On the film from the past - "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
Cool moments from the shooting of the film from my childhood called "The Adventures of Pinocchio". Look how it was.
Meeting Pinocchio turtle Tortilla shot near Minsk in a specially dug a pond. It was in November, the crew frantically froze. - Air temperature plus eight water - plus four, and I'm sitting on a thin jacket sheet "lilies", which is a conventional pressurized chamber. In general, a couple of times rolled, - says the former Pinocchio. - Every time the shooting stopped, I rubbed alcohol.
Girl, depicting frogs, had worse. They regularly had to flounder about in the water and finally cake - Rina Green said the director, "If you will once again take to shoot and get the kids to climb into the cold water, sit in the car and leave!»
- Green arrived in Belarus for one day only, on the eve of her only sister died - says Dmitry. - She was such a sad, sad story told. On the recommendations of the doctors she had to keep moving. She relied on me, and we had slowly walked around the pond.
Asked whether it was true that Duremar - Basov on the set firmly pledged by the collar, Joseph said reluctantly:
- There are moments of weakness at all. I remember on the set of "Little Red Riding Hood" Basov got so drunk that he could not stand. We had to shoot the scene where "wolves" - Vladimir Basov and Nikolai Trofimov - in women's dresses with lace parasols run through the woods. Basov fell short of the desired tree, he could not even raise ...
- Remember the scene in the tavern, when split a pitcher, which sits Pinocchio? - Dmitri smiles. - He was huge and heavy - I climbed into it entirely. Everyone was afraid to throw him a mug - you never know what the child inside! And it was necessary to remove the first take, was the only pitcher. When he split, neck hung around my neck. On site all gasped!
- Own story is when filming the scene where the fox and the cat's legs are hung from a tree Pinocchio. Dima's mom categorically did not want his son to hanging upside down: "We need a stunt double!" Eventually it swept around the finger. Nechayev later recalled: "I called Dima and say:" We must do something! "He:" Got it! "- And starts to whine," hungry, I can not! Stomach hurts! "While my mother went to the store, we hung Pinocchio."
Asked whether there were not on set romance between "young" Joseph laughed.
- What is there, we are in the breaks between filming in the Indians played! Tanya Protsenko, who played Malvina was a real beauty. Romka Stolkarts - Piero took care of her, not only in the script. The children receive one hundred rubles a month, which gave parents Pinocchio.
- To care for the girl did not have to, and ice cream, and so I bought!
By the way according to the director Leonid Nechayev, the golden key was the most valuable thing - all really wanted to steal it. Pulled off his own Nechayev:
- On the last day of shooting after the command "Stop! Cut! "I shoved it in his bosom, and later just bought. I still have the receipt that says: "Received from Nechayev for props - the key: 30 rubles».
At the end of the studio filming "Belarus-film" refused to accept "The Adventures of Pinocchio". Critics were furious: "ugly picture! The horror! How can it be - a cat without a tail, fox in a dress, Pinocchio mocking an old man (a reference to Karabas-Barabas). The film is released in theaters only because it was the end of the year and the failure of the plan threatened deprivation premiums.
Bulat Okudzhava have long obtained the songs for the film. Time is running out, desperate, director Leonid Nechayev went to the Rest House of Writers, where the bard rested. He took off the next room and started banging constantly Okudzhava the wall. "He then probably hate me to death!" - Says Nechayev. A few days later I was born the famous "Do not hide your money at banks and corners!»
One of the songs for "The Adventures of Pinocchio" Leonid Nechayev asked to sing Alla Pugacheva, but she refused, saying: "I'm afraid I did not succeed." As a result, a song performed Irina Ponarovskaya.
Someone who has become:
* Malvina (Tanya Protsenko) - graduated from the film studies faculty of VGIK, became a poet, works at the Center for Rolan Bykov.
* Piero (Roma Stolkarts) - pediatrician, lives in Israel.
* Artemon (Thomas Augustinas) - a prosperous businessman, lives in Canada.
* Harlequin (Grisha Svetlorusov) - graduated high school KGB spy.
* Pinocchio (Dmitry Joseph) - graduated from the Acting Department of the Institute of Cinematography and Directing Department kinofakultet Belarusian Academy of Arts, has starred in 12 films, has worked on projects "Survivor" and "Ten Little Indians", directed by two series of "lethal force».
Pinocchio Malvina and 30 years later ...
Ispolnitelyaroli Pinocchio name Dima - Dmitry Joseph. The picture Dima was quite by accident. About the movie, he did not dream, and free time, he had very little - skating. At the time one of his classes and found the assistant director of the studio "BelarusFilm." When asked, "Boy, you want to be in the movies?" Dima replied honestly: "I do not want." But despite the protests of the child, claiming that he had a stomach ache, the boy was taken to the studio: Nukak parent does not wants to see their child on the screen? Few people know that the studio Dima tried first on the role of Harlequin. But he had to undress, they saw that the body of the boy resembles a puppet: sharnirchikov just not enough. So he became a wooden boy. For more convincing he shaved hair and eyebrows, and instead stuck sham.
