5 simple exercises that we often do wrong
Regardless of whether you go to the gym or train at home, even the most simple exercise to do correctly. This not only greatly simplifies the task, but also reduces the likelihood that you will get injured or get tired quickly.
Website says to look great, you need to follow the rules and do not make mistakes.
Error number 1: Arms bent at right angles h3>
Error number 2: Sagging hips h3>
The correct position h3>
Error number 1: The knees protrude forward h3>
Error number 2: The knees are reduced to the middle h3>
The correct position h3>
Error number 1: Pulling the hands forward in front of him h3>
Error number 2: Bending at the waist h3>
The correct position h3>
Error number 1: Hips top h3>
Error number 2: Elbows are not on the same level with the shoulders h3>
The correct position h3>
Error number 2: Forward Bend h3>
The correct position h3>
Website says to look great, you need to follow the rules and do not make mistakes.
Push-ups h3>
Error number 1: Arms bent at right angles h3>
If you can not bend the right arm and down to the floor, it shows a lack of force in the major muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest.
Error number 2: Sagging hips h3>
In order not to make this mistake, try to keep your body body straight, pull the navel towards the spine and tighten your buttocks.
The correct position h3>
Start from a position high bar, the wrist should be on the shoulders, keep your back straight. Bend your arm at an angle of 90 degrees and Freeze a few inches from the floor before they straighten.
Squats h3>
Error number 1: The knees protrude forward h3>
If you find it difficult to squat at a right angle, the problem lies in the flexibility of the hip joints.
Error number 2: The knees are reduced to the middle h3>
If your knees squat connected to the middle, it is worth to pay attention to the gluteal muscles and the hamstrings.
The correct position h3>
Stand with your feet parallel, shoulder width apart. Straighten your back, stretch your arms out for balance. Slowly squat, keeping the heels on the floor.
Press of dumbbells standing h3>
Error number 1: Pulling the hands forward in front of him h3>
To get the most benefit from this exercise is to raise his hands above his head straight.
Error number 2: Bending at the waist h3>
For proper implementation is necessary to back and thighs were parallel.
The correct position h3>
Wrist turn to each other, place the dumbbells at shoulder level, raise directly overhead. Pick up for itself weight, which can make at least 8-12 reps.
Planck h3>
Error number 1: Hips top h3>
The reason may be a wrong position is that when you are afraid of sagging thighs or you are not tightened muscles of the body shell.
Error number 2: Elbows are not on the same level with the shoulders h3>
It may seem that, if you tilt the arms forward and stand still in this position, the bar will be many times easier. Actually there is a much greater burden on the shoulders.
The correct position h3>
From a prone position, lift the body. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders and forearms and hands parallel. Maintain a neutral neck position, keeping your back flat and ankles bent to 90 degrees.
Attacks h3>
Error number 1: Insufficient big step h3>
h3> If you do not make a big enough step, the main burden will fall on your toes, and get too much pressure on the knees and hips. Everything else in this position difficult to maintain balance.
Error number 2: Forward Bend h3>
In order not to make this mistake, keep your back straight and observe the buttocks.
The correct position h3>
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and step forward with your right foot. Ideally, the legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Keep your back straight, do not lean forward or lean back. Hold this plozheniya for a few seconds, then push off and change pace.
via greatist.com/move/moves-anyone-can-do?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http--greatistcom-
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