Journey to the bloody totalitarianism.
Writes lingvomanyak:
Totalitarianism is visible as soon as losing your train: clean, licked Privokzalny oppressed residents of the area where there is no bum!
Where are these wonderful podevalis, freedom-loving people?
Yes, they have no place in a totalitarian state, then they are taken to the LTP and forcibly treat!
It is outrageous relic of soviet totalitarianism!
Whether it any station in Moscow Mother, freedom-loving capital of our homeland tolerant how get out - just the flavor of freedom from tens volnolyubtsev homeless, sleeping on the station every shop.
The whole style of Minsk impregnated oppression, enslavement, blood and suffering of the unfortunate people who are compelled to keep their city clean, as the totalitarian government did not deliver 2-3 million hardworking migrant workers from Tajikistan and other tolerant countries.
A totalitarian government is forcing people to work on their own.
But this does not exhaust the list of all the misfortunes that fell on the head of the fraternal Belarusian people ...
The outskirts of the city also have to scrub, every dictatorial tie a rope to a tree viselnomu column.
I forgot to say about politminimum tormentors Satrapi, who runs all this mockery of human rights and freedoms (general) rights. They call this the last dictator of Europe liberated Alexander Lukashenko. He's "Old Man." He is "Uncle Sasha". And farmers have moved to Minsk his name only as "Colin Pope."
Speaking of farmers. They were absolutely happy people, but they were given an apartment in Minsk when they decided to move to the city ... where the keyword given. These poor fellows so dreamed of twenty years to eat crackers and plow for mortgages to, as is customary throughout the civilized world, to buy an apartment, and the apartment he DALI.
This outrageous relic Scoop was only in the totalitarian Belarus.
Not surprisingly, these now living in Minsk, the farmers are the main part of the silent opposition, because it is "Colin Pope," is to blame for the fact that they have lost all the benefits of capitalist society, and forced idleness drinking vodka at the door telling each other about what they oh * nary guys who on the whole Belarus is the biggest problem - a six year old boy Nick. They are willing to put in any presidency, but would not "Kolya Pope».
But a totalitarian regime does not achieve their dreams, and the dream they have nothing else - because the apartment they have already given, the work is, grub stores - all you want, but still such that after the civilized meal in a beautiful package and a dozen "E "I do not climb ... in short continuous totalitarianism.
Food items (the same one hundred varieties of sausage, which he dreamed scoop besides drugs, organized crime, corruption and so forth.):
Outrageously natural food.
Built houses that sit in totalitarian short time without any delay democratic, and for accidents at construction sites these inhumane to put the home side buildings:
And Belarusians make unhappy reading here in the library (the largest library in the world totalitarian):
What is more remarkable bloody regime of Lukashenko, except that Uncle Sasha sleeps with women, not boys-katamitami, as is customary on the ruble? And that's what. It is, if you believe the rumors, the real fascist dictatorship. They used to say that during one of the Chechen mixtures ran to the Old Man on bow poltyschi tolerant families of Chechen nationality, and begged them to let Old Man for permanent residence in Belarus. And the Old Man said to them: "Duc You bandits!". And Chechens him, "Nat-Nat! We blagarodnye feast ... dzhigity! We sbezhyali AAT Vine, Khatymov myrna live! ". Old Man let them. Our tolerant Chechens immediately took his usual tolerant business: racketeering, drugs, gangsterism and other benefits of any civilized country. But the Old Man did not like it! He drove several KAMAZ brought poltyschi all families until the last Chechen tolerant to the border with the Smolensk region, and, as they say, finally said to them, terrible word: "P * * zduyte here to bene mother!". Since there is in Belarus tolerant of great people, and others do not go - because who likes to ride in the back seat Mercedes Kamaz after the rally on the Vainakh. Fascism, one word.
But this does not exhaust the list of bloody crimes Uncle Sasha. Not only that, it gives its citizens the apartment, so he is also forbidden to take bribes! In Belarus, it is practically impossible to give a bribe! Do not believe? Of course. We, as citizens of any civilized country can not even imagine how a society can function without lubrication hairy paw. It's the Scoop in the worst of his incarnation! Just imagine the police, working on one salary! But that's not all. In Minsk, police have only four (four!) Minutes to arrive on the call, or dismiss the entire shift! Is it any wonder that Minsk completely otsutsvuet crime, walk down the street in some totalitarian bloody Iran, the only black antibl * dhidzhabov not enough for The girls, and the rest - the purest of Iran, and the maximum that can be obtained from the capitalist pleasures - a claim * zdy by drunken collective farmer, but either you robbery or theft, the murders can only dream of, even in the stores no cheat! Pure totalitarianism!
The concept of "organized crime" was destroyed completely unacceptable inhuman manner as correctly noted, our tolerant and gentlemen in the film "Godfather". Uncle Sasha said: "Thieves in Law - nah!" Which is an abbreviation of the fascist «nach Osten!», And now in Belarus no thieves, and there is no such civilized society as organized crime! But even more outrageous the lack of drugs in the country! If you try hard, you can be lucky and buy some bespontovoy marijuana, but about the real glamor of the Middle East or the more Latinos can not even dream of! How can we raise children in this horrible country? Kids now, go to sports clubs, which, as St. Petersburg mushrooms after rain naroslo around Minsk? Where is the democracy?
I wanted to go to another province and look at the bruised back-breaking labor of the peasants, who had been removed 95 percent of the crop, and to this environment will remove 100%, but if you remove it - Uncle Sasha arrive by helicopter and insert himself into the hollow drin each collective farm chairman. A combines the areas that have already been harvested, are now helping in the fields of democratic tolerant of our country, but in the Smolensk Bryansk, where, as it should be in a capitalist society, all that can be stolen and drunk.
But unless you can immediately dive into totalitarianism, even with a scientific purpose? Yes, even in totalitarianism, having neither its oil, no gas, generally fucking except peat and soviet heavy engineering, light and textile industry, free hospitals, schools and oppressed peasantry?
In general, I could not stand in this country more than two days. Back in Maskva! It is not very organized and crime, corrupt officials, bought and then sold to the cops, dirty fragrant freedom-loving vagabonds at the station and in the transitions, zassanym streets grub pesticides and chemicals, kvass from the oil concentrate and other benefits of civilization! Nah! Nach Osten!
Totalitarianism is visible as soon as losing your train: clean, licked Privokzalny oppressed residents of the area where there is no bum!
Where are these wonderful podevalis, freedom-loving people?
Yes, they have no place in a totalitarian state, then they are taken to the LTP and forcibly treat!
It is outrageous relic of soviet totalitarianism!
Whether it any station in Moscow Mother, freedom-loving capital of our homeland tolerant how get out - just the flavor of freedom from tens volnolyubtsev homeless, sleeping on the station every shop.

