How to steal money Privatbank customers. Whether or not to keep the money in Privatbank?

Today logging client bank Privat24 saw that the card account less money than it should be yesterday.
Began to understand what was happening.
The list of account operations was the following entry:
cancellation of the card account. regular payments p24 980 Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk - 500.00 UAH blockquote>
In the corporate klientbanke, this record was the more detailed:
Translation of personal funds. 500.00 UAH
Counterparty: SCS 'CREDIT CARD' USREOU code 14360570, p / c 26250091062329, MFO 300711, Pechers'ka F.PAT KB "PRIVATBANK" M.KIЄV blockquote> and there is a note in red: payments for these details (2625 *: !) are blocked.
Such payment, I did not commit. I am in full a.ue.
Now communicate with the bank via chat siteheart Privat.
Let's see what will inform the employee and how events will unfold.
10:25 Dashchenko Vladislav
Stay, please, on the line, connects you with an expert in your question blockquote>
10:42 Dmitry Voloshin
Excuse me, please, for the wait!
minute, please
Translation of personal funds. Payer: 500.00 UAH monthly Active
set regular payment blockquote>