From the series "How to do» | Books from Tver
via Drugoi
2 weeks ago came a man, obveshenny cameras, asking questions.
It turned out that this is another.
The company showed good respect him for it.
Manual printing complex "Pareto-Print" invited me to that show on the outskirts of Tver operates the most modern Russian book publishing. Of course, I agreed to go - printer for the man spent twenty years in print design, sweet home, and it was very interesting to compare what we had before, and as it looks now in Europe that was built from scratch two years back near Tver. I must say that this level of printing production equipment and work organization in Russia, I have not seen.
"Pareto-Print" - a specially designed and constructed building of several huge, well-lit, clean rooms, divided into zones: pre-press production, printing, binding production, finishing, finished goods warehouse and office center. Total
Directs "Pareto-Print" this man - Pavel Arsenyev. He started the project from scratch, when this place was still nothing. Paul was a business plan, designed the print shop, picking equipment, has formed a team of managers and employees, there is a place for development and control it from the first day to the last. In the "Pareto-Print" invested nearly three billion rubles, and now entered the printing house design capacity, working around the clock, seven days a week. The main shareholder of the company is known to you, Alexander Mamut, co-owner of "Live Journal".
I'm just envious of how powerfully equipped in the printing press. Pressroom is equipped with the most advanced family of offset printing machines ManRoland different series. In my time on so many of these magnificent machines in one place and not have to dream. And then one vosmisektsionny "Roland" is worth something!
Control sheetfed offset press - a system of quality control of online printing. The printer with a densitometer controls ink density on the scale on the edge of the printed sheet. And here also controls the supply of paint on the computer monitor.
Printers to the printer recruited local - the benefit that in Tver with its multiple printing plant was always a good selection of experts. I spoke with a few - a very smart guys, so good explain the show.
On the left, the wall - the only domestic equipment in the printing three web presses from Rybinsk - "Book". As they say, very good. They printed text strip small books. In the center - two machines on which paper is cut as a sheet format machines. Here, incidentally, the maximum size of the printed sheet 1020h1420mm.
To smokers do not lose time and were not ill, running out into the street, they made special booths in airports.
I know a stranger, this little picture that says, and I'm genuinely happy just looking at such wealth and such a procedure. I used to like we have not seen. Sometimes, a good technique put in the old wall and looked it all somehow. And here, when everything is made from scratch and with great intelligence, according to the rules, the feeling is different. The boys said that work in such conditions is bad, somehow - a shame.
This cross-linked block book.
This cover is binding.
In the car it all turns into a finished book.
Then book like that will pack and send to the customer.
Here is folded booklets.
Cutting machine - the most important part of the whole process. They are now all programming, it is difficult to make a mistake and cut sheets is not so. The most impressive when the knife cut foot, one instantaneous movement. I love the sound and ready to stand next to the cutter as you like, looking at how it works. The process of the so-called jogging (ie alignment of sheets in the stack) has long been an automatic (on the vibrating table), but ahead of the cutter required special skill to knock the stack by hand, such special hand movements. I tried many times to learn it - so something and did not work well.
All the printing press is equipped with a single system of removing scraps of paper - it's such overarching thing I have to be honest, I saw live only in the "Pareto-Print". Every workplace (like a cutter, for example - you can see him on the right a rectangular bell) set "vacuum cleaners" which fly all cutting paper and cardboard. All this is going in the same place, where there is huge news. Waste compressed and transported for processing.
The basis of any offset printing - a printing plate. For each of the four colors (CMYK) is its own. Previously, to make the printing plate, it was first necessary to bring the work on the film, using the RIP (Raster Image Processor), then to copy the frame to transfer images from the film on the printing plate. Several years ago, the process simplified, abandoning the intermediate manufacturing process of the film. There was the technology CtP (Computer-to-Plate), through which the laser printed job on the film, and once on the printing plate. Initially, the technology was damp, there were problems with the materials, but now firmly won the CtP market prepress and printing houses stand here today are laser printing device with online film development, which is getting ready printing plates directly from computer.
That leaves out developing machine finished printing plate for offset printing. In the "Pareto-Print" are CtP devices companies Kodak, which in 2005 by buying the Canadian manufacturer of these devices Creo, releasing them now under its own brand.
In modern presses the installation process is also automated plate.
The logistics department told me that on this rack are publications issued in one month. Power of the whole printing is impressive - 69 million books and pamphlets a year. It is about 8% of the total book market in Russia.
P.S. In fact, this room chief Bookbinding But the rest is true.
Under a circulation and storage of finished products.
Office Space "Pareto-Print".
All office brought the whole of Germany.
P.S. Frames are mostly local (Tver), several specialists from Moscow.
In the production, I always ask to show me the dining room.
A full three-course meal with a compote employee costs 40 rubles. On the stand into the dining room hangs a reminder that on Saturday, two buses driven by employees in Moscow theater.
P.S. For 3 years the quality of the preparation has not fallen.
No enterprise komnatok eating a smelly fridge and microwave.
Books! Here you can get stuck for a long time. What is just not print. From huge to tiny reproductions Album Bible bound in leather. From annual reports to cover by punching and selective varnish on the text to popular literature. In the "Pareto-Print" is even a section gilt edge of books - a very time-consuming work, which was previously in our country do not do.
The famous album "Russia through a train window" with luxurious scenery turns on published here.
All finished
2 weeks ago came a man, obveshenny cameras, asking questions.
It turned out that this is another.
The company showed good respect him for it.

