The United States could not shake Russia
The reunification of the Crimea with Russia is an important milestone of modern Russian history and marked a revival of great power - power that can defend its interests in the international arena on a par with other leading political players. And, it seems, the Crimea - is only the beginning: in the near future will create a Eurasian Union, which would strengthen the authority of Russia in the eyes of the world community. However, Washington is trying to prevent the implementation of the plans of Moscow: the United States strongly opposed the RF gain because it will pose a serious threat to American hegemony in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Further, under the cut.
Why do America harm Russia?
The essence of the US strategy in Eurasia - to prevent the occurrence of state or group of states, the ability to throw a global challenge America. That is why Washington is strongly hinders the free development of the European Union, as well as pursuing a policy of pre-emptive deterrence of Russia and China. And most of all at the White House feared the creation of a Eurasian Union, which the Western media dubbed "the USSR 2.0».
Recent events in the Ukraine fully comply with the logic of the White House. If Ukraine will join the Eurasian Union, economic and military power the new alliance is not comparable to that enjoyed by the current Customs Union and CSTO. Washington's aim - to make industrial complexes and transport infrastructure of the southeast have not got to Moscow. Equally important are human resources: Ukraine mobilization potential of the Eurasian Union will increase by one third. We must not forget about the Soviet legacy - hydroelectric, nuclear power plants and other industrial facilities that were built in Ukraine the hands of builders from all over the Soviet Union.
It is not surprising that the reunification of the Crimea with the historical homeland excited politicians from the White House. Plan America broke: it turned out that the little plant in Kiev, Washington loyal people, it is also necessary to keep the rest of the country. But, alas, the Obama virtually no levers of influence on Ukraine. Certainly, he can call Oleksandr Turchynov and Arsen Avakov, but who will execute their orders? Experience has shown that the authority of the junta are limited to a maximum boundaries of the Kiev region.
But if Barack Obama can not change the course of events in Ukraine, he will try to put pressure directly on Russia. However, here the set of available instruments is low. The White House is likely to resort to symbolic gestures like the loud statements about the upcoming "tough sanctions" or starts talking about all sorts of "red lines" and "the last warning" that Obama has loved since the beginning of the war in Syria. However, there are other options, for example, attempts to split Russian society from the inside, as it was done in Ukraine. Ukrainian scenario in Russia did not load
What are the measures taken Barack Obama to "rock the boat"? First of all, the American president has introduced targeted sanctions against the Russian businessmen and officials who have considerable authority and influence both within the state and beyond. The purpose - to cause a murmur among the highest political elite force them to renounce the policy pursued by President Vladimir Putin.
Something similar was able to crank out in Ukraine, where under the threat of sanctions, many MPs were against Viktor Yanukovych. However, Ukrainian politicians have always been scattered, each defends only their own narrow interests, and state thinking appears to them as something strange and inexplicable.
Russian power hierarchy where stronger and more stable Ukrainian horizontally. Moscow really think about the future of the country. Personal sanctions against Russian officials were to embroil the political elite of Russia, to restore her against President Vladimir Putin. But the cunning plan failed: the Russian leadership has demonstrated unity and patriotism, unprecedented for many countries of the Western world.
After all, officials are well aware that the United States deliberately impose restrictions against Russian citizens, provoking them. Do not succumb to provocations - the best way to avoid negative consequences. Sanctions themselves quite dangerous.
The correct course of action chosen by the political elite of the country, which suggests that in the near future, the Russian Federation will present more surprises in the foreign policy arena. After the first fight Russia emerged victorious, and even hardened! Country, solid inside, able to cope with any challenges, regardless of their nature and complexity. On the "home front" no change
The rallies, which periodically gather in Moscow, few in number and should not cause concern. The United States have been trying to discover the "internal front" against Russia, but all plans fiasco. In contrast to the Ukrainian, Russian opposition is not a coup d'etat: those forces. Demonstrations for 2011-2013 revealed that the population does not share the idea, popular among the so-called "extra-systemic opposition." In addition, Russia does not have its Galicia, where tens of thousands of radicals could descend to the capital. All regions of the country loyal to the Kremlin, and outright betrayal, attempts to sell abroad is not observed.
