Things invented by mistake.
Dozens of things that we use every day, were due to simple chance. The most famous such revelation, of course, is the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, who actually swam towards Asia.
American researcher Charlotte Jones has published a book "Errors that have earned." In the book, she has collected numerous examples of errors to a greater or lesser extent influenced the life of mankind.
1. "Coca-Cola".
In 1886, the doctor and pharmacist John Pemberton was trying to prepare medicine based on extracts of coca leaves and kola nuts Africa, has tonic properties. Medicine sold only in pharmacies, but once dealer, whose duties included dilute it with water, mixed Cranes and poured soda instead of the ordinary.
2.Pechene with chocolate chips,
One of the most popular types of cookies in the US. It was invented in the 1930s, when a small hotel hostess Ruth Wakefield decided to bake usual biscuits with chocolate flavor. She broke a chocolate bar and stirred with pieces of chocolate dough, hoping that the chocolate will melt in the oven. Thank God, that Madame did not know physics.
3.Kleykie paper for notes
It was the result of a failed experiment to enhance the resistance of the adhesive. Employee Research Laboratory has received a tight glue, which does not soaked in the bonding surface and was completely useless. But on glue well-kept, without damaging the paper bookmarks in the books.
Charles Gudiyr accidentally discovered the recipe for rubber, which does not soften in heat and does not become brittle in the cold: he accidentally heated a mixture of rubber and sulfur on the kitchen stove. This process is called vulcanised.
Eraser Englishman J. Priestley is known as the discoverer of ammonia, hydrogen chloride, oxygen and other gases. However, this scientist, there are other discovery - or rather, the invention in which people enjoy to this day. In 1770 Priestley invited his colleagues to use pieces of natural rubber to erase the pencil from the paper and the ink recording. To the great surprise of the scientist, this way once widespread.
In 1941, engineer John Hopps commissioned naval Navy carried out research in the field of hypothermia. Before him was tasked to find a way to quickly warm the person, for a long time stays in the cold or in cold water. Hopps was trying to use for heating high-frequency radio waves and accidentally discovered that the heart stops beating due to hypothermia, can again be "running" if it is stimulate electrical impulses.
It was the result of forgetfulness, Alexander Fleming, who left the tube with bacteria Staphylococcus unattended for several days. The tube moldy.
7.Telezhku Supermarket
He invented the owner of a large grocery store in Oklahoma City, who noted that the buyers refuse to buy some goods because they are hard to bear.
8.Meshok garbage.
Harry Vasilyuk in 1950 invented the first garbage bag. Vasilkzh was an inventor and engineer and one day approached by the city municipality, which posed the problem: to ensure that waste does not spill during waste loading and assembly machines. Vasilyuk a long time pondering over the creation of a vacuum cleaner of similarity, but decision came suddenly. Some of his friends, or home (versions differ) threw the phrase: "I need a bag for trash!". Vasilyuk realized that for the operations with debris should use disposable bags and offered to do it from polyethylene. The first trash bags intended for individuals appeared in the 1960s. Now one of the major challenges that lie ahead of humanity, is the disposal of garbage.
9.Mikrovolnovaya oven.
Known researcher Percy Spencer who received more than 120 patents for inventions employee of one of the largest companies in the global military-industrial complex Raytheon, accidentally became the creator of the microwave oven. In 1945, shortly before the end of World War II, he conducted research, aims to improve the quality of radars. At the moment of experience, Spencer has passed before transmitter worked, and discovered that chocolate bar in his pocket melted. After a series of experiments established the first microwave stove, which weighed about 400 kg. Its supposed to be used in restaurants, planes and ships - where required quickly reheat food. Now microwave oven is about one in twelve of the world cuisine.
American researcher Charlotte Jones has published a book "Errors that have earned." In the book, she has collected numerous examples of errors to a greater or lesser extent influenced the life of mankind.
1. "Coca-Cola".
In 1886, the doctor and pharmacist John Pemberton was trying to prepare medicine based on extracts of coca leaves and kola nuts Africa, has tonic properties. Medicine sold only in pharmacies, but once dealer, whose duties included dilute it with water, mixed Cranes and poured soda instead of the ordinary.
2.Pechene with chocolate chips,
One of the most popular types of cookies in the US. It was invented in the 1930s, when a small hotel hostess Ruth Wakefield decided to bake usual biscuits with chocolate flavor. She broke a chocolate bar and stirred with pieces of chocolate dough, hoping that the chocolate will melt in the oven. Thank God, that Madame did not know physics.
3.Kleykie paper for notes
It was the result of a failed experiment to enhance the resistance of the adhesive. Employee Research Laboratory has received a tight glue, which does not soaked in the bonding surface and was completely useless. But on glue well-kept, without damaging the paper bookmarks in the books.
Charles Gudiyr accidentally discovered the recipe for rubber, which does not soften in heat and does not become brittle in the cold: he accidentally heated a mixture of rubber and sulfur on the kitchen stove. This process is called vulcanised.
Eraser Englishman J. Priestley is known as the discoverer of ammonia, hydrogen chloride, oxygen and other gases. However, this scientist, there are other discovery - or rather, the invention in which people enjoy to this day. In 1770 Priestley invited his colleagues to use pieces of natural rubber to erase the pencil from the paper and the ink recording. To the great surprise of the scientist, this way once widespread.
In 1941, engineer John Hopps commissioned naval Navy carried out research in the field of hypothermia. Before him was tasked to find a way to quickly warm the person, for a long time stays in the cold or in cold water. Hopps was trying to use for heating high-frequency radio waves and accidentally discovered that the heart stops beating due to hypothermia, can again be "running" if it is stimulate electrical impulses.
It was the result of forgetfulness, Alexander Fleming, who left the tube with bacteria Staphylococcus unattended for several days. The tube moldy.
7.Telezhku Supermarket
He invented the owner of a large grocery store in Oklahoma City, who noted that the buyers refuse to buy some goods because they are hard to bear.
8.Meshok garbage.
Harry Vasilyuk in 1950 invented the first garbage bag. Vasilkzh was an inventor and engineer and one day approached by the city municipality, which posed the problem: to ensure that waste does not spill during waste loading and assembly machines. Vasilyuk a long time pondering over the creation of a vacuum cleaner of similarity, but decision came suddenly. Some of his friends, or home (versions differ) threw the phrase: "I need a bag for trash!". Vasilyuk realized that for the operations with debris should use disposable bags and offered to do it from polyethylene. The first trash bags intended for individuals appeared in the 1960s. Now one of the major challenges that lie ahead of humanity, is the disposal of garbage.
9.Mikrovolnovaya oven.
Known researcher Percy Spencer who received more than 120 patents for inventions employee of one of the largest companies in the global military-industrial complex Raytheon, accidentally became the creator of the microwave oven. In 1945, shortly before the end of World War II, he conducted research, aims to improve the quality of radars. At the moment of experience, Spencer has passed before transmitter worked, and discovered that chocolate bar in his pocket melted. After a series of experiments established the first microwave stove, which weighed about 400 kg. Its supposed to be used in restaurants, planes and ships - where required quickly reheat food. Now microwave oven is about one in twelve of the world cuisine.
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