Pinocchio and TSVETIK-SEMICVETIK ...
Pinocchio and TSVETIK-SEMICVETIK ...
Sitting once buhoy Pinocchio at pamoyki suddenly lo and behold - the flower is growing, but so unusual, all the colors of the petals rudugi perelivayuttsa, zrelistsche divnaye INTO Ash pesdets !!! Though ABC he pile prabuhal on yarmarke and considered able to only because of Tavo that were his golden Manet, which he rescued from spikulyantof for the right to the mind of the mind tutorial but poskripel pile cortex and fspomnil still stsuko, fairy tale, Cator he once told the pope Carlo ... Tale, yebat evo in the mouth, great Tsvetik-semizvetik !!! Wade ueban wooden Zenk his, and pulled her to the coveted blank valshebnamu the flower ...
Pinocchio remembered the words of the sacred fairy spell, tore the first lobe and said svaim skrepuchim voice Fly fucking fly, petal yuhev through west to east across the north, across the south, returning to make a circle, only kasnёshsya you land, be vapor maemu were ... I want to be near the garbage rose flower beds of poppies and kanaplёy !!! As soon as Pinocchio murmured the spell to end, like a petal, making a circle, I hit the ground, and at the same moment, before the eyes of the wooden bed appeared uyebana scarlet flowers with poppy and hemp !!! Yebat my Kui, said the overjoyed to this miracle of Pinocchio and his scoring kosyachinu cuttings reached the second lobe ...
Fly, fly petal ... -bubnil through the cloud of hemp wood ushlёpok, I want this flowerbed got my padrugoy valasami with blue - light of my eyes krasavettsa Malvina !!! Cough cough, heard of Pinocchio through hanging over him hemp cloud, cough, cough how can so much smoking, Breakfast with Scot, we must urgently address your education, said Malvina and raking arms thick kumarnoe cloud appeared before the eyes stoned wood gouging ... I do not bay, beauty at best vmazh magic serum of Vienna, and look, what I'm here for the magic flower naryl near garbage !!! That's for me?!!! - Malvina smiled. Bitch you on the lip - otdernuv from her Tsvetik-semitsvetik muttered Pinocchio, is a special flower for the fulfillment of dreams, here, for example, want, do not blink of an eye, here will your faithful dog Artemon? !!! I want, I want - I jumped clapping Malvina !!!
Fly, fly petal ... said Pinocchio, and after a moment udolbannye our heroes heard the booming dog barking and wagging from side to side of his scanty tail, ran up to them joyful blohasto Artemon. More, More, Buratinochka, come here will gather all your friends, clapped her hands girl with blue hair !!!
Fly, fly petal ... I want then came our friend Piero, and through the kumara, yuloziya on a bed long sleeves, they moved something in white with a white yebale namalёvannoy black makeup mask vyrozhayuschuyu unprecedented suffering, sad Pierrot. Hey, uyeban - said Pinocchio, then its sad enough yebalom melancholy inducing, look how many around the poppy and cannabis !!! Want kosyachinu will score, instantly poveseleesh !!! A minute later, a sad Pierrot yebalo wildly contorted smile ... Well, what a lyric ushlёpok life begins? - Piero asked Pinocchio, pesdani us some of his poems !!! Blah blah blah - really began choking cough was Piero, but the weight of the white cap, threw his head on his shoulder ... Malvina weakling Pinocchio grunted and tore the fifth petal.
Fly, fly, petal ... And before there was a cheerful Harlequin friends. Wow bro, you have fun here, as I look !!! Tru-la-la, and Harlequin began to tumble on a bed, and for him, fun and joyful barking ran squealing Artemon. Hey, assholes, then my good trampled flower - rasserchal Pinocchio, breaking yourself of another wooden hand needle ... -And let us arrange a disco here, offered to settle down Harlequin? !!! The idea is good, pachesal zotylke on their wooden shavings Pinocchio, it is necessary to come up with something with Muzychka !!!
Fly, fly, petal ... I want that-be came here my lyubimenky Papa Carlo, and that he was most certainly with a hurdy-gurdy gold with a silver handle, and to the hurdy-gurdy sound of the most beautiful music to my friends !!! And very soon the pope Carlo gold hurdy-gurdy, and gently stroked the head of Pinocchio. I'm so glad to see you all together, my friends - said the old Carlo and twisted silver handle of his new hurdy-gurdy, from which immediately sounded magical music. All at once began to dance and have fun under the cloud of cannabis smoke, when they heard strange noises deafening loud-pipe. Boo Boo, doo-doo, Boo Boo ... and into a clearing, blowing out the pipe hemp rings and carrying with a long beard came Karabas Barabas ... A-ha, that's where you're all hiding, my dolls !!! Wow, the old fagot Carlo, give me in the good of inept uyebanov in my new puppet theater, I just was not enough aktёrishek, so let this ushlёpki entertain respectable audience !!! All the horror in the eyes looked first at Karabas Barabas, and then on Pinocchio, in whose hands was their last hope - Tsvetik Semitsvetik, which at that time was just last petal ... Buratinochka, darling, well, do well anything, cried Malvina and stomped feet.
Anniversary, fly, petal ... But it all went to hell !!! - And all went to hell, and poppy-hemp bed and Malvina and Artemon, and Pierrot and Harlequin, and Karabas Barabas with his pipe, and Papa Carlo with gold barrel organ and a silver pen on the hurdy-gurdy father remained stuck from nesmyshlёnogo Pinocchio ass ...
He walks, he is now on the Field of Miracles twirling a silver pen in the ass, and strums a sad melody: Drin-dry-lin, Drin-dry-lin ... And a cat Basilio and Alice Fox laughing at him and says: Well, that wooden uyeban, finished his fool? !!!
