I earned on food and shelter
Lane Vice-Admiral Zhukov in the center of Odessa recently become the object of attention of citizens and tourists. The fact that the beds with artificial flowers from Gdańsk beauty is often possible to meet a large cat who sleeps under the rays of the autumn sun.
4 photos via goodnewsanimal
Nearby is a box for donations with the inscription "For me food." Cat behaves very calm and almost never reacts to the affection of people, but adults and children would not miss an opportunity to pat the mustachioed gatekeeper.
"We walk here on the way home from kindergarten. My son Ilya loves to stand and pet cat. