Good day everyone and Yapovkam Yapovtsam.
Recently, we discuss the morals of youth. We have the right, as we are not indifferent to our country. Falling morals, advertising prostitution, advertising-free life is not one who does not have and other amenities next time "stagnation" pushes young people to those or other actions.
The era of mass irresponsibility. I guess due to the fact that people without a strong leader, and without the support of the future. It seems to be the perpetrators of the current crisis, and there is not, but there is uncertainty about the future and the state of tension in the mainly all. Users themselves. One thief replaces another. Money and only money is promoted as the basis of life. Key comments, want to earn a good living and you will have happiness, may in this situation it is the right decision. But apart from money and solving problems "eat, sleep, sex, and other is the main task of almost every normal person-to raise children.
Creating a social network is not just one way to control the crowd but also a way to "pick up" the child from the family. An indirect way, but in fact there are children communicating authority of parents is replaced by the authoritative opinion of the faceless crowd. And results-that-spend too much time each day with a sense of a really emphatically.
What I saw in my childhood:
1. loving parents, often given to understand, that they are the authority and not the execution of their instructions were punished. Therefore, flogging was 17 years (nettle, the hose from the machine, leash, rope). Man made out of me.
2. Children partially eaten by common ideas. Books and stories are pushing us to "romantic gesture." We had the characters, without money. Basically heroes saved the world, and were men of war, or astronauts.
Here purely my memories as a family I'm the only girl among five boys. Lucky so lucky.
3. Mugs House heap of any diplomas. Knitting, martial arts, dance, kigboksing and others do not even remember. The ratio of children to be allowed to become someone else. Even if the child was not able to.
I have 5 years of age was Aki-hippo but danced Poor Sasha (dance partner) -all his feet trod on, danced worst. Teacher of neuklyuzhek during concerts were staged in the most remote places, but not once did I hear that I'm the worst-nothing thing she likes, she said.
4. Family relationships. Cousins, and other brothers were my parents and I had as a concept alien and incomprehensible, we are all brothers.
Neighbors in the area, in the garage, on a summer residence, in bulk, too, the group united by common interests and are ready to provide mutual assistance within themselves.
5. Home-parental attention and "life stories". Send my life experience and the concept of "we are a family." And it was terrible to lose someone from the family of the cell.
So when people say, "Oh youth, such syakaya" is not freely issue arises, the youth have a parent-it? Why did they pop these laptops themselves-to take a break from work. Why they do not know which sites children tusyat? Obviously, you can hide it easily. but modern methods of education are reduced to the transfer of responsibility to the child itself.
I hope, that my assumption is wrong by 89%, as I see local Yapovtsev who are engaged with their children. And it pleases.
Positive situation, total relaxation and family legends and child have something to remember from their childhood. After all, a child we begin to create their own picture of the world.
Here are 5 points I stop. Family holiday. Tales from the Crypt my
Karas, Karas.
Childhood nimble mainly on garden. I as a bonus to the brothers but they do not have the responsibility to impose. After all, the concept of a "brother-sister" comes at an older age, and younger, "I'll ubyu" is the norm.
Parents at work during the day, the boys have their work: the map, the manager, attics, building shelters, cars out of the trough and fishing.
On one of those trips -patsanva wanted to get rid of me plans clearly not been on a fishing trip. They figure out how to bring me to tears-in this case was the eldest street Apa I and her fuse. I rested there, to whine about mosquitoes, torn knees, frogs and other little things by which other 6 year old girls came into hysteria-not wait! -and So they know that you need another tricky.
Typically, fishing, supplied me with candy and other goodies, and the world was beautiful, so at home I do not davali- I'm allergic. Enjoying each his own, I was fishing for a reason sweet uporotyh: up spots to itch. And then a bag of candy do not give-no!
-And There ?, I asked with interest without feeling dirty trick.
What you catch will be. Caught perch-candy, a frog or two but for carp, chocolate and ice cream.
When I left the last sentence of nirvana and got bait sat near the water.
So Rod has a true stick-usual but with fishing line and sinker. And the bank's fat maggots.
Then remove the screen from the faint of heart.
How to give this dish:
Day in Senko piece of rotten meat left. In the evening, the light has to let candidates and then they just turn off the towel and half-dead corpses and half stunned in a jar with the meat and a week. There are worms and appear.
So I participated in the process of collecting, react calmly when lezlarukami in a jar and larva on krichok-op with 3-4 times happened.
The lady I was in the body of my clumsiness horse-easy movement of the jar and I knocked into the water.
I sit about 15 minutes in the stomach sucking and biting there. Guys hmurnye pretend that they fish themselves one foot somewhere to run, where I can not be with them.
