The figures that we unconsciously draw

Have you ever wondered what are the different designs that we will not hesitate to take shape on paper?
Look further description of these arts. Parade numbers

Lovers tsiferki care to draw only tangible assets. The first option - you have to figure out where and how you can earn. The second - think about how to pay off debt. Let there always be sunshine

Notebook page decorated with garlands or sun? Paradoxically, your mood is not so rosy as the drawings. You do not have enough warmth, care and attention. Do you dream of friendship and affection. Want some advice? Try more frequently in the near future to be among people. Call a friend, go with them to the movies or out for a walk, sit in a cafe. Then the sun will appear not only on paper but also in your soul. Oh, these figures

Squares, diamonds, triangles give out clear objectives and firm convictions. Such figures are usually depict people who are accustomed to openly express their views. They try not to give in to the enemy, have a practical turn of mind, a well-developed logical thinking and able to assume leadership positions. And symmetrical shape means a commitment to accuracy and order, prudence and the ability to plan everything. At the same time, if the angles of figures drawn too sharply - a clear tendency to aggression. Your problem - excessive concentration, which does not allow to relax properly. Crosses without toe

Crosses express guilt. Perhaps you are someone hurt or did not fulfill a promise or do you think that others have criticized for something. Hurry discuss anything that bothers you, or ask for forgiveness, once it becomes easier. By the way, your picture may be more than just the usual crosses and, for example, decorations or ornaments containing a cross-shaped elements. As a rule, this kind of woman they give. Spirals, circles, wavy lines

Other people's problems are not too care about you, or are not interested. You are a very secretive and reticent man, not like when others walk into your business. Did you experience an easy crisis. You are - a solid bare wire. Try to keep yourself in the hands of, or may flare up and insult the interlocutor. Gori Gori, my star ...

Star - an indicator upbeat nature. Faced with such a person tries not to give up and tries to cope with the difficulties soon. In addition, the figure shows a similar desire to "draftsman" draw attention to themselves. In the field of birch stood ...

Thin branches of trees with bare draw lost and frustrated people. But branching crown and thick trunk show that you are energetic, cheerful and at the moment, nothing bothers you. Heart to heart

You are overwhelmed. I want to kiss the whole world. But you constantly control your emotions, and by seem stern and forbidding. And the bigger the figure, the greater the difference between your true face and his usual mask. Enough to control themselves, become more open and relaxed. House for bees

"Honeycomb" talking about the quest for an orderly and measured life, tranquility, harmony with oneself and the world. In addition, this figure may indicate a desire to start a family in which the person often does not want to admit even to myself itself. Tsvetik-semitsvetik

Flowers and leaves speak of good character. Such people are responsive and love to help others. They are also sensitive and emotional. If a person draws a plant in a vase, so he always needed energy supply. Shah or mat

You are trapped in an unpleasant or difficult situation, so draw a chessboard. And you want to solve all the problems, work out its tactics and strategy, as do the players. Meanwhile, if such an image in your notebook - a frequent visitor, then it is possible that you are suffering from hidden complexes. Have you heard? Psychologists claim that about nine out of ten people aged 18 to 34 years of constantly draw between times, and among those over 65, - six out of ten. We know that John F. Kennedy liked to depict sailing boats. According to the authoritative graphologist, it was a sign of great perseverance and vitality.
Source: mirfactov.com/