10 mistakes of Soviet animation that you probably also noticed
Let us remember loved cartoons, and at the same time find out what years later started to pay attention to the audience, who looked favorite cartoons for the hundredth time. This collection is absolutely no criticism of the way for us to the creators of these masterpieces. But to learn about some special cases will be very interesting to many.
1. Blooper m / f "Crocodile Gena»
In one cartoon series (1969) Cheburashka meets Crocodile Gena, after reading an ad on the fence "Young crocodile wants to make friends." At the end of this series, he reads the note aloud Shapoklyak. In the 2nd series of Cheburashka reading classified pioneers going to hand scrap. But in the 4 series ("Cheburashka goes to school", 1983) Cheburashka suddenly could not read a telegram of genes, so there was a question about his further education. How so?
2. Blooper m / f "Little Raccoon"
"The smile will brighten all ..." A great cartoon in his wise and very kind. But another little smile can cause small curiosities. In particular, when Little Raccoon tells how frightened "the one who sits in a pond," he suddenly lost the tail. But after a couple of seconds with a tail Enotik successfully continues the story.
3. Blooper m / f "Leopold"
Among other kazusnyh moments in this gorgeous cartoon can remember misadventures of Leopold on the island in a series of "Leopold in dream and reality." There's the main character had to use a frying pan as a protective agent, but before that it is several times that appeared next to him on the shore and disappeared. In the collage, you can also compare the size of the pot, which beat Leopold. First, the bank has been so great that barely one end fits into a frying pan, but then it is no problem to put everything in the same pan.
4. Blooper m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians"
In Part 1 of "The Bremen Town Musicians" Troubadour appears before us in the form of a simple country boy with the nose-potatoes. And in the next section ("In the wake of Bremen Town Musicians") Troubadour - a stylish guy with a square chin, noble features, along "a la Elvis Presley" and fashionable hairstyle. It turns out that this metamorphosis is a simple explanation.
Initially, the Troubadour on sketches art director looked like a buffoon in the nightcap. But the intervention of the director Inessa Kovalevskaya helped transform his image of young men late 1960s. And that there was no association with the then popular "Beatles", the artists most streamlined its appearance. 2 The director of the series was "the best Sherlock Holmes" Vasily Livanov. As planned by the Troubadour as it matured, but in the end turned out a character. And friends the animals, too, have changed. Sad dog became even sadder, a rooster disappeared bright plumage, and the cat, sparkling in 1 series blue eyes, the second already winking green.
5. Blooper m / f "The Kid and Carlson"
In this wonderful animated film, say, a lot of small mistakes. And one of them is a curious situation with the flat baby. For example, in one series, we can see that the kid's room is located on the top floor. A series of 2 Bok, a cat and a puppy Mathilda Carlson has escorted from the living room, which, as you can see, is already not on the top floor. One can only assume that the family takes Toddler bunk apartment.
6. Blooper m / f "Thumbelina"
An interesting point, many considered the appearance of hands mothers Thumbelina in the frame. Indeed, in the beginning, as everyone knows, are the words: "... The girl was small-small, no more than an inch, and so it was called Thumbelina." But given that is 2 inches, 54 cm, there are different interpretations. After all, the frame can be clearly seen that the growth of Thumbelina is approximately thumb of her mother (ordinary woman). And certainly no one can imagine a woman with a 3-centimeter fingers. However, it certainly does not matter. After all, a lovely cartoon!
7. Blooper m / f "Well, wait!"
Perhaps one of the major incidents in this masterpiece of animation is the story of the "ghostly tights." New release of the movie 8 turns into a "mystical fantasy". Wolves, who shines in the role of the Snow Maiden, periodically appear and disappear again stockings. You can see that at the beginning of appearances Wolf looks very impressive: Spit to the floor, pink boots and black stockings. However, at the time of tearing off the microphone cord, stockings somewhere temporarily disappear. But after a couple of seconds there again ... But not for long. And when the wolf does just a couple of steps, tights disappear again. This time, once and for all.
8. Blooper m / f "Tale of Tsar Saltan"
All our cartoons - wonderful. And no one is in a hurry to find fault. Just reviewing them over and over again something to notice. Anyone who has read the tale AS Pushkin's Tsar Saltan may remember these lines:
"Wind on the sea walk
And boat wings;
He runs his waves
In the swollen sails ... "
In the fairy tale boat with guests "running" four times: twice "on the swollen sails" and twice "on raised". When in the movie appears about a swollen sails, the voice-over says, "raised on." By the way, there are two cartoon "The Tale of Tsar Saltan": black and white (1943) and color (1984). Both the movie good, the first - a little more emotional, and the second - a more colorful.
9. Blooper m / f "Winnie the Pooh"
This wonderful cartoon lyapami especially not sin. But looking for the umpteenth time favorite moments, you can find amusing mismatch. The greatest curiosity of the cartoon may be called a frame from the 3 series, when Pooh and Piglet came to his house in order to find a gift for a donkey Eeyore. And here on a table at a typical inhabitant of the forest, we see the carafe, open cans of canned food, loaf and so on. D. Probably, animators, without thinking twice, brought to the children's fairy tale image from your desktop. It is interesting and Pooh loved pilchards in tomato sauce? ..
10. Blooper m / f "Buttermilk"
This adorable cartoon of all difficulty explaining the transformation of fed female form mother of the protagonist. Changing the shape of the bust downright striking. In one series ("Three of the Buttermilk") breast size in women is proportional figure. In Series 2 ("Vacation in Buttermilk") we take one look at the character, to mark - took shape very seductive look. But in the 3 Series ("Winter in Buttermilk") is something new going on with a cute mom Uncle Theodore. Luxury bust replaced by a sleek "teenage" torso ... Bewilderment.
And the audience is only to build versions. Ecology? Diet? .. But many believe that the secret lies in the metamorphosis of a different vision of the ideal female animators that from series to series changed.
1. Blooper m / f "Crocodile Gena»