The whole style of Minsk impregnated oppression, enslavement, blood and suffering of the unfortunate people who are compelled to keep their city clean, as the totalitarian government did not deliver 2-3 million hardworking migrant workers from Tajikistan and other tolerant countries.
A totalitarian government is forcing people to work on their own.

But this does not exhaust the list of all the misfortunes that fell on the head of the fraternal Belarusian people ...

The outskirts of the city also have to scrub, every dictatorial tie a rope to a tree viselnomu column.

I forgot to say about politminimum tormentors Satrapi, who runs all this mockery of human rights and freedoms (general) rights. They call this the last dictator of Europe liberated Alexander Lukashenko. He's "Old Man." He is "Uncle Sasha". And farmers have moved to Minsk his name only as "Colin Pope."
Speaking of farmers. They were absolutely happy people, but they were given an apartment in Minsk when they decided to move to the city ... where the keyword given. These poor fellows so dreamed of twenty years to eat crackers and plow for mortgages to, as is customary throughout the civilized world, to buy an apartment, and the apartment he DALI.
This outrageous relic Scoop was only in the totalitarian Belarus.
Not surprisingly, these now living in Minsk, the farmers are the main part of the silent opposition, because it is "Colin Pope," is to blame for the fact that they have lost all the benefits of capitalist society, and forced idleness drinking vodka at the door telling each other about what they oh * nary guys who on the whole Belarus is the biggest problem - a six year old boy Nick. They are willing to put in any presidency, but would not "Kolya Pope».
But a totalitarian regime does not achieve their dreams, and the dream they have nothing else - because the apartment they have already given, the work is, grub stores - all you want, but still such that after the civilized meal in a beautiful package and a dozen "E "I do not climb ... in short continuous totalitarianism.

