What are the patterns that we unconsciously draw

different patterns that we unconsciously emerges on the paper during a phone call or meeting can often tell you about his master more than he knows about himself.
At this point the mind weakens control over the behavior handle and begins to control the subconscious, to conceal the true motives of our behavior.
Website has prepared for you to post that say our drawings automatically.
Human figuryEsli are small men, most of all, you feel helpless and want to avoid any responsibility. When you schematically depicts a man ("stick, stick, ogurechik - that left man") - your emotional state is unstable, you want to shut down, and no one fend for themselves.
Personal podpisiTakie automatically figures peculiar nature vain and self-centered. The abundance of their own signatures on the sheet automatically withdrawn during a conversation or thinking about a problem, indicates excessive obsession with his own person.
Squares, diamonds and other geometric figuryU have clear goals and beliefs, you will almost never concealed his opinions are always persistent and tenacious. Usually you overly vigilant and careful, so try to look at things easier.
Circles Circles and rings associated with each other or inscribed into one another, talking about the quest for connection and complicity. "I was lonely, I feel as if off from the outside world" - these figures indicate. When we print circles on paper, unconscious hints to us that we lack the friendly sympathy and attention.
ZhivotnyeVashi today's emotions may directly depend on the animal, which lived on your paper. If it is a tiger or a wolf - in you hidden aggression; if a fox - conceived somewhere to cheat; rabbit or squirrel - you need care and protection, the lion - feel their superiority over all. When you consistently portray the same animal, bird or bug, it is likely to compare it with, arrogated to himself his habits.
Spirals, circles or wavy liniiChuzhie problem too you care or not at all interested. Maybe you are even experiencing an emotional crisis easy: go around the circle of his ambiguous feelings. Now you need to monitor their behavior, not to flare up and not off on others.

StrelyEto vector on which you are targeting in your life. The arrow is pointing up - focus on other people down - the, to the left - look into the past, to the right - are looking to the future.
ZvezdochkiVy want to be the center of attention, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But, if your star is too much a ray or you portray them away from it, it may be indicative of depressive feelings.
Flowers, sun, oblakaZhizneradostnye flowers and sunshine - a sure sign that you are happy with how the phone conversation. Most of all, listening to the interlocutor, you already passing dream, you fantasize about something pleasant. These figures betrays your optimistic and blissful mood.
KrestyVozmozhno, anxious feeling of guilt before a loved one or a burden is a problem for which you feel responsible.
Houses and korobkiSimmetrichnye forms exhibit a love of order, a penchant for planning and calculations. Here is what others this figure: "I am not easy to confuse, I know exactly what I want, I have a clear goal, and I'm going to strongly defend an opinion».
Chess polyaPo seems you are in a very unpleasant or at least a quandary. If such images appear frequently, you are likely to suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve some situation or are in search of themselves, their way of life, doubts about the correctness of his life.
Bees sotyVy strive for peace, harmony, want to organize their lives. And it is likely that you are thinking about creating a family nest.
According to the materials: mhealth
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