The roof collapsed in our shop (12fot)
It was in St. Petersburg.
I go in peace to work on 5 March 2011., Looking forward to "predvosmomartovsky" collective evening "banquet" and suddenly on the way to the building department stops me protection, "Where are you?". - "To work for themselves" - tell them. - "You are there poostorozhenee!" - Advised me. Surprised by such attentiveness I go to the shop, and there ...
Located in St. Petersburg on Mineral Street, former Machine Works im.Sverdlova now ruined, looted and represents only a vast empty halls, which are pieces of rents various warehouses and car parks.
A brief history:
The factory was founded in 1868 by John. Myurgedom. In 1886 his sons formed the Association of Machine-Building Plant "Phoenix". In 1860-80-ies. factory made repair of industrial equipment, produced machine parts for the textile, paper, sugar mills, and later assemble imported machines, and then established its own production of steam engines, cranes, cutters presses, machine tools.
In 1919 the factory was nationalized and in 1922 was named after Sverdlov. After the Civil War, in 1925, it resumed production of machine tools already developed and begun to develop types novyh.Osenyu and winter of 1941 the plant produced shells. Since 1961, new machine-tool shops housed im.Sverdlova, get the profile of heavy machine-tool construction, and specifically there were developed and manufactured milling and turning machines, equipment and tools for the defense, aerospace and energy industries, the elements of ship turbines and equipment for power plants.
In 2003, new shareholders against the company was bankruptcy proceedings.
In 2005, in the administrative building of the bankrupt factory was opened business center.
Today, the existing plant of the former Stankostoritelnogo im.Sverdlova enterprises were built by 1961. 50 years building and staid here in the XXI century, some wagon, arrived at one of the warehouses demolished support post and a weakened leaky roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
In this image, red frame the zone of collapse:
Then - without comment:
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I went on the other side crash. But, it seems, and it is - the hero of the occasion - the van, carrying a support column vybivshaya =
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Slightly stremanuvshis from the impressive observed and human stupidity, I crossed my fingers, hoping that the rest of us on the roof did not collapse, and went to work ...
I go in peace to work on 5 March 2011., Looking forward to "predvosmomartovsky" collective evening "banquet" and suddenly on the way to the building department stops me protection, "Where are you?". - "To work for themselves" - tell them. - "You are there poostorozhenee!" - Advised me. Surprised by such attentiveness I go to the shop, and there ...

Located in St. Petersburg on Mineral Street, former Machine Works im.Sverdlova now ruined, looted and represents only a vast empty halls, which are pieces of rents various warehouses and car parks.
A brief history:
The factory was founded in 1868 by John. Myurgedom. In 1886 his sons formed the Association of Machine-Building Plant "Phoenix". In 1860-80-ies. factory made repair of industrial equipment, produced machine parts for the textile, paper, sugar mills, and later assemble imported machines, and then established its own production of steam engines, cranes, cutters presses, machine tools.
In 1919 the factory was nationalized and in 1922 was named after Sverdlov. After the Civil War, in 1925, it resumed production of machine tools already developed and begun to develop types novyh.Osenyu and winter of 1941 the plant produced shells. Since 1961, new machine-tool shops housed im.Sverdlova, get the profile of heavy machine-tool construction, and specifically there were developed and manufactured milling and turning machines, equipment and tools for the defense, aerospace and energy industries, the elements of ship turbines and equipment for power plants.
In 2003, new shareholders against the company was bankruptcy proceedings.
In 2005, in the administrative building of the bankrupt factory was opened business center.
Today, the existing plant of the former Stankostoritelnogo im.Sverdlova enterprises were built by 1961. 50 years building and staid here in the XXI century, some wagon, arrived at one of the warehouses demolished support post and a weakened leaky roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
In this image, red frame the zone of collapse:

Then - without comment:

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I went on the other side crash. But, it seems, and it is - the hero of the occasion - the van, carrying a support column vybivshaya =

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Slightly stremanuvshis from the impressive observed and human stupidity, I crossed my fingers, hoping that the rest of us on the roof did not collapse, and went to work ...