Food items (the same one hundred varieties of sausage, which he dreamed scoop besides drugs, organized crime, corruption and so forth.):

Outrageously natural food.

Built houses that sit in totalitarian short time without any delay democratic, and for accidents at construction sites these inhumane to put the home side buildings:

And Belarusians make unhappy reading here in the library (the largest library in the world totalitarian):

What is more remarkable bloody regime of Lukashenko, except that Uncle Sasha sleeps with women, not boys-katamitami, as is customary on the ruble? And that's what. It is, if you believe the rumors, the real fascist dictatorship. They used to say that during one of the Chechen mixtures ran to the Old Man on bow poltyschi tolerant families of Chechen nationality, and begged them to let Old Man for permanent residence in Belarus. And the Old Man said to them: "Duc You bandits!". And Chechens him, "Nat-Nat! We blagarodnye feast ... dzhigity! We sbezhyali AAT Vine, Khatymov myrna live! ". Old Man let them. Our tolerant Chechens immediately took his usual tolerant business: racketeering, drugs, gangsterism and other benefits of any civilized country. But the Old Man did not like it! He drove several KAMAZ brought poltyschi all families until the last Chechen tolerant to the border with the Smolensk region, and, as they say, finally said to them, terrible word: "P * * zduyte here to bene mother!". Since there is in Belarus tolerant of great people, and others do not go - because who likes to ride in the back seat Mercedes Kamaz after the rally on the Vainakh. Fascism, one word.
But this does not exhaust the list of bloody crimes Uncle Sasha. Not only that, it gives its citizens the apartment, so he is also forbidden to take bribes! In Belarus, it is practically impossible to give a bribe! Do not believe? Of course. We, as citizens of any civilized country can not even imagine how a society can function without lubrication hairy paw. It's the Scoop in the worst of his incarnation! Just imagine the police, working on one salary! But that's not all. In Minsk, police have only four (four!) Minutes to arrive on the call, or dismiss the entire shift! Is it any wonder that Minsk completely otsutsvuet crime, walk down the street in some totalitarian bloody Iran, the only black antibl * dhidzhabov not enough for The girls, and the rest - the purest of Iran, and the maximum that can be obtained from the capitalist pleasures - a claim * zdy by drunken collective farmer, but either you robbery or theft, the murders can only dream of, even in the stores no cheat! Pure totalitarianism!
The concept of "organized crime" was destroyed completely unacceptable inhuman manner as correctly noted, our tolerant and gentlemen in the film "Godfather". Uncle Sasha said: "Thieves in Law - nah!" Which is an abbreviation of the fascist «nach Osten!», And now in Belarus no thieves, and there is no such civilized society as organized crime! But even more outrageous the lack of drugs in the country! If you try hard, you can be lucky and buy some bespontovoy marijuana, but about the real glamor of the Middle East or the more Latinos can not even dream of! How can we raise children in this horrible country? Kids now, go to sports clubs, which, as St. Petersburg mushrooms after rain naroslo around Minsk? Where is the democracy?
I wanted to go to another province and look at the bruised back-breaking labor of the peasants, who had been removed 95 percent of the crop, and to this environment will remove 100%, but if you remove it - Uncle Sasha arrive by helicopter and insert himself into the hollow drin each collective farm chairman. A combines the areas that have already been harvested, are now helping in the fields of democratic tolerant of our country, but in the Smolensk Bryansk, where, as it should be in a capitalist society, all that can be stolen and drunk.
But unless you can immediately dive into totalitarianism, even with a scientific purpose? Yes, even in totalitarianism, having neither its oil, no gas, generally fucking except peat and soviet heavy engineering, light and textile industry, free hospitals, schools and oppressed peasantry?
In general, I could not stand in this country more than two days. Back in Maskva! It is not very organized and crime, corrupt officials, bought and then sold to the cops, dirty fragrant freedom-loving vagabonds at the station and in the transitions, zassanym streets grub pesticides and chemicals, kvass from the oil concentrate and other benefits of civilization! Nah! Nach Osten!
