Stories about ARTISTS
Once BorisBorisychu Grebenshchikov showed right sock Jimi Hendrix, which he forgot at the hotel during a tour.
- Yeah !!! Oh !!! - I admired BorisBorisych.
- This Taoist - zashushukali circle of admirers.
And so it goes with that time in BorisBorisych Taoists.
Once drunk hlaminu Kinchev decided to call home.
- Where are you, stsukno? - Pounced on his wife - from whom do you? In what place?
- We-we-s ... s ... in the place ... - looking around, mumbling into the phone ...
Kinchev - Together we th !!! - Drunkenly howling fans.
Thus was born the pesTnya ...
During a trip to China Ilya Lagutenko decided to attain enlightenment and ate the sacred Shaolin cat. Alive.
And meows until now.
A Bulgarian by the name of the cows so much booze that he was given the nickname Kirkorov.
And we all know what kind of children are born at the drunks.
Once Slavik went to the school band rehearsal, and returned to a drunken shit.
- Have you ever learned to play? - I could not stand my father.
- Teach - mumbled Slavik.
- And drunk - father quipped.
- Census - dutifully agreed Slavik.
And because of the port "Agdam" he heavily slurred, instead of "teach-drunk," he came "Nauta-pomp."
So it can not still sober. For that put the bull, not allowed U-Piter ...
Once Yuri Shevchuk met the singer Julian.
- DAD !!! - Joyfully shouted Shevchuk, revealing yubyatiya.
"And when I had Bruce Springsteen fuck" - fastidiously avoiding the embrace, he thought the singer Julian.
One chuvachello gathered a group came to the producer. They played him a couple of songs.
- Do not the guys, damn you do not succeed - said producer and spat.
So there was a group of "splyun».
One chuvikhi worked STI clinic and went to the roof of the gonococcal soil.
Since then, she remembers all of its cracks.
But I'm forgot her name.
And Igor talc like to come home, so just boots kirzachi in one corner - hurling! blouse in another - hurling! Axe on the shelf so neatly put in a cloth wrap. And he will tie his forehead some boxes, bract polosatenkim will be covered and let's sway, moan over some ancient booklet.
Big joker was.
A composer-songwriter wrote songs for Katya Lel. He wrote, wrote and threw on a floppy carried her into the studio. A programmer in the studio drunk recorded on the floppy disk on their nightly conversations ICQ.
Too bad girl, Jaga-Jaga, oh ...
And one boy from the group "Vice-Prefect of SZAO" met a girl alone. And his colleagues introduced.
And stand pores they look at him and sing: "I have goose bumps on your Natasha».
So plaintively singing.
It was poor Victor Tsoi. And I envy everything just my God.
It will happen to the metro to collect cigarette butts and sings: "But if you have in your pocket Patsch-ka si-ga-ret ...»
Pevitsavaleriya once sang a song about the "flight delays - Riga-Moscow - a few hours».
And now it is not allowed on the plane.
Offended, probably.
A borismoiseev and artistpeskov so loved each other so loved that they had even been born robёnochek.
The truth is not myshonok not lyaguchko and unknown Serduchka. Ya-Ya.
Such here with milk, hammers, yayki.
Singer Polyp Herborov only people did not like journalists. That obzovёt by a pussy, then fuck sends.
How come home, azhno shaking the whole wall newspaper and begins to draw. Draws and crying - recalls how as a child he was expelled from the editorial board of the school newspaper "Red cravat." And paints day and night. Crying. Draws.
The owner of a nearby stationery store was very happy.
Two bell-boy from Australia too long to devise a name for the group. Performed once they are in a nightclub, and there happen and take tourists from Russia.
- Ooh, pidorva! - Said one of the tourists, looking at the scene.
- Oh, ye! - Admired bourgeois producer heard it - Pi Two! BEAUTIFUL Naim odds May Band!
So there was a group of BBC Two.
One on the Billboard BorisBorisycha Grebenshchikov unknown hooligans slipped in his name the first two letters.
Barely escaped from BorisBorisych crazed fans.