Another story has a long nose. They made it out of the foam. He must be very moving. Throughout the shooting Pinocchio nose changed 45 times. 45 noses - and all of them did a single master.Pervy nose is not quite right, and it is gradually shortened by the actor's facial expressions. In fact, to stick his nose, makeup spent 1, 5 chasa.Predstavlyaete what perseverance is to be actor ?! "If any of you have been paying attention, you could see that at the beginning of the film I have a nose for 15 mm longer than the end", - says Dmitry secrets.
Filming "golden key" held in the Crimea for 93 days. Summer, sea, sun - what else had to be for ultimate? "Little Artists, of course tired, but when the shooting ended, they fled to play tag, swim - where only the forces were taken?" - Surprised L. Nechayev. < br />
After the film, Dima has experienced all the delights of glory. Firstly, to him forever stuck nickname Pinocchio. "At first I was very offended, and then became used to treat this with irony." In the subway he was very recognizable, but not stellar disease ill. After the success of "The Adventures of Pinocchio" Dima had to throw all figure skating - Offers filming began to come to him one by one in the movie drugim.Sygral more than 30 roles (wolf from the "About Little Red Riding Hood," the gray-haired prince in "fairy tale about a painter in love", in film "Yuri - the son of the commander»).
It looks like Dima is now.
In the early 80's Dmitry graduated from high school and was going to link their lives with powder metallurgy. However, since the exams at the institute were in August and it was still plenty of time, he went to Moscow to try his luck in the creative university. And he was lucky - he was admitted to VGIK, the group that scored Alexei Batalov. By this time, Dmitri was little resemblance to the boy, who seven years ago played Pinocchio, why no one of the selection committee did not recognize him. But later the mystery is still opened. Classmates, pririsoval once for photography young student snook, Dima brought clean water. And his future wife Dmitry nearly six months lied that runs on vegetable base. Somehow profession actor for Dima was something akin to leprosy ...
Then he was assigned to his native Minsk, where he soon received a director's education in the Minsk Institute of Arts. Today he lives in Moscow. Powered by televidenii.Snimaet documentaries, commercials. And now he "does" adventure. In his "conscience" for several high-profile projects. Under his leadership, the participants of the project "12 Little Indians" in Europe are looking for pure gold bullion. You may have watched the program "Survivor" - and here he was not the last person: acted as a director. And Dmitry grow two wonderful sons who are also with great pleasure watching a movie with the pope.
Girl on the role of Malvina also found quite by accident. As a casting director went by train to Minsk. A neighbor on the coupe turned out mum with a very pretty little girl. Tanya was only 6 years old. On the road, like all girls of her age, she told poems, sang songs, showed scenes. At the same time he declared: "People's Artist Performs Folk Dance Tania Protsenko." Assistant gasped. And so it has received an invitation to the young creation of the sample.
"The hardest part was crying during filming. For example, when I regret Pinocchio planted in a dark closet. I and glycerin eyes buried, and bow to the eyes of the tray - and the sense was not. All were very angry. Especially the director. He became very strict with me razgovarivat.Ot resentment I burst into tears. Leonid A. he took the camera and shouted, "Take off!" Then treated with sweets and comforting ».
By the way, when Tatiana was cast Malvina, her baby teeth began to fall out. Wait, when will grow new, there was no time. So we had to go to the clinic, paste porcelain dentures.
recognition of Tatiana, she became famous only after several years. When the film became popular. And a finger on the street shown, and love Cavaliers went under the windows. We receive thousands of letters from all over the Soviet Union, which were recognized in love, and friendship offered.
The fate of the girl with blue hair, too, there was the role of Malvina neodnoznachno.Posle she received severe physical trauma, riding a bicycle, and the doctors forbade her to act in films. Although the proposal received from the studios: they offered the role of Little Red Riding Hood and Iron keys from the "Scarecrow»
After high school, Tatiana graduated from the Department of the Moscow Institute of Literature poetry and film studies faculty of VGIK. Today publishes collections of poetry. Raises little daughter. And Anyuta is now the same age as her mother was when she was shot - six.
By the way, when the TV showed the film "The Golden Key, or Adventures of Pinocchio" classes in schools where learning Dima and Tanya, were canceled. There was a collective cool fascinating viewing, which later became classics of Soviet cinema, painting ...
"The Adventures of Pinocchio" audition
"The Adventures of Pinocchio" audition
Pinocchio - Vladimir Stankevich (known for his role as Dennis Korablyova in the movie "In secret around the world") - Andrew Ladutko
Malvina - Karina Ovcharenko - Julia Karbalevich
Karabas Barabas - originally approved for the role of Roman Filippov (pictured), but then changed to Vladimir Etush
Cat Basilio - Viktor Pavlov - Bronislaw Brondukov


