after so many years of investment Prokhorov suddenly decided to complete the project so disgracefully?

- We just came to the stage where it was necessary to buy equipment, and this is hundreds of millions of dollars, and therefore, it was necessary to know for sure that the project will reach mass production. And know exactly when it will happen, and we, alas, still no confidence in the timing.
And this is a very honest answer: the further advance Engineers "Yo-engineering", the greater the amount of work ahead of them open. Everyone remembers how Andrei Biryukov said that the readiness of the project is already almost 90%, in fact, even today, if he is willing to good by 50%. Andrew Ginsburg and honesty in this situation is captivating: it is not Julita, not away from uncomfortable questions - everything tells honestly, professionally and objectively. For two hours interview with enteveshnikami with their provocative questions Ginzburg never threw up his hands, as is often done Belarusian leaders, saying, you know. He remembers all the dates, sprinkles terms, can tell you about the date, place and manner of construction of any of the thousands of parts Yo-mobile. But the main thing - in his eyes lit the fire! He is not just a professional doing his job - he loves her. And this gives us hope - then all will be well. Maybe not the "Yo-mobile", so at least the "Yo-engineering." And we hear about and supercapacitors, and about the frame-stamped body. And maybe even about Swing-piston engine ...


Source: http: //