Prepare to Russian provocateurs, mercenaries will come. Russian special services - not Ukrainian, they have a good training and a wealth of operational experience, so that will be able to neutralize any internal threats to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country.
The fight against "fifth column" is conducted at the legislative level. What, for example, is a well-known law "On Noncommercial Organizations", tighten control over the activities of foreign agents (NGOs). Using this law will prevent any attempts by the US to provide financial assistance to the Russian non-systemic opposition. The authorities, on the basis of the experience of the coup d'état in Kiev in the near future will be a series of other laws aimed at strengthening the vertical governance. The limits of American power
In this case, the United States will harm Russia by means of economic sanctions. But in this case, Washington will suffer from the actions of its European allies are closely linked with the Russian market and dependent on energy supplies from Russia. It is not known whether it will introduce any sanctions is one thing - the personal limit for individuals, and quite another - breaking strategic partnership.
At the same time in Russia carried out the implementation of reforms needed to strengthen the Russian economy. Measures taken by the government, surprised by its scale: in the near future the country will have a national payment system and its own credit rating agency, and Russian banks have already started using the euro instead of the ruble and the dollar. The complex of measures - the best way to deal with dependence on foreign companies that used to dictate to the sovereign states of their economic policies. The current economic crisis is due to just such a diktat.
Option to use the armed forces of the White House did not consider: After a disastrous campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan, the American public does not want to get involved in any armed conflict. In addition, US forces in Ukraine are met by hostile local population, which does not want the occupation of their country.
Moving US warships and aircraft closer to Russia's borders - a bluff. Attack on nuclear power, Washington will not be because he is afraid of retaliation. The only chance to defeat Russia - not to act on the outside and inside.
But, as noted above, the aspirations of Barack Obama split the Russian society did not materialize: Russia rallied like a fortress, and a well keeps hitting. You can safely say that the country pereterpit period of American diplomatic offensive and sustain the few sanctions that on the initiative of the American president may be imposed against individuals and commercial organizations in Russia. A time Obama is not enough: every day the authority of the sluggish US president is fading away. A little more, and no one in the wake of the White House will not do, what Russia will be able to take advantage of profitable.
Author Artem Wit
Further, under the cut.

Why do America harm Russia?
The essence of the US strategy in Eurasia - to prevent the occurrence of state or group of states, the ability to throw a global challenge America. That is why Washington is strongly hinders the free development of the European Union, as well as pursuing a policy of pre-emptive deterrence of Russia and China. And most of all at the White House feared the creation of a Eurasian Union, which the Western media dubbed "the USSR 2.0».
Recent events in the Ukraine fully comply with the logic of the White House. If Ukraine will join the Eurasian Union, economic and military power the new alliance is not comparable to that enjoyed by the current Customs Union and CSTO. Washington's aim - to make industrial complexes and transport infrastructure of the southeast have not got to Moscow. Equally important are human resources: Ukraine mobilization potential of the Eurasian Union will increase by one third. We must not forget about the Soviet legacy - hydroelectric, nuclear power plants and other industrial facilities that were built in Ukraine the hands of builders from all over the Soviet Union.
It is not surprising that the reunification of the Crimea with the historical homeland excited politicians from the White House. Plan America broke: it turned out that the little plant in Kiev, Washington loyal people, it is also necessary to keep the rest of the country. But, alas, the Obama virtually no levers of influence on Ukraine. Certainly, he can call Oleksandr Turchynov and Arsen Avakov, but who will execute their orders? Experience has shown that the authority of the junta are limited to a maximum boundaries of the Kiev region.
But if Barack Obama can not change the course of events in Ukraine, he will try to put pressure directly on Russia. However, here the set of available instruments is low. The White House is likely to resort to symbolic gestures like the loud statements about the upcoming "tough sanctions" or starts talking about all sorts of "red lines" and "the last warning" that Obama has loved since the beginning of the war in Syria. However, there are other options, for example, attempts to split Russian society from the inside, as it was done in Ukraine. Ukrainian scenario in Russia did not load
What are the measures taken Barack Obama to "rock the boat"? First of all, the American president has introduced targeted sanctions against the Russian businessmen and officials who have considerable authority and influence both within the state and beyond. The purpose - to cause a murmur among the highest political elite force them to renounce the policy pursued by President Vladimir Putin.
