A trip to the rock festival KUBANA.
Hi, this is my first topic, although I am sitting on Yap for a long time, but until then contented just watching.
After seeing a post about a trip to the German Rock Am Ring, having started drooling (yes, this is my dream is to go there) I decided to tell you how I went to our, Russian festival on the Black seafarers KUBANA.
Last summer I went there for the second time, with the Germans, it certainly can not compare, but the best festivals in Russia, I have not seen (Invasion I do not like because of the composition of the teams, venues, and far from me up there, I'm from Krasnodar, by the way ).
Personally to me the photos will not be enough, because literally from the moment when my foot stepped on the land of the peninsula of Liberty, I forgot about the photos and other fuss, there were only sea, sun, cool music, burn and positive!
90 pictures, but this is not enough to transfer all the warm memories of this festival
16+, probably.
Map of the festival. In place of salt lake in 2010, and in 2011 was Pustynka with mud baths, are below.
Having stood for all exchange tickets for wristbands.
FUS RO DAH !!! ©
coward dunce experienced
Throughout the festival was the unbearable heat, the first day of our entire company burned and overheated from the scene have "extinguished" fire extinguishers and poured water from the basin.
I do not know the name of (the airplane is not?), But it looks cool, and is expensive.
These guys are cleverly slipped past the people.
and sometimes flew on the second day the wind started, the third day is not bad storm.
A friend of Kirov, found each other in tyrnete after the festival and, together waiting for the next cube
Pankuha below her tattoo on his feet
So that!
Mud bath, very smelly and hot, and though kak bottomless, without the aid of horseradish vylezesh
and another cute Aboriginal
After seeing a post about a trip to the German Rock Am Ring, having started drooling (yes, this is my dream is to go there) I decided to tell you how I went to our, Russian festival on the Black seafarers KUBANA.
Last summer I went there for the second time, with the Germans, it certainly can not compare, but the best festivals in Russia, I have not seen (Invasion I do not like because of the composition of the teams, venues, and far from me up there, I'm from Krasnodar, by the way ).
Personally to me the photos will not be enough, because literally from the moment when my foot stepped on the land of the peninsula of Liberty, I forgot about the photos and other fuss, there were only sea, sun, cool music, burn and positive!
90 pictures, but this is not enough to transfer all the warm memories of this festival
16+, probably.

Map of the festival. In place of salt lake in 2010, and in 2011 was Pustynka with mud baths, are below.

Having stood for all exchange tickets for wristbands.

FUS RO DAH !!! ©

coward dunce experienced

Throughout the festival was the unbearable heat, the first day of our entire company burned and overheated from the scene have "extinguished" fire extinguishers and poured water from the basin.


I do not know the name of (the airplane is not?), But it looks cool, and is expensive.

These guys are cleverly slipped past the people.

and sometimes flew on the second day the wind started, the third day is not bad storm.


A friend of Kirov, found each other in tyrnete after the festival and, together waiting for the next cube

Pankuha below her tattoo on his feet

So that!

Mud bath, very smelly and hot, and though kak bottomless, without the aid of horseradish vylezesh


and another cute Aboriginal