After 30 minutes, I pull the bait with spears, at the end -Fish!
Poludohly okunek-probably committed suicide.
My joy knew no bounds ... I asked who it was-me honest answers perch. Perch-hmm ... so yum.
Here boys longing swept green. And in my eyes I was already three-liter jar morozhennogo- (as previously purchased).
Here, says Dima, carp need to catch small fish, you also have one. I oduhotvorennaya- strung like kebab corpse rybnyy- dreaming.
I sit for five minutes, then jerked "counselors came running" the very interesting.
softly softly ...
yes no do not touch push-
Then Dima shout-drag! I jerked in the air and flashed a tremendous bufola (a mixture of mirror carp and bream) and on the beach.
I let her grab-and she's ... twitches struggle ended in her favor, galloped away. Guys at this time were in shock, I was like an elephant Topcu around her with wild eyes and mouth open - they would not risk their health and participate in the war.
When it came to me. There are no single candy or ice cream perch -nothing.
Here Dalessa plan works and I ORU for the entire Irtysh-thus a child crying full of despair and resentment:
Crucian carp up and KARAAAs ... uplyll ...
Why is the expected result on the boys did not act. Dima-he picked me up and we went home. All expensive, I was shaking and snot smeared on Dima's shirt.
At the end of sleep. In the evening, the parents found the boys in the stage of prostration.
And I saw my mom and dad are not forgotten about successful fishing.
Silently dinner. Mom asked, why I cried? Again, I did not take with him? What is difficult for the younger sister to keep an eye?
Mom did not have time to include worn-out record, Dima stands up and says:
Dad, you need to buy a fishing rod Lanulke-bamboo.
-what for? Dad was surprised.
-That if today she would be rod-she caught a vooot bufola!
And then everyone started talking about my exploits. After dinner, they began to teach me about the tank-like hooking right and how to throw.
Dad was standing on the balcony and looked at us, his cheeks had tears ran.
They say men do not cry, but I know that Dad was proud of his sons, and the whole of our family.
On the following weekend, I bought a fishing rod and a bunch of spinners and other blestyaschek which I poked a finger. A little older than I already was spinning and the title of "Specialist breams." Although it is correct, I never learned how to "fish", but we had fun and we all have been partially eaten by one group of the general interest, and in a simple way, we were a team, and family.
Guys, we are responsible for their children. How do we educate them, so they are in life and go.
And so I caught the market is about those carp.
Recently, we discuss the morals of youth. We have the right, as we are not indifferent to our country. Falling morals, advertising prostitution, advertising-free life is not one who does not have and other amenities next time "stagnation" pushes young people to those or other actions.
The era of mass irresponsibility. I guess due to the fact that people without a strong leader, and without the support of the future. It seems to be the perpetrators of the current crisis, and there is not, but there is uncertainty about the future and the state of tension in the mainly all. Users themselves. One thief replaces another. Money and only money is promoted as the basis of life. Key comments, want to earn a good living and you will have happiness, may in this situation it is the right decision. But apart from money and solving problems "eat, sleep, sex, and other is the main task of almost every normal person-to raise children.
Creating a social network is not just one way to control the crowd but also a way to "pick up" the child from the family. An indirect way, but in fact there are children communicating authority of parents is replaced by the authoritative opinion of the faceless crowd. And results-that-spend too much time each day with a sense of a really emphatically.
What I saw in my childhood:
1. loving parents, often given to understand, that they are the authority and not the execution of their instructions were punished. Therefore, flogging was 17 years (nettle, the hose from the machine, leash, rope). Man made out of me.
2. Children partially eaten by common ideas. Books and stories are pushing us to "romantic gesture." We had the characters, without money. Basically heroes saved the world, and were men of war, or astronauts.
Here purely my memories as a family I'm the only girl among five boys. Lucky so lucky.
3. Mugs House heap of any diplomas. Knitting, martial arts, dance, kigboksing and others do not even remember. The ratio of children to be allowed to become someone else. Even if the child was not able to.
I have 5 years of age was Aki-hippo but danced Poor Sasha (dance partner) -all his feet trod on, danced worst. Teacher of neuklyuzhek during concerts were staged in the most remote places, but not once did I hear that I'm the worst-nothing thing she likes, she said.
4. Family relationships. Cousins, and other brothers were my parents and I had as a concept alien and incomprehensible, we are all brothers.
Neighbors in the area, in the garage, on a summer residence, in bulk, too, the group united by common interests and are ready to provide mutual assistance within themselves.
5. Home-parental attention and "life stories". Send my life experience and the concept of "we are a family." And it was terrible to lose someone from the family of the cell.