Something similar was able to crank out in Ukraine, where under the threat of sanctions, many MPs were against Viktor Yanukovych. However, Ukrainian politicians have always been scattered, each defends only their own narrow interests, and state thinking appears to them as something strange and inexplicable.
Russian power hierarchy where stronger and more stable Ukrainian horizontally. Moscow really think about the future of the country. Personal sanctions against Russian officials were to embroil the political elite of Russia, to restore her against President Vladimir Putin. But the cunning plan failed: the Russian leadership has demonstrated unity and patriotism, unprecedented for many countries of the Western world.
After all, officials are well aware that the United States deliberately impose restrictions against Russian citizens, provoking them. Do not succumb to provocations - the best way to avoid negative consequences. Sanctions themselves quite dangerous.
The correct course of action chosen by the political elite of the country, which suggests that in the near future, the Russian Federation will present more surprises in the foreign policy arena. After the first fight Russia emerged victorious, and even hardened! Country, solid inside, able to cope with any challenges, regardless of their nature and complexity. On the "home front" no change
The rallies, which periodically gather in Moscow, few in number and should not cause concern. The United States have been trying to discover the "internal front" against Russia, but all plans fiasco. In contrast to the Ukrainian, Russian opposition is not a coup d'etat: those forces. Demonstrations for 2011-2013 revealed that the population does not share the idea, popular among the so-called "extra-systemic opposition." In addition, Russia does not have its Galicia, where tens of thousands of radicals could descend to the capital. All regions of the country loyal to the Kremlin, and outright betrayal, attempts to sell abroad is not observed.
Prepare to Russian provocateurs, mercenaries will come. Russian special services - not Ukrainian, they have a good training and a wealth of operational experience, so that will be able to neutralize any internal threats to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country.
The fight against "fifth column" is conducted at the legislative level. What, for example, is a well-known law "On Noncommercial Organizations", tighten control over the activities of foreign agents (NGOs). Using this law will prevent any attempts by the US to provide financial assistance to the Russian non-systemic opposition. The authorities, on the basis of the experience of the coup d'état in Kiev in the near future will be a series of other laws aimed at strengthening the vertical governance. The limits of American power
In this case, the United States will harm Russia by means of economic sanctions. But in this case, Washington will suffer from the actions of its European allies are closely linked with the Russian market and dependent on energy supplies from Russia. It is not known whether it will introduce any sanctions is one thing - the personal limit for individuals, and quite another - breaking strategic partnership.
At the same time in Russia carried out the implementation of reforms needed to strengthen the Russian economy. Measures taken by the government, surprised by its scale: in the near future the country will have a national payment system and its own credit rating agency, and Russian banks have already started using the euro instead of the ruble and the dollar. The complex of measures - the best way to deal with dependence on foreign companies that used to dictate to the sovereign states of their economic policies. The current economic crisis is due to just such a diktat.
Option to use the armed forces of the White House did not consider: After a disastrous campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan, the American public does not want to get involved in any armed conflict. In addition, US forces in Ukraine are met by hostile local population, which does not want the occupation of their country.
Moving US warships and aircraft closer to Russia's borders - a bluff. Attack on nuclear power, Washington will not be because he is afraid of retaliation. The only chance to defeat Russia - not to act on the outside and inside.
But, as noted above, the aspirations of Barack Obama split the Russian society did not materialize: Russia rallied like a fortress, and a well keeps hitting. You can safely say that the country pereterpit period of American diplomatic offensive and sustain the few sanctions that on the initiative of the American president may be imposed against individuals and commercial organizations in Russia. A time Obama is not enough: every day the authority of the sluggish US president is fading away. A little more, and no one in the wake of the White House will not do, what Russia will be able to take advantage of profitable.
Author Artem Wit