Meeting Pinocchio turtle Tortilla shot near Minsk in a specially dug a pond. It was in November, the crew frantically froze. - Air temperature plus eight water - plus four, and I'm sitting on a thin jacket sheet "lilies", which is a conventional pressurized chamber. In general, a couple of times rolled, - says the former Pinocchio. - Every time the shooting stopped, I rubbed alcohol.
Girl, depicting frogs, had worse. They regularly had to flounder about in the water and finally cake - Rina Green said the director, "If you will once again take to shoot and get the kids to climb into the cold water, sit in the car and leave!»
- Green arrived in Belarus for one day only, on the eve of her only sister died - says Dmitry. - She was such a sad, sad story told. On the recommendations of the doctors she had to keep moving. She relied on me, and we had slowly walked around the pond.
Asked whether it was true that Duremar - Basov on the set firmly pledged by the collar, Joseph said reluctantly:
- There are moments of weakness at all. I remember on the set of "Little Red Riding Hood" Basov got so drunk that he could not stand. We had to shoot the scene where "wolves" - Vladimir Basov and Nikolai Trofimov - in women's dresses with lace parasols run through the woods. Basov fell short of the desired tree, he could not even raise ...
- Remember the scene in the tavern, when split a pitcher, which sits Pinocchio? - Dmitri smiles. - He was huge and heavy - I climbed into it entirely. Everyone was afraid to throw him a mug - you never know what the child inside! And it was necessary to remove the first take, was the only pitcher. When he split, neck hung around my neck. On site all gasped!