Sitting once buhoy Pinocchio at pamoyki suddenly lo and behold - the flower is growing, but so unusual, all the colors of the petals rudugi perelivayuttsa, zrelistsche divnaye INTO Ash pesdets !!! Though ABC he pile prabuhal on yarmarke and considered able to only because of Tavo that were his golden Manet, which he rescued from spikulyantof for the right to the mind of the mind tutorial but poskripel pile cortex and fspomnil still stsuko, fairy tale, Cator he once told the pope Carlo ... Tale, yebat evo in the mouth, great Tsvetik-semizvetik !!! Wade ueban wooden Zenk his, and pulled her to the coveted blank valshebnamu the flower ...
Pinocchio remembered the words of the sacred fairy spell, tore the first lobe and said svaim skrepuchim voice Fly fucking fly, petal yuhev through west to east across the north, across the south, returning to make a circle, only kasnёshsya you land, be vapor maemu were ... I want to be near the garbage rose flower beds of poppies and kanaplёy !!! As soon as Pinocchio murmured the spell to end, like a petal, making a circle, I hit the ground, and at the same moment, before the eyes of the wooden bed appeared uyebana scarlet flowers with poppy and hemp !!! Yebat my Kui, said the overjoyed to this miracle of Pinocchio and his scoring kosyachinu cuttings reached the second lobe ...
Fly, fly petal ... -bubnil through the cloud of hemp wood ushlёpok, I want this flowerbed got my padrugoy valasami with blue - light of my eyes krasavettsa Malvina !!! Cough cough, heard of Pinocchio through hanging over him hemp cloud, cough, cough how can so much smoking, Breakfast with Scot, we must urgently address your education, said Malvina and raking arms thick kumarnoe cloud appeared before the eyes stoned wood gouging ... I do not bay, beauty at best vmazh magic serum of Vienna, and look, what I'm here for the magic flower naryl near garbage !!! That's for me?!!! - Malvina smiled. Bitch you on the lip - otdernuv from her Tsvetik-semitsvetik muttered Pinocchio, is a special flower for the fulfillment of dreams, here, for example, want, do not blink of an eye, here will your faithful dog Artemon? !!! I want, I want - I jumped clapping Malvina !!!
Fly, fly petal ... said Pinocchio, and after a moment udolbannye our heroes heard the booming dog barking and wagging from side to side of his scanty tail, ran up to them joyful blohasto Artemon. More, More, Buratinochka, come here will gather all your friends, clapped her hands girl with blue hair !!!
Fly, fly petal ... I want then came our friend Piero, and through the kumara, yuloziya on a bed long sleeves, they moved something in white with a white yebale namalёvannoy black makeup mask vyrozhayuschuyu unprecedented suffering, sad Pierrot. Hey, uyeban - said Pinocchio, then its sad enough yebalom melancholy inducing, look how many around the poppy and cannabis !!! Want kosyachinu will score, instantly poveseleesh !!! A minute later, a sad Pierrot yebalo wildly contorted smile ... Well, what a lyric ushlёpok life begins? - Piero asked Pinocchio, pesdani us some of his poems !!! Blah blah blah - really began choking cough was Piero, but the weight of the white cap, threw his head on his shoulder ... Malvina weakling Pinocchio grunted and tore the fifth petal.
Fly, fly, petal ... And before there was a cheerful Harlequin friends. Wow bro, you have fun here, as I look !!! Tru-la-la, and Harlequin began to tumble on a bed, and for him, fun and joyful barking ran squealing Artemon. Hey, assholes, then my good trampled flower - rasserchal Pinocchio, breaking yourself of another wooden hand needle ... -And let us arrange a disco here, offered to settle down Harlequin? !!! The idea is good, pachesal zotylke on their wooden shavings Pinocchio, it is necessary to come up with something with Muzychka !!!
Fly, fly, petal ... I want that-be came here my lyubimenky Papa Carlo, and that he was most certainly with a hurdy-gurdy gold with a silver handle, and to the hurdy-gurdy sound of the most beautiful music to my friends !!! And very soon the pope Carlo gold hurdy-gurdy, and gently stroked the head of Pinocchio. I'm so glad to see you all together, my friends - said the old Carlo and twisted silver handle of his new hurdy-gurdy, from which immediately sounded magical music. All at once began to dance and have fun under the cloud of cannabis smoke, when they heard strange noises deafening loud-pipe. Boo Boo, doo-doo, Boo Boo ... and into a clearing, blowing out the pipe hemp rings and carrying with a long beard came Karabas Barabas ... A-ha, that's where you're all hiding, my dolls !!! Wow, the old fagot Carlo, give me in the good of inept uyebanov in my new puppet theater, I just was not enough aktёrishek, so let this ushlёpki entertain respectable audience !!! All the horror in the eyes looked first at Karabas Barabas, and then on Pinocchio, in whose hands was their last hope - Tsvetik Semitsvetik, which at that time was just last petal ... Buratinochka, darling, well, do well anything, cried Malvina and stomped feet.
Anniversary, fly, petal ... But it all went to hell !!! - And all went to hell, and poppy-hemp bed and Malvina and Artemon, and Pierrot and Harlequin, and Karabas Barabas with his pipe, and Papa Carlo with gold barrel organ and a silver pen on the hurdy-gurdy father remained stuck from nesmyshlёnogo Pinocchio ass ...
He walks, he is now on the Field of Miracles twirling a silver pen in the ass, and strums a sad melody: Drin-dry-lin, Drin-dry-lin ... And a cat Basilio and Alice Fox laughing at him and says: Well, that wooden uyeban, finished his fool? !!!

Fans of Star Wars - a wheelbarrow in the style of Star Wars!
Lend-Lease. Archive photos of Soviet soldiers on the technique allies.