Picture a waterfall on your desktop.
Will be 36 photos and 1 FIDE. Please do not break.
So, dear visitors to this wonderful website, I want to introduce you to one of his latest creations, namely tabletop waterfall. But it is not simple, but with a photograph. Let's say on the topic of memories of past holidays.
The idea came about two weeks ago because of the theme Faktus-and (who knows, he will understand). Inspired by such spectacular views (not Faktus-a, and the visitors of the portal), an image came to the fountain itself. Summer passes, and sometimes she wants to remember poshedshie days. Needless gallery after the holiday, many in bulk, but only in the frame insert is not interesting (yes, more recently, print some lazy, and no special meaning). So I decided to combine the fountain with the photo frame. But as it turned out, as always, to me this has not been done (or bad I was looking for, but it's unlikely). Do only the big waterfalls. Some probably are seen in shopping malls. They look something like this.
So, over the background. Begin the assembly. I bought an ordinary wooden picture frame 10x15.
Drill in the upper right corner of the hole for the pipe through which the water would pour out. And to the tree over time, not spoiled, I covered it with varnish.
Then glue the glass to the "Moment" and for sealing the gap between the glass and the frame is also filled them.
When everything is dry, I turned the box and poured some water to check for leaks. Luckily they were not.
The tube dispenser made of the fact that came to hand, namely the shaft flag that distribute at festivals. Often these tubes and are inflatable balls.
I cut short the length of the tube required, heated over a candle, bent at 90 degrees and the needle has done a lot of holes for water outlet. One end of the tube plugged internally insulated coaxial RG-6 cable (plug can be anything, but it came to the diameter).
With much fanfare I decided not to bother and decided to apply the ready. Recently, just gave it to me on the non-working fountain, here and decided to put it. And just then, and I had to change the engine, which in the Chinese anything shoved.
Just for fun decided to conduct test trials. He inserts the tube into the frame, connect the pump to the tube, connect the power. The result exceeded all expectations. The water flow was laminar over the entire glass area, which I was extremely happy.
To hide the sprinkler tube, I decided to make a decorative hood-roof. Nothing better did not occur to him how to cut out of cardboard. First, cut out the desired piece.
Then cut off the excess and bent in the right places.
After gluing was just such a piece.
And so it has not collapsed from the water, covered it with 3 layers of varnish.
Top view.
As the vessel picked up a box of mp3 players which went almost perfectly in size.
Starting roughly customized parts to each other.
In order to frame a well-kept in the tank, made of wood and had two stand glued to the frame at the rear.
Then use the "moment" put a frame to its rightful place and covered with varnish.
Tank decorate stones for aquarium.
A silver frame decided to sprinkle sand. But as the sand of the sale is not found, then I had to go around. First, ordinary sand sprinkled frame previously smeared it with glue. Then painted with silver sand and finally covered the whole thing with varnish.
Inside the tank beauty sprinkled green stones, and not to have dropped watered them with varnish. When everything is dry, the stones were kept very well.
Falls would look not so beautiful without light, so I decided to do it too. For this first three LEDs glued to the frame.
Then solder the wires filled the whole thing melting.
But nedoglyadke such wires in a decorative "roof" would not fit, so we had to change the wiring. In the end, after the replacement of cables and installation of tubes spray the top of the waterfall looked like this.
While all dried up, I began to study location of switches and sockets charge.
Test verification.
Replacement chain (if the first die, the second immediately ready).
While COX glue decided to take up photography. To do this, here is a photo taken.
And though the fountain and the photo is sealed and not get wet (tested many times, there is no leakage, but the moisture evaporates anyway), but just in case it is laminated.
When dried up waterfall made a final run, for leaks and performance. Test Drive has been successfully passed.
Then he took his roof-plug made of cardboard and pasted it with the same stones as the tank.
The rear of the tank (where the entire electrical) and pasted stones, but not much. Otherwise, insert a picture is difficult. And hardly anyone in the back of the photo frame looks.
Finally, I put the photo on the rightful place. Glued on top "roof" and that's got here is the creation of a flying head and a relatively straight hand.
And turning off the lights and turn on the backlight to see this.
Finally, there is already power on and look at the finished result, which I did.
Well, the beauty of the night by the light so to speak.
On the bands do not pay attention. This water flows due to the lighting so look, not a scratch.
And here's a video with the work of the waterfall.
Finally, the competition. Who guess what the girl shown in the photo, to 200 in the crosshairs turnips from me. Here's a hint, it is one of the oldest and most oboyatelnogo visitors of this portal. Answers to me in a PM. If the answer is a lot, by random winner will be chosen. Responses received during the day.
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!
So, dear visitors to this wonderful website, I want to introduce you to one of his latest creations, namely tabletop waterfall. But it is not simple, but with a photograph. Let's say on the topic of memories of past holidays.

