A trip to the orphanage
Hello. I want to tell you about one of the trips Mitsubishi club in an orphanage. Will be 35 photos and some text.
How it all began:
"Dear mates, today I spoke with the director of the orphanage" Zatishansky district pritulok for dіtey "(Address Vul. Elevatorna 3 Frunzіvsky district Zatishshya CMT) that we want to help children before the first of September. What I was very glad to reply that they were waiting for us at any time, but the first of September they have already secured. She begged to help them to prepare for the winter (shoes, bags and if possible even food). Currently, the orphanage is 24 children, ages 3 to 15. Approximate date of departure of 3-4 September 2011.
So everyone who cares about children write awake welcome any help !!! "
Immediately responded to a large number of people. Everyone who helped could. Who things who are products of who the money. The Saturday morning came, all loaded minivan and rushed ...
On the first pictures our team.
Ka stated above, we have collected a sufficient number of, in connection with which one of the team-mates took the minivan to work. It shipped and purchased / collected good.
Utrechkom gathered early and moved. The shelter is situated about 140 km from Odessa, half of the road runs along a good track, but the second half on the road so to speak. In connection with doing small stops and combine them with a photo session)
We got about 2 hours. And right in the fight. To unload brought.
Director of the orphanage was very glad that we still come. Immediately he gave us a small tour of the shelter.
According to the story in the orphanage director was recently made major repairs of Government funds. Repair is really very good. None of the guests did not expect to see this in a shelter ...
... Your humble servant ...))
... Classes. They trained very young kids could say for extracurricular activities. All school-age children attend the local school, which has a contract at the shelter.
... A lot of children are told about AIDS. Since almost all of the kids are not well-off families ...
... Sorry for the curves of pictures) bought a camera and take pictures there)
Again, according to the director a lot of talented kids ... But, unfortunately, due to the fact that this institution can keep his children no more than 90 days, it often turns out to reveal all the talents to the full.
Kids really waiting for us. And we have even prepared a small concert ...
A little gallery of the smallest. Whatever they had, they still love their parents, and even run away from their homes back to the shelter.
Group photo.
... Distribution of sweet gifts ...
After the concert, we were treated to tea, during which the director has told us a lot about the shelter.
For example budget shelter is about 1000 euro to a month. It's at least 20 children. And they need to feed and clothe. As I said above keep there children are entitled to no more than 90 and then back to the fold, not to remove the children from the things that they wore. Just shelter help local farmers who present well, and who just makes good discounts.
That's all. Thank you for attention. If you have any questions, I will answer it with pleasure. But later)
How it all began:
"Dear mates, today I spoke with the director of the orphanage" Zatishansky district pritulok for dіtey "(Address Vul. Elevatorna 3 Frunzіvsky district Zatishshya CMT) that we want to help children before the first of September. What I was very glad to reply that they were waiting for us at any time, but the first of September they have already secured. She begged to help them to prepare for the winter (shoes, bags and if possible even food). Currently, the orphanage is 24 children, ages 3 to 15. Approximate date of departure of 3-4 September 2011.
So everyone who cares about children write awake welcome any help !!! "
Immediately responded to a large number of people. Everyone who helped could. Who things who are products of who the money. The Saturday morning came, all loaded minivan and rushed ...
On the first pictures our team.
Ka stated above, we have collected a sufficient number of, in connection with which one of the team-mates took the minivan to work. It shipped and purchased / collected good.
Utrechkom gathered early and moved. The shelter is situated about 140 km from Odessa, half of the road runs along a good track, but the second half on the road so to speak. In connection with doing small stops and combine them with a photo session)
We got about 2 hours. And right in the fight. To unload brought.
Director of the orphanage was very glad that we still come. Immediately he gave us a small tour of the shelter.
According to the story in the orphanage director was recently made major repairs of Government funds. Repair is really very good. None of the guests did not expect to see this in a shelter ...
... Your humble servant ...))
... Classes. They trained very young kids could say for extracurricular activities. All school-age children attend the local school, which has a contract at the shelter.
... A lot of children are told about AIDS. Since almost all of the kids are not well-off families ...
... Sorry for the curves of pictures) bought a camera and take pictures there)
Again, according to the director a lot of talented kids ... But, unfortunately, due to the fact that this institution can keep his children no more than 90 days, it often turns out to reveal all the talents to the full.
Kids really waiting for us. And we have even prepared a small concert ...
A little gallery of the smallest. Whatever they had, they still love their parents, and even run away from their homes back to the shelter.
Group photo.
... Distribution of sweet gifts ...
After the concert, we were treated to tea, during which the director has told us a lot about the shelter.
For example budget shelter is about 1000 euro to a month. It's at least 20 children. And they need to feed and clothe. As I said above keep there children are entitled to no more than 90 and then back to the fold, not to remove the children from the things that they wore. Just shelter help local farmers who present well, and who just makes good discounts.
That's all. Thank you for attention. If you have any questions, I will answer it with pleasure. But later)