Another example of a theft in the Post Office Russia
This story I once again convinced that we should not trust their valuables, "Mail of Russia". Read more.
For pictures of photographer Anton was ordered on the Internet suspension for quadrocopters. It is an expensive mounting between camera and radio-controlled helicopter. Unfortunately, the package is not just about * Bali or broken, it was much worse.
The suspension was ordered in the beginning of July. Here it is, in the image of the online store:
Sending drove to the post office just 20 days. Actually, now I understand that if the order goes after less than two months - expect some x * yni of Russian Post. But then, as they say, there were no signs of trouble.
The department of postal service employees, as it usually happens, Anton was asked to sign on Kvitka and went to look for the package. Returning after a while, the operator threw up her hands and offered "a few days, there may be." A few days posting has never been found and Anton offered to complete an application to search for the parcel. Instead, it adopted a statement issued coupon, recommending to go in a few weeks:
A couple of days ago, Anton went into the office, waving his cherished kvitochki. Having grown old in line for a couple of years, he asked the operator:
- Well, how's my package wrapped? I found a?
- Your package? Ahh ... so you have already get !!! That's the same YOUR PAINTINGS upon receipt AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHA
Watch the hands, honorable ladies and gentlemen. The box postal service worker showed the hapless Internet shopper nevermind the very first receipt with which he came here in August!
That coupon application for tracing parcels issued August 22, three days later than the posting, according to postal workers, "has been given" (and in fact, of course, about Bananas or spizzhena) themselves postmen course niskolechko not bother . Mail changes, yes, that's all.
I might add from personal experience that the postal service has always offered to sign the ticket (ie sign for) before they even go into the jungle to search for the parcel post office. The proposal to give the parcel first, and then get the signature of their results in impotent fury, with gnashing of teeth, and salivation.
To cunning postal service is not fucked you have to remember a simple rule: DO NOT GIVE ticket or do not sign it yet do not give a parcel! Save yourself a lot of nerves and perhaps even a certain amount of money and time.

For pictures of photographer Anton was ordered on the Internet suspension for quadrocopters. It is an expensive mounting between camera and radio-controlled helicopter. Unfortunately, the package is not just about * Bali or broken, it was much worse.
The suspension was ordered in the beginning of July. Here it is, in the image of the online store:

Sending drove to the post office just 20 days. Actually, now I understand that if the order goes after less than two months - expect some x * yni of Russian Post. But then, as they say, there were no signs of trouble.

The department of postal service employees, as it usually happens, Anton was asked to sign on Kvitka and went to look for the package. Returning after a while, the operator threw up her hands and offered "a few days, there may be." A few days posting has never been found and Anton offered to complete an application to search for the parcel. Instead, it adopted a statement issued coupon, recommending to go in a few weeks:

A couple of days ago, Anton went into the office, waving his cherished kvitochki. Having grown old in line for a couple of years, he asked the operator:
- Well, how's my package wrapped? I found a?
- Your package? Ahh ... so you have already get !!! That's the same YOUR PAINTINGS upon receipt AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHA
Watch the hands, honorable ladies and gentlemen. The box postal service worker showed the hapless Internet shopper nevermind the very first receipt with which he came here in August!

That coupon application for tracing parcels issued August 22, three days later than the posting, according to postal workers, "has been given" (and in fact, of course, about Bananas or spizzhena) themselves postmen course niskolechko not bother . Mail changes, yes, that's all.
I might add from personal experience that the postal service has always offered to sign the ticket (ie sign for) before they even go into the jungle to search for the parcel post office. The proposal to give the parcel first, and then get the signature of their results in impotent fury, with gnashing of teeth, and salivation.
To cunning postal service is not fucked you have to remember a simple rule: DO NOT GIVE ticket or do not sign it yet do not give a parcel! Save yourself a lot of nerves and perhaps even a certain amount of money and time.