Dad really wanted a son ...
The main exhibit tank show in Zhukovsky was definitely a cute little girl in a pink dress. A girl named Olya - but the pope obviously expecting that instead it will have a son Kolya. And received from his wife's daughter she was not disappointed, and decided to grow out of it this guy.
So dad photographed it on every (!!!) tank, and bought her modelku Tanchico that Olechka everywhere with him dragged. Pink Dochkin pack with a teddy bear and a toy printsesskoy dad wore himself.
Correctly. Should someone has to defend the motherland. And then all we have, you know, post-graduate students of flatfoot. In women only, and can only hope ...
So dad photographed it on every (!!!) tank, and bought her modelku Tanchico that Olechka everywhere with him dragged. Pink Dochkin pack with a teddy bear and a toy printsesskoy dad wore himself.
Correctly. Should someone has to defend the motherland. And then all we have, you know, post-graduate students of flatfoot. In women only, and can only hope ...