Old has become. But before th-th-th, yes, but ...
Vitar Velazquez
- Yeah !!! Oh !!! - I admired BorisBorisych.
- This Taoist - zashushukali circle of admirers.
And so it goes with that time in BorisBorisych Taoists.
Once drunk hlaminu Kinchev decided to call home.
- Where are you, stsukno? - Pounced on his wife - from whom do you? In what place?
- We-we-s ... s ... in the place ... - looking around, mumbling into the phone ...
Kinchev - Together we th !!! - Drunkenly howling fans.
Thus was born the pesTnya ...
During a trip to China Ilya Lagutenko decided to attain enlightenment and ate the sacred Shaolin cat. Alive.
And meows until now.
A Bulgarian by the name of the cows so much booze that he was given the nickname Kirkorov.
And we all know what kind of children are born at the drunks.
Once Slavik went to the school band rehearsal, and returned to a drunken shit.
- Have you ever learned to play? - I could not stand my father.
- Teach - mumbled Slavik.
- And drunk - father quipped.
- Census - dutifully agreed Slavik.
And because of the port "Agdam" he heavily slurred, instead of "teach-drunk," he came "Nauta-pomp."
So it can not still sober. For that put the bull, not allowed U-Piter ...
Once Yuri Shevchuk met the singer Julian.
- DAD !!! - Joyfully shouted Shevchuk, revealing yubyatiya.
"And when I had Bruce Springsteen fuck" - fastidiously avoiding the embrace, he thought the singer Julian.
One chuvachello gathered a group came to the producer. They played him a couple of songs.
- Do not the guys, damn you do not succeed - said producer and spat.
So there was a group of "splyun».
One chuvikhi worked STI clinic and went to the roof of the gonococcal soil.
Since then, she remembers all of its cracks.
But I'm forgot her name.
And Igor talc like to come home, so just boots kirzachi in one corner - hurling! blouse in another - hurling! Axe on the shelf so neatly put in a cloth wrap. And he will tie his forehead some boxes, bract polosatenkim will be covered and let's sway, moan over some ancient booklet.
Big joker was.
A composer-songwriter wrote songs for Katya Lel. He wrote, wrote and threw on a floppy carried her into the studio. A programmer in the studio drunk recorded on the floppy disk on their nightly conversations ICQ.
Too bad girl, Jaga-Jaga, oh ...
And one boy from the group "Vice-Prefect of SZAO" met a girl alone. And his colleagues introduced.
And stand pores they look at him and sing: "I have goose bumps on your Natasha».
So plaintively singing.
It was poor Victor Tsoi. And I envy everything just my God.
It will happen to the metro to collect cigarette butts and sings: "But if you have in your pocket Patsch-ka si-ga-ret ...»
Pevitsavaleriya once sang a song about the "flight delays - Riga-Moscow - a few hours».
And now it is not allowed on the plane.
Offended, probably.
A borismoiseev and artistpeskov so loved each other so loved that they had even been born robёnochek.
The truth is not myshonok not lyaguchko and unknown Serduchka. Ya-Ya.
Such here with milk, hammers, yayki.
Singer Polyp Herborov only people did not like journalists. That obzovёt by a pussy, then fuck sends.
How come home, azhno shaking the whole wall newspaper and begins to draw. Draws and crying - recalls how as a child he was expelled from the editorial board of the school newspaper "Red cravat." And paints day and night. Crying. Draws.
The owner of a nearby stationery store was very happy.
Two bell-boy from Australia too long to devise a name for the group. Performed once they are in a nightclub, and there happen and take tourists from Russia.
- Ooh, pidorva! - Said one of the tourists, looking at the scene.
- Oh, ye! - Admired bourgeois producer heard it - Pi Two! BEAUTIFUL Naim odds May Band!
So there was a group of BBC Two.
One on the Billboard BorisBorisycha Grebenshchikov unknown hooligans slipped in his name the first two letters.
Barely escaped from BorisBorisych crazed fans.
Old has become. But before th-th-th, yes, but ...
Vitar Velazquez