Laws for tourists
Ahaha will now what to do :)
Walking in a bathing suit (Grenada)
It appears topless beauty pretty annoying local residents of this country. Why else would take such a harsh law? Lying on the beach in a bathing suit is not forbidden, but if you decide to walk it down the street, then in theory it could cost you $ 270. However, the local tourist board claims that the severity of the "law of the swimsuit" is softened by not having its execution.
Driving with headlights off (Denmark, Czech Republic)
No matter whether rain, snow falls there, the sun shines bright if - the headlights of your car should be included at all times. It may, a bit strange, but the rules of the road to be trifled with. Moreover, such a requirement is not entirely unreasonable. Studies have shown that other drivers more aware of the maneuvers surrounding the car when they turn on the lights, and it helps reduce the number of accidents.
Do not feed the pigeons (Italy)
You can admire Venice, ride a gondola on it, go to museums, but you should never feed the pigeons! These harmless bird turned into a disaster in Italy. Urban municipalities annually spend huge sums trying to clean pigeon droppings from the house and monuments. Those who feel sorry for the birds, it is better, in addition to the bread crumbs to keep in your pocket 50-60 euros. But sometimes the penalties for this offense can reach up to 600 euros.
Small coins outside the law (Canada)
"Money - it's always money" - you think? Once in Canada, you change your mind. In this country, it is not always possible to pay a fine coin. Special enacted in 1985 a law explains how you can use a penny: in general there should be no more than "a reasonable amount" and the seller has the right to refuse the customer who comes into the store with a couple of kilos of coins. That's just how it is a reasonable number of lawmakers have forgotten to register.
Standing and walking on the Autobahn (Germany)
Stops the engine and walk on the Autobahn in Germany on foot is strictly prohibited. Even if you ran out of gas and the car stalled, it will not only buy the fuel, but also to pay a fine of 100 euros. Approximately the same number will need to shell out if you decide to walk to the canister to the nearest gas station on the highway on foot. While these actions on German roads where there are no speed limits, and sometimes cost a lot more expensive - they can cost lives.
Cleaner Machine Company (Moscow)
Approaching the Russian capital, be sure to thoroughly wash the car! Given that the roads in Moscow are not only made of asphalt, but often from the deep and muddy puddles, it will have to do on a regular basis. Although you can write a penalty only for the dirty, unreadable numbers, but if you get a regular event "Month of clean cars," boring educational conversation with representatives of road inspection can qualify and dusty bumper.
In Ramadan without catering (UAE)
If you are traveling to the United Arab Emirates during Ramadan, a simple lunch in a restaurant will cost you much more than any other day of the year. There on the street is prohibited. Dine in a public place, you can even go to jail like two British tourists who had to give up freedom for three weeks. Other unfortunates were forced to pay $ 275 just for that day dared to drink some juice.
Kissing at stations (France, UK)
The most romantic country in the world banned kissing at railway stations :) End romantic farewells and meetings came in 1910, when it was adopted as an unusual law is still in effect, although the times and circumstances have changed. After all, originally it was intended to prevent the delay of trains! As punishment for this offense is not provided, the maximum that can threaten the lovers - they are simply asked to move from the apron to the parking lot.
The ban on topless driving (Thailand)
No matter how seductive nor was the idea take off his shirt when in the tropical heat you drive a car or motorbike, do not worth it. This topless is prohibited and will be punished by a fine of $ 10. Although maybe it's not such a big price to pay for a little refreshment?
Gum (Singapore)
Recovering in Singapore, if you do not want problems, be sure to lay out pockets of gum. In addition, the country is strictly forbidden to spit on the streets and feed the birds. All bans are associated exclusively with aesthetics: nobody nice to walk on the sidewalks spat coated chewing gum and bird droppings. You can chew a special anti-nicotine gum, and even then, only if it will allow the doctor.
Walking in a bathing suit (Grenada)
It appears topless beauty pretty annoying local residents of this country. Why else would take such a harsh law? Lying on the beach in a bathing suit is not forbidden, but if you decide to walk it down the street, then in theory it could cost you $ 270. However, the local tourist board claims that the severity of the "law of the swimsuit" is softened by not having its execution.
Driving with headlights off (Denmark, Czech Republic)
No matter whether rain, snow falls there, the sun shines bright if - the headlights of your car should be included at all times. It may, a bit strange, but the rules of the road to be trifled with. Moreover, such a requirement is not entirely unreasonable. Studies have shown that other drivers more aware of the maneuvers surrounding the car when they turn on the lights, and it helps reduce the number of accidents.
Do not feed the pigeons (Italy)
You can admire Venice, ride a gondola on it, go to museums, but you should never feed the pigeons! These harmless bird turned into a disaster in Italy. Urban municipalities annually spend huge sums trying to clean pigeon droppings from the house and monuments. Those who feel sorry for the birds, it is better, in addition to the bread crumbs to keep in your pocket 50-60 euros. But sometimes the penalties for this offense can reach up to 600 euros.
Small coins outside the law (Canada)
"Money - it's always money" - you think? Once in Canada, you change your mind. In this country, it is not always possible to pay a fine coin. Special enacted in 1985 a law explains how you can use a penny: in general there should be no more than "a reasonable amount" and the seller has the right to refuse the customer who comes into the store with a couple of kilos of coins. That's just how it is a reasonable number of lawmakers have forgotten to register.
Standing and walking on the Autobahn (Germany)
Stops the engine and walk on the Autobahn in Germany on foot is strictly prohibited. Even if you ran out of gas and the car stalled, it will not only buy the fuel, but also to pay a fine of 100 euros. Approximately the same number will need to shell out if you decide to walk to the canister to the nearest gas station on the highway on foot. While these actions on German roads where there are no speed limits, and sometimes cost a lot more expensive - they can cost lives.
Cleaner Machine Company (Moscow)
Approaching the Russian capital, be sure to thoroughly wash the car! Given that the roads in Moscow are not only made of asphalt, but often from the deep and muddy puddles, it will have to do on a regular basis. Although you can write a penalty only for the dirty, unreadable numbers, but if you get a regular event "Month of clean cars," boring educational conversation with representatives of road inspection can qualify and dusty bumper.
In Ramadan without catering (UAE)
If you are traveling to the United Arab Emirates during Ramadan, a simple lunch in a restaurant will cost you much more than any other day of the year. There on the street is prohibited. Dine in a public place, you can even go to jail like two British tourists who had to give up freedom for three weeks. Other unfortunates were forced to pay $ 275 just for that day dared to drink some juice.
Kissing at stations (France, UK)
The most romantic country in the world banned kissing at railway stations :) End romantic farewells and meetings came in 1910, when it was adopted as an unusual law is still in effect, although the times and circumstances have changed. After all, originally it was intended to prevent the delay of trains! As punishment for this offense is not provided, the maximum that can threaten the lovers - they are simply asked to move from the apron to the parking lot.
The ban on topless driving (Thailand)
No matter how seductive nor was the idea take off his shirt when in the tropical heat you drive a car or motorbike, do not worth it. This topless is prohibited and will be punished by a fine of $ 10. Although maybe it's not such a big price to pay for a little refreshment?
Gum (Singapore)
Recovering in Singapore, if you do not want problems, be sure to lay out pockets of gum. In addition, the country is strictly forbidden to spit on the streets and feed the birds. All bans are associated exclusively with aesthetics: nobody nice to walk on the sidewalks spat coated chewing gum and bird droppings. You can chew a special anti-nicotine gum, and even then, only if it will allow the doctor.