5-year-old baby rescued two brothers from the hole
In Togliatti little boy pulled from icy water drowning older brothers.
Walk on the spring ice almost ended in tragedy for the family Kondratyevs of Samara Oblast.
Dips in the thawed children had no hope of salvation, because on the bank there was no one except their little brother.
9-year-old Max, an 8-year-old Dmitry, and 5-year-old Nikita Kondratieff not the first time went to the Volga. All winter they skated here skating, playing hockey.
With the onset of the thaw parents strictly forbade them even come close to the river. However, in the evening they decided to go for the last time to the pond. Skiing kids went to blackish ice.
When the company was about fifty meters from the shore, the ice began to crack. Frightened, the children turned back, but the ice crust sold under their feet.
The first failed Dima. He plunged into the water, but immediately surfaced and managed to grab the edge of the ice floe.
- It was so bad, I cried and crawled to get his brother - says Maxim Kondratiev. - Nikita said that did not come close. Sam lay on the snow and began to crawl to Dima. In my hands was a ski pole. I wanted to catch him by the clothes and pull.
When the boy was already a foot from the edge of the hole in the ice, and the ice collapsed beneath him. Now in the water were two older brothers. Children desperately floundering, but the clothes pulling them down.
- Then we cried out to Nikita, so he quickly ran for adults - continues Maxim. - He took off his skis and ran to the shore, but suddenly turned and rushed toward us.
Little Nikita grabbed their children's ski and carefully crawled to drowning brothers. Lightweight allowed him to stretch Maxim one ski. Brother grabbed her and barely crawled out onto the ice.
For the second ski grabbed Dima. However, out of the water he obtained only at the second attempt - the frozen hands would not obey.
When all were already saved on ice and panting from exhaustion, they arrived fishermen from afar noticed that there was a trouble with the kids.
Grabbing Dmitri and Maxim in his hands, the man ran to the shore, where their car was waiting. Soon, all three brothers were home.
- To punish them, we will not, at least not yet - told Life News mom Olga Kondratieff. - Here's how to get better, so once firmly reprimanded. Now lie with the temperature, and Nikita while one walks. But on the court, I did not let go.
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Walk on the spring ice almost ended in tragedy for the family Kondratyevs of Samara Oblast.
Dips in the thawed children had no hope of salvation, because on the bank there was no one except their little brother.
9-year-old Max, an 8-year-old Dmitry, and 5-year-old Nikita Kondratieff not the first time went to the Volga. All winter they skated here skating, playing hockey.
With the onset of the thaw parents strictly forbade them even come close to the river. However, in the evening they decided to go for the last time to the pond. Skiing kids went to blackish ice.
When the company was about fifty meters from the shore, the ice began to crack. Frightened, the children turned back, but the ice crust sold under their feet.
The first failed Dima. He plunged into the water, but immediately surfaced and managed to grab the edge of the ice floe.
- It was so bad, I cried and crawled to get his brother - says Maxim Kondratiev. - Nikita said that did not come close. Sam lay on the snow and began to crawl to Dima. In my hands was a ski pole. I wanted to catch him by the clothes and pull.
When the boy was already a foot from the edge of the hole in the ice, and the ice collapsed beneath him. Now in the water were two older brothers. Children desperately floundering, but the clothes pulling them down.
- Then we cried out to Nikita, so he quickly ran for adults - continues Maxim. - He took off his skis and ran to the shore, but suddenly turned and rushed toward us.
Little Nikita grabbed their children's ski and carefully crawled to drowning brothers. Lightweight allowed him to stretch Maxim one ski. Brother grabbed her and barely crawled out onto the ice.
For the second ski grabbed Dima. However, out of the water he obtained only at the second attempt - the frozen hands would not obey.
When all were already saved on ice and panting from exhaustion, they arrived fishermen from afar noticed that there was a trouble with the kids.
Grabbing Dmitri and Maxim in his hands, the man ran to the shore, where their car was waiting. Soon, all three brothers were home.
- To punish them, we will not, at least not yet - told Life News mom Olga Kondratieff. - Here's how to get better, so once firmly reprimanded. Now lie with the temperature, and Nikita while one walks. But on the court, I did not let go.

Source: http: //