So when people say, "Oh youth, such syakaya" is not freely issue arises, the youth have a parent-it? Why did they pop these laptops themselves-to take a break from work. Why they do not know which sites children tusyat? Obviously, you can hide it easily. but modern methods of education are reduced to the transfer of responsibility to the child itself.
I hope, that my assumption is wrong by 89%, as I see local Yapovtsev who are engaged with their children. And it pleases.
Positive situation, total relaxation and family legends and child have something to remember from their childhood. After all, a child we begin to create their own picture of the world.
Here are 5 points I stop. Family holiday. Tales from the Crypt my
Karas, Karas.
Childhood nimble mainly on garden. I as a bonus to the brothers but they do not have the responsibility to impose. After all, the concept of a "brother-sister" comes at an older age, and younger, "I'll ubyu" is the norm.
Parents at work during the day, the boys have their work: the map, the manager, attics, building shelters, cars out of the trough and fishing.
On one of those trips -patsanva wanted to get rid of me plans clearly not been on a fishing trip. They figure out how to bring me to tears-in this case was the eldest street Apa I and her fuse. I rested there, to whine about mosquitoes, torn knees, frogs and other little things by which other 6 year old girls came into hysteria-not wait! -and So they know that you need another tricky.
Typically, fishing, supplied me with candy and other goodies, and the world was beautiful, so at home I do not davali- I'm allergic. Enjoying each his own, I was fishing for a reason sweet uporotyh: up spots to itch. And then a bag of candy do not give-no!
-And There ?, I asked with interest without feeling dirty trick.
What you catch will be. Caught perch-candy, a frog or two but for carp, chocolate and ice cream.
When I left the last sentence of nirvana and got bait sat near the water.
So Rod has a true stick-usual but with fishing line and sinker. And the bank's fat maggots.
Then remove the screen from the faint of heart.
How to give this dish:
Day in Senko piece of rotten meat left. In the evening, the light has to let candidates and then they just turn off the towel and half-dead corpses and half stunned in a jar with the meat and a week. There are worms and appear.
So I participated in the process of collecting, react calmly when lezlarukami in a jar and larva on krichok-op with 3-4 times happened.
The lady I was in the body of my clumsiness horse-easy movement of the jar and I knocked into the water.
I sit about 15 minutes in the stomach sucking and biting there. Guys hmurnye pretend that they fish themselves one foot somewhere to run, where I can not be with them.
After 30 minutes, I pull the bait with spears, at the end -Fish!
Poludohly okunek-probably committed suicide.
My joy knew no bounds ... I asked who it was-me honest answers perch. Perch-hmm ... so yum.
Here boys longing swept green. And in my eyes I was already three-liter jar morozhennogo- (as previously purchased).
Here, says Dima, carp need to catch small fish, you also have one. I oduhotvorennaya- strung like kebab corpse rybnyy- dreaming.
I sit for five minutes, then jerked "counselors came running" the very interesting.
softly softly ...
yes no do not touch push-
Then Dima shout-drag! I jerked in the air and flashed a tremendous bufola (a mixture of mirror carp and bream) and on the beach.
I let her grab-and she's ... twitches struggle ended in her favor, galloped away. Guys at this time were in shock, I was like an elephant Topcu around her with wild eyes and mouth open - they would not risk their health and participate in the war.
When it came to me. There are no single candy or ice cream perch -nothing.
Here Dalessa plan works and I ORU for the entire Irtysh-thus a child crying full of despair and resentment:
Crucian carp up and KARAAAs ... uplyll ...
Why is the expected result on the boys did not act. Dima-he picked me up and we went home. All expensive, I was shaking and snot smeared on Dima's shirt.
At the end of sleep. In the evening, the parents found the boys in the stage of prostration.
And I saw my mom and dad are not forgotten about successful fishing.
Silently dinner. Mom asked, why I cried? Again, I did not take with him? What is difficult for the younger sister to keep an eye?
Mom did not have time to include worn-out record, Dima stands up and says:
Dad, you need to buy a fishing rod Lanulke-bamboo.
-what for? Dad was surprised.
-That if today she would be rod-she caught a vooot bufola!
And then everyone started talking about my exploits. After dinner, they began to teach me about the tank-like hooking right and how to throw.
Dad was standing on the balcony and looked at us, his cheeks had tears ran.
They say men do not cry, but I know that Dad was proud of his sons, and the whole of our family.
On the following weekend, I bought a fishing rod and a bunch of spinners and other blestyaschek which I poked a finger. A little older than I already was spinning and the title of "Specialist breams." Although it is correct, I never learned how to "fish", but we had fun and we all have been partially eaten by one group of the general interest, and in a simple way, we were a team, and family.
Guys, we are responsible for their children. How do we educate them, so they are in life and go.

And so I caught the market is about those carp.