- Own story is when filming the scene where the fox and the cat's legs are hung from a tree Pinocchio. Dima's mom categorically did not want his son to hanging upside down: "We need a stunt double!" Eventually it swept around the finger. Nechayev later recalled: "I called Dima and say:" We must do something! "He:" Got it! "- And starts to whine," hungry, I can not! Stomach hurts! "While my mother went to the store, we hung Pinocchio."

Asked whether there were not on set romance between "young" Joseph laughed.
- What is there, we are in the breaks between filming in the Indians played! Tanya Protsenko, who played Malvina was a real beauty. Romka Stolkarts - Piero took care of her, not only in the script. The children receive one hundred rubles a month, which gave parents Pinocchio.
- To care for the girl did not have to, and ice cream, and so I bought!

By the way according to the director Leonid Nechayev, the golden key was the most valuable thing - all really wanted to steal it. Pulled off his own Nechayev:
- On the last day of shooting after the command "Stop! Cut! "I shoved it in his bosom, and later just bought. I still have the receipt that says: "Received from Nechayev for props - the key: 30 rubles».
At the end of the studio filming "Belarus-film" refused to accept "The Adventures of Pinocchio". Critics were furious: "ugly picture! The horror! How can it be - a cat without a tail, fox in a dress, Pinocchio mocking an old man (a reference to Karabas-Barabas). The film is released in theaters only because it was the end of the year and the failure of the plan threatened deprivation premiums.
Bulat Okudzhava have long obtained the songs for the film. Time is running out, desperate, director Leonid Nechayev went to the Rest House of Writers, where the bard rested. He took off the next room and started banging constantly Okudzhava the wall. "He then probably hate me to death!" - Says Nechayev. A few days later I was born the famous "Do not hide your money at banks and corners!»

One of the songs for "The Adventures of Pinocchio" Leonid Nechayev asked to sing Alla Pugacheva, but she refused, saying: "I'm afraid I did not succeed." As a result, a song performed Irina Ponarovskaya.
Someone who has become:

* Malvina (Tanya Protsenko) - graduated from the film studies faculty of VGIK, became a poet, works at the Center for Rolan Bykov.
* Piero (Roma Stolkarts) - pediatrician, lives in Israel.
* Artemon (Thomas Augustinas) - a prosperous businessman, lives in Canada.
* Harlequin (Grisha Svetlorusov) - graduated high school KGB spy.
* Pinocchio (Dmitry Joseph) - graduated from the Acting Department of the Institute of Cinematography and Directing Department kinofakultet Belarusian Academy of Arts, has starred in 12 films, has worked on projects "Survivor" and "Ten Little Indians", directed by two series of "lethal force».
Pinocchio Malvina and 30 years later ...

Ispolnitelyaroli Pinocchio name Dima - Dmitry Joseph. The picture Dima was quite by accident. About the movie, he did not dream, and free time, he had very little - skating. At the time one of his classes and found the assistant director of the studio "BelarusFilm." When asked, "Boy, you want to be in the movies?" Dima replied honestly: "I do not want." But despite the protests of the child, claiming that he had a stomach ache, the boy was taken to the studio: Nukak parent does not wants to see their child on the screen? Few people know that the studio Dima tried first on the role of Harlequin. But he had to undress, they saw that the body of the boy resembles a puppet: sharnirchikov just not enough. So he became a wooden boy. For more convincing he shaved hair and eyebrows, and instead stuck sham.
Another story has a long nose. They made it out of the foam. He must be very moving. Throughout the shooting Pinocchio nose changed 45 times. 45 noses - and all of them did a single master.Pervy nose is not quite right, and it is gradually shortened by the actor's facial expressions. In fact, to stick his nose, makeup spent 1, 5 chasa.Predstavlyaete what perseverance is to be actor ?! "If any of you have been paying attention, you could see that at the beginning of the film I have a nose for 15 mm longer than the end", - says Dmitry secrets.
Filming "golden key" held in the Crimea for 93 days. Summer, sea, sun - what else had to be for ultimate? "Little Artists, of course tired, but when the shooting ended, they fled to play tag, swim - where only the forces were taken?" - Surprised L. Nechayev. < br />

After the film, Dima has experienced all the delights of glory. Firstly, to him forever stuck nickname Pinocchio. "At first I was very offended, and then became used to treat this with irony." In the subway he was very recognizable, but not stellar disease ill. After the success of "The Adventures of Pinocchio" Dima had to throw all figure skating - Offers filming began to come to him one by one in the movie drugim.Sygral more than 30 roles (wolf from the "About Little Red Riding Hood," the gray-haired prince in "fairy tale about a painter in love", in film "Yuri - the son of the commander»).
It looks like Dima is now.

