Reserve Khao Sok (Thailand)
Many people now rests in Thailand, particularly in Phuket. But I did not see the pictures from one of the tour, which is called "Preserve Khao Sok».
It lasts 2 days and includes overnight in a floating village and walk up the hill through the jungle to visit the cave. Will be 25 photos.
In the first photo displayed is the same floating village where one lives a Thai family that serves customers. Boats and other equipment they gave a good American.
The view from the village. It is said that Lake Khao Sok artificial.
Boats which rolled tourists. Just carry them from the port to the village of minutes 30.
It is located near the house. They usually live in family fishermen.
During a tour of the lake, guide, and then, he stopped and showed us to the trees, which were funny monkey.
It larvae. Who among them hatch in the pictures below.
These are the snails!
This is our guide - Michael. The Chinese-born, English-speaking and living in Thailand.
Constantly stumbled when climbing on these ant trail. In the forest, constantly shouting and flying lemurs toucans. The atmosphere is indescribable.
Lake View.
Poisonous caterpillar of which injured a guide, clutching a tree. I thought I was lying until I saw his red fingers burn =)
We started to go down into the cave. Before entering the cave spirits guide I prayed and made offerings to them. Cave blind, single-input-output, shaped like the letter «V», at the bottom of the entrance, and the top two pockets in different directions.
The guide immediately warned us not to touch the wall, because of him crawl poisonous spiders and snakes that feed on bats here and birds.
On the floor jump so-called "kriketki" - grasshoppers. They are not poisonous, but they are many and periodically jumping to his feet.
Number kriketok.
That is the very spiders.
Each stone, on all the walls.
Photo for the understanding of the size of the spider.
Bats in the cave ... fresh (=)) and even in the dark feeling of great space. It smells of hydrogen sulfide on mice poop.
The snake, sleeping under a rock. (a lot of them out there)
The altar in the cave. If you look closely, you can see the right figure of the deity.
Back to the exit. In total, roamed the halls of the 2nd somewhere hour. Everywhere slippery, dark and scary, but no less interesting. Each had a flashlight.
At the entrance to the cave.
Devastated snake bird's nest.
After the cave was a descent through the jungle to the coast where we waited for the boat.
I recommend to all. Selection is complete.
It lasts 2 days and includes overnight in a floating village and walk up the hill through the jungle to visit the cave. Will be 25 photos.
In the first photo displayed is the same floating village where one lives a Thai family that serves customers. Boats and other equipment they gave a good American.

The view from the village. It is said that Lake Khao Sok artificial.

Boats which rolled tourists. Just carry them from the port to the village of minutes 30.

It is located near the house. They usually live in family fishermen.

During a tour of the lake, guide, and then, he stopped and showed us to the trees, which were funny monkey.

It larvae. Who among them hatch in the pictures below.

These are the snails!

This is our guide - Michael. The Chinese-born, English-speaking and living in Thailand.

Constantly stumbled when climbing on these ant trail. In the forest, constantly shouting and flying lemurs toucans. The atmosphere is indescribable.

Lake View.

Poisonous caterpillar of which injured a guide, clutching a tree. I thought I was lying until I saw his red fingers burn =)

We started to go down into the cave. Before entering the cave spirits guide I prayed and made offerings to them. Cave blind, single-input-output, shaped like the letter «V», at the bottom of the entrance, and the top two pockets in different directions.

The guide immediately warned us not to touch the wall, because of him crawl poisonous spiders and snakes that feed on bats here and birds.

On the floor jump so-called "kriketki" - grasshoppers. They are not poisonous, but they are many and periodically jumping to his feet.

Number kriketok.

That is the very spiders.

Each stone, on all the walls.

Photo for the understanding of the size of the spider.

Bats in the cave ... fresh (=)) and even in the dark feeling of great space. It smells of hydrogen sulfide on mice poop.

The snake, sleeping under a rock. (a lot of them out there)

The altar in the cave. If you look closely, you can see the right figure of the deity.

Back to the exit. In total, roamed the halls of the 2nd somewhere hour. Everywhere slippery, dark and scary, but no less interesting. Each had a flashlight.

At the entrance to the cave.

Devastated snake bird's nest.

After the cave was a descent through the jungle to the coast where we waited for the boat.
I recommend to all. Selection is complete.