In one cartoon series (1969) Cheburashka meets Crocodile Gena, after reading an ad on the fence "Young crocodile wants to make friends." At the end of this series, he reads the note aloud Shapoklyak. In the 2nd series of Cheburashka reading classified pioneers going to hand scrap. But in the 4 series ("Cheburashka goes to school", 1983) Cheburashka suddenly could not read a telegram of genes, so there was a question about his further education. How so?
2. Blooper m / f "Little Raccoon"

"The smile will brighten all ..." A great cartoon in his wise and very kind. But another little smile can cause small curiosities. In particular, when Little Raccoon tells how frightened "the one who sits in a pond," he suddenly lost the tail. But after a couple of seconds with a tail Enotik successfully continues the story.
3. Blooper m / f "Leopold"

Among other kazusnyh moments in this gorgeous cartoon can remember misadventures of Leopold on the island in a series of "Leopold in dream and reality." There's the main character had to use a frying pan as a protective agent, but before that it is several times that appeared next to him on the shore and disappeared. In the collage, you can also compare the size of the pot, which beat Leopold. First, the bank has been so great that barely one end fits into a frying pan, but then it is no problem to put everything in the same pan.
4. Blooper m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians"

In Part 1 of "The Bremen Town Musicians" Troubadour appears before us in the form of a simple country boy with the nose-potatoes. And in the next section ("In the wake of Bremen Town Musicians") Troubadour - a stylish guy with a square chin, noble features, along "a la Elvis Presley" and fashionable hairstyle. It turns out that this metamorphosis is a simple explanation.
Initially, the Troubadour on sketches art director looked like a buffoon in the nightcap. But the intervention of the director Inessa Kovalevskaya helped transform his image of young men late 1960s. And that there was no association with the then popular "Beatles", the artists most streamlined its appearance. 2 The director of the series was "the best Sherlock Holmes" Vasily Livanov. As planned by the Troubadour as it matured, but in the end turned out a character. And friends the animals, too, have changed. Sad dog became even sadder, a rooster disappeared bright plumage, and the cat, sparkling in 1 series blue eyes, the second already winking green.
5. Blooper m / f "The Kid and Carlson"

In this wonderful animated film, say, a lot of small mistakes. And one of them is a curious situation with the flat baby. For example, in one series, we can see that the kid's room is located on the top floor. A series of 2 Bok, a cat and a puppy Mathilda Carlson has escorted from the living room, which, as you can see, is already not on the top floor. One can only assume that the family takes Toddler bunk apartment.
6. Blooper m / f "Thumbelina"

An interesting point, many considered the appearance of hands mothers Thumbelina in the frame. Indeed, in the beginning, as everyone knows, are the words: "... The girl was small-small, no more than an inch, and so it was called Thumbelina." But given that is 2 inches, 54 cm, there are different interpretations. After all, the frame can be clearly seen that the growth of Thumbelina is approximately thumb of her mother (ordinary woman). And certainly no one can imagine a woman with a 3-centimeter fingers. However, it certainly does not matter. After all, a lovely cartoon!
7. Blooper m / f "Well, wait!"

Perhaps one of the major incidents in this masterpiece of animation is the story of the "ghostly tights." New release of the movie 8 turns into a "mystical fantasy". Wolves, who shines in the role of the Snow Maiden, periodically appear and disappear again stockings. You can see that at the beginning of appearances Wolf looks very impressive: Spit to the floor, pink boots and black stockings. However, at the time of tearing off the microphone cord, stockings somewhere temporarily disappear. But after a couple of seconds there again ... But not for long. And when the wolf does just a couple of steps, tights disappear again. This time, once and for all.
8. Blooper m / f "Tale of Tsar Saltan"

All our cartoons - wonderful. And no one is in a hurry to find fault. Just reviewing them over and over again something to notice. Anyone who has read the tale AS Pushkin's Tsar Saltan may remember these lines:
"Wind on the sea walk
And boat wings;
He runs his waves
In the swollen sails ... "
In the fairy tale boat with guests "running" four times: twice "on the swollen sails" and twice "on raised". When in the movie appears about a swollen sails, the voice-over says, "raised on." By the way, there are two cartoon "The Tale of Tsar Saltan": black and white (1943) and color (1984). Both the movie good, the first - a little more emotional, and the second - a more colorful.
9. Blooper m / f "Winnie the Pooh"

This wonderful cartoon lyapami especially not sin. But looking for the umpteenth time favorite moments, you can find amusing mismatch. The greatest curiosity of the cartoon may be called a frame from the 3 series, when Pooh and Piglet came to his house in order to find a gift for a donkey Eeyore. And here on a table at a typical inhabitant of the forest, we see the carafe, open cans of canned food, loaf and so on. D. Probably, animators, without thinking twice, brought to the children's fairy tale image from your desktop. It is interesting and Pooh loved pilchards in tomato sauce? ..
10. Blooper m / f "Buttermilk"

This adorable cartoon of all difficulty explaining the transformation of fed female form mother of the protagonist. Changing the shape of the bust downright striking. In one series ("Three of the Buttermilk") breast size in women is proportional figure. In Series 2 ("Vacation in Buttermilk") we take one look at the character, to mark - took shape very seductive look. But in the 3 Series ("Winter in Buttermilk") is something new going on with a cute mom Uncle Theodore. Luxury bust replaced by a sleek "teenage" torso ... Bewilderment.
And the audience is only to build versions. Ecology? Diet? .. But many believe that the secret lies in the metamorphosis of a different vision of the ideal female animators that from series to series changed.
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