In the early 80's Dmitry graduated from high school and was going to link their lives with powder metallurgy. However, since the exams at the institute were in August and it was still plenty of time, he went to Moscow to try his luck in the creative university. And he was lucky - he was admitted to VGIK, the group that scored Alexei Batalov. By this time, Dmitri was little resemblance to the boy, who seven years ago played Pinocchio, why no one of the selection committee did not recognize him. But later the mystery is still opened. Classmates, pririsoval once for photography young student snook, Dima brought clean water. And his future wife Dmitry nearly six months lied that runs on vegetable base. Somehow profession actor for Dima was something akin to leprosy ...
Then he was assigned to his native Minsk, where he soon received a director's education in the Minsk Institute of Arts. Today he lives in Moscow. Powered by televidenii.Snimaet documentaries, commercials. And now he "does" adventure. In his "conscience" for several high-profile projects. Under his leadership, the participants of the project "12 Little Indians" in Europe are looking for pure gold bullion. You may have watched the program "Survivor" - and here he was not the last person: acted as a director. And Dmitry grow two wonderful sons who are also with great pleasure watching a movie with the pope.
Girl on the role of Malvina also found quite by accident. As a casting director went by train to Minsk. A neighbor on the coupe turned out mum with a very pretty little girl. Tanya was only 6 years old. On the road, like all girls of her age, she told poems, sang songs, showed scenes. At the same time he declared: "People's Artist Performs Folk Dance Tania Protsenko." Assistant gasped. And so it has received an invitation to the young creation of the sample.

"The hardest part was crying during filming. For example, when I regret Pinocchio planted in a dark closet. I and glycerin eyes buried, and bow to the eyes of the tray - and the sense was not. All were very angry. Especially the director. He became very strict with me razgovarivat.Ot resentment I burst into tears. Leonid A. he took the camera and shouted, "Take off!" Then treated with sweets and comforting ».
By the way, when Tatiana was cast Malvina, her baby teeth began to fall out. Wait, when will grow new, there was no time. So we had to go to the clinic, paste porcelain dentures.

recognition of Tatiana, she became famous only after several years. When the film became popular. And a finger on the street shown, and love Cavaliers went under the windows. We receive thousands of letters from all over the Soviet Union, which were recognized in love, and friendship offered.
The fate of the girl with blue hair, too, there was the role of Malvina neodnoznachno.Posle she received severe physical trauma, riding a bicycle, and the doctors forbade her to act in films. Although the proposal received from the studios: they offered the role of Little Red Riding Hood and Iron keys from the "Scarecrow»
After high school, Tatiana graduated from the Department of the Moscow Institute of Literature poetry and film studies faculty of VGIK. Today publishes collections of poetry. Raises little daughter. And Anyuta is now the same age as her mother was when she was shot - six.

By the way, when the TV showed the film "The Golden Key, or Adventures of Pinocchio" classes in schools where learning Dima and Tanya, were canceled. There was a collective cool fascinating viewing, which later became classics of Soviet cinema, painting ...

"The Adventures of Pinocchio" audition
"The Adventures of Pinocchio" audition
Pinocchio - Vladimir Stankevich (known for his role as Dennis Korablyova in the movie "In secret around the world") - Andrew Ladutko

Malvina - Karina Ovcharenko - Julia Karbalevich

Karabas Barabas - originally approved for the role of Roman Filippov (pictured), but then changed to Vladimir Etush

Cat Basilio - Viktor Pavlov - Bronislaw Brondukov