Manual printing complex "Pareto-Print" invited me to that show on the outskirts of Tver operates the most modern Russian book publishing. Of course, I agreed to go - printer for the man spent twenty years in print design, sweet home, and it was very interesting to compare what we had before, and as it looks now in Europe that was built from scratch two years back near Tver. I must say that this level of printing production equipment and work organization in Russia, I have not seen.
"Pareto-Print" - a specially designed and constructed building of several huge, well-lit, clean rooms, divided into zones: pre-press production, printing, binding production, finishing, finished goods warehouse and office center. Total

Directs "Pareto-Print" this man - Pavel Arsenyev. He started the project from scratch, when this place was still nothing. Paul was a business plan, designed the print shop, picking equipment, has formed a team of managers and employees, there is a place for development and control it from the first day to the last. In the "Pareto-Print" invested nearly three billion rubles, and now entered the printing house design capacity, working around the clock, seven days a week. The main shareholder of the company is known to you, Alexander Mamut, co-owner of "Live Journal".

I'm just envious of how powerfully equipped in the printing press. Pressroom is equipped with the most advanced family of offset printing machines ManRoland different series. In my time on so many of these magnificent machines in one place and not have to dream. And then one vosmisektsionny "Roland" is worth something!

Control sheetfed offset press - a system of quality control of online printing. The printer with a densitometer controls ink density on the scale on the edge of the printed sheet. And here also controls the supply of paint on the computer monitor.
Printers to the printer recruited local - the benefit that in Tver with its multiple printing plant was always a good selection of experts. I spoke with a few - a very smart guys, so good explain the show.

On the left, the wall - the only domestic equipment in the printing three web presses from Rybinsk - "Book". As they say, very good. They printed text strip small books. In the center - two machines on which paper is cut as a sheet format machines. Here, incidentally, the maximum size of the printed sheet 1020h1420mm.

To smokers do not lose time and were not ill, running out into the street, they made special booths in airports.

I know a stranger, this little picture that says, and I'm genuinely happy just looking at such wealth and such a procedure. I used to like we have not seen. Sometimes, a good technique put in the old wall and looked it all somehow. And here, when everything is made from scratch and with great intelligence, according to the rules, the feeling is different. The boys said that work in such conditions is bad, somehow - a shame.









This cross-linked block book.

This cover is binding.


In the car it all turns into a finished book.

Then book like that will pack and send to the customer.

Here is folded booklets.


Cutting machine - the most important part of the whole process. They are now all programming, it is difficult to make a mistake and cut sheets is not so. The most impressive when the knife cut foot, one instantaneous movement. I love the sound and ready to stand next to the cutter as you like, looking at how it works. The process of the so-called jogging (ie alignment of sheets in the stack) has long been an automatic (on the vibrating table), but ahead of the cutter required special skill to knock the stack by hand, such special hand movements. I tried many times to learn it - so something and did not work well.

All the printing press is equipped with a single system of removing scraps of paper - it's such overarching thing I have to be honest, I saw live only in the "Pareto-Print". Every workplace (like a cutter, for example - you can see him on the right a rectangular bell) set "vacuum cleaners" which fly all cutting paper and cardboard. All this is going in the same place, where there is huge news. Waste compressed and transported for processing.

The basis of any offset printing - a printing plate. For each of the four colors (CMYK) is its own. Previously, to make the printing plate, it was first necessary to bring the work on the film, using the RIP (Raster Image Processor), then to copy the frame to transfer images from the film on the printing plate. Several years ago, the process simplified, abandoning the intermediate manufacturing process of the film. There was the technology CtP (Computer-to-Plate), through which the laser printed job on the film, and once on the printing plate. Initially, the technology was damp, there were problems with the materials, but now firmly won the CtP market prepress and printing houses stand here today are laser printing device with online film development, which is getting ready printing plates directly from computer.

That leaves out developing machine finished printing plate for offset printing. In the "Pareto-Print" are CtP devices companies Kodak, which in 2005 by buying the Canadian manufacturer of these devices Creo, releasing them now under its own brand.

In modern presses the installation process is also automated plate.

The logistics department told me that on this rack are publications issued in one month. Power of the whole printing is impressive - 69 million books and pamphlets a year. It is about 8% of the total book market in Russia.
P.S. In fact, this room chief Bookbinding But the rest is true.

Under a circulation and storage of finished products.

Office Space "Pareto-Print".

All office brought the whole of Germany.
P.S. Frames are mostly local (Tver), several specialists from Moscow.

In the production, I always ask to show me the dining room.

A full three-course meal with a compote employee costs 40 rubles. On the stand into the dining room hangs a reminder that on Saturday, two buses driven by employees in Moscow theater.
P.S. For 3 years the quality of the preparation has not fallen.
No enterprise komnatok eating a smelly fridge and microwave.

Books! Here you can get stuck for a long time. What is just not print. From huge to tiny reproductions Album Bible bound in leather. From annual reports to cover by punching and selective varnish on the text to popular literature. In the "Pareto-Print" is even a section gilt edge of books - a very time-consuming work, which was previously in our country do not do.

The famous album "Russia through a train window" with luxurious scenery turns on published here.
All finished