The idea came about two weeks ago because of the theme Faktus-and (who knows, he will understand). Inspired by such spectacular views (not Faktus-a, and the visitors of the portal), an image came to the fountain itself. Summer passes, and sometimes she wants to remember poshedshie days. Needless gallery after the holiday, many in bulk, but only in the frame insert is not interesting (yes, more recently, print some lazy, and no special meaning). So I decided to combine the fountain with the photo frame. But as it turned out, as always, to me this has not been done (or bad I was looking for, but it's unlikely). Do only the big waterfalls. Some probably are seen in shopping malls. They look something like this.

So, over the background. Begin the assembly. I bought an ordinary wooden picture frame 10x15.

Drill in the upper right corner of the hole for the pipe through which the water would pour out. And to the tree over time, not spoiled, I covered it with varnish.

Then glue the glass to the "Moment" and for sealing the gap between the glass and the frame is also filled them.

When everything is dry, I turned the box and poured some water to check for leaks. Luckily they were not.

The tube dispenser made of the fact that came to hand, namely the shaft flag that distribute at festivals. Often these tubes and are inflatable balls.

I cut short the length of the tube required, heated over a candle, bent at 90 degrees and the needle has done a lot of holes for water outlet. One end of the tube plugged internally insulated coaxial RG-6 cable (plug can be anything, but it came to the diameter).

With much fanfare I decided not to bother and decided to apply the ready. Recently, just gave it to me on the non-working fountain, here and decided to put it. And just then, and I had to change the engine, which in the Chinese anything shoved.

Just for fun decided to conduct test trials. He inserts the tube into the frame, connect the pump to the tube, connect the power. The result exceeded all expectations. The water flow was laminar over the entire glass area, which I was extremely happy.

To hide the sprinkler tube, I decided to make a decorative hood-roof. Nothing better did not occur to him how to cut out of cardboard. First, cut out the desired piece.

Then cut off the excess and bent in the right places.

After gluing was just such a piece.

And so it has not collapsed from the water, covered it with 3 layers of varnish.

Top view.

As the vessel picked up a box of mp3 players which went almost perfectly in size.

Starting roughly customized parts to each other.

In order to frame a well-kept in the tank, made of wood and had two stand glued to the frame at the rear.

Then use the "moment" put a frame to its rightful place and covered with varnish.

Tank decorate stones for aquarium.

A silver frame decided to sprinkle sand. But as the sand of the sale is not found, then I had to go around. First, ordinary sand sprinkled frame previously smeared it with glue. Then painted with silver sand and finally covered the whole thing with varnish.

Inside the tank beauty sprinkled green stones, and not to have dropped watered them with varnish. When everything is dry, the stones were kept very well.

Falls would look not so beautiful without light, so I decided to do it too. For this first three LEDs glued to the frame.

Then solder the wires filled the whole thing melting.

But nedoglyadke such wires in a decorative "roof" would not fit, so we had to change the wiring. In the end, after the replacement of cables and installation of tubes spray the top of the waterfall looked like this.

While all dried up, I began to study location of switches and sockets charge.

Test verification.

Replacement chain (if the first die, the second immediately ready).

While COX glue decided to take up photography. To do this, here is a photo taken.
And though the fountain and the photo is sealed and not get wet (tested many times, there is no leakage, but the moisture evaporates anyway), but just in case it is laminated.
When dried up waterfall made a final run, for leaks and performance. Test Drive has been successfully passed.

Then he took his roof-plug made of cardboard and pasted it with the same stones as the tank.

The rear of the tank (where the entire electrical) and pasted stones, but not much. Otherwise, insert a picture is difficult. And hardly anyone in the back of the photo frame looks.

Finally, I put the photo on the rightful place. Glued on top "roof" and that's got here is the creation of a flying head and a relatively straight hand.
And turning off the lights and turn on the backlight to see this.
Finally, there is already power on and look at the finished result, which I did.
Well, the beauty of the night by the light so to speak.
On the bands do not pay attention. This water flows due to the lighting so look, not a scratch.
And here's a video with the work of the waterfall.
Finally, the competition. Who guess what the girl shown in the photo, to 200 in the crosshairs turnips from me. Here's a hint, it is one of the oldest and most oboyatelnogo visitors of this portal. Answers to me in a PM. If the answer is a lot, by random winner will be chosen. Responses received during the day.
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you!