Mikhail Kalashnikov - 92 year!
Mikhail Kalashnikov November 10, 2011 marks 92 years old. The famous weapons designer received congratulations in the workplace - in the Kalashnikov Concern, where, under his leadership, developed dozens of samples of machines based on the legendary AK-47.
Now Mikhail Kalashnikov has served as the chief designer of small arms, as well as the president of the Union of Russian gunsmiths.
I posted from several photos from the same museum.
Since I live in Izhevsk I have the opportunity to go to the Museum and Exhibition Complex. MT Kalashnikov. I hasten to share with you some photos and some text.
The museum is not only the achievements of the legendary konstruktova, but the story of his life. The long road he took for his life
For example, the model exhibited mower which was once constructed Mikhail Kalashnikov
(I apologize for the quality, the photo with the phone)
Several samples of weapons
By the way the abbreviation AK-47 (74) stands for automatic rifle, but because of the coincidence of the name of the designer stuck Kalashnikov
Preparations of the barrel machine
Modifications of the Kalashnikov assault rifle with a drum (below) and something else (above)
Fill up on the names
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portrait of Mikhail Kalashnikov
Machine gun Kalashnikov
with night vision devices
It is of course only a small part of the whole exhibition, presented in the museum.
The museum also operates a shooting gallery where you can try your skills at various strebe of combat (!) Weapons.
Photos from the price list (Summer 2010)
Posted in [mergetime] 1320945781 [/ mergetime]
This is all. Thank you for your attention.
Kalashnikov - Great Man Great Country.
Now Mikhail Kalashnikov has served as the chief designer of small arms, as well as the president of the Union of Russian gunsmiths.
I posted from several photos from the same museum.

Since I live in Izhevsk I have the opportunity to go to the Museum and Exhibition Complex. MT Kalashnikov. I hasten to share with you some photos and some text.

The museum is not only the achievements of the legendary konstruktova, but the story of his life. The long road he took for his life
For example, the model exhibited mower which was once constructed Mikhail Kalashnikov
(I apologize for the quality, the photo with the phone)


Several samples of weapons
By the way the abbreviation AK-47 (74) stands for automatic rifle, but because of the coincidence of the name of the designer stuck Kalashnikov

Preparations of the barrel machine


Modifications of the Kalashnikov assault rifle with a drum (below) and something else (above)
Fill up on the names

more options

portrait of Mikhail Kalashnikov

Machine gun Kalashnikov

with night vision devices

It is of course only a small part of the whole exhibition, presented in the museum.
The museum also operates a shooting gallery where you can try your skills at various strebe of combat (!) Weapons.
Photos from the price list (Summer 2010)
Posted in [mergetime] 1320945781 [/ mergetime]
This is all. Thank you for your attention.
Kalashnikov - Great Man Great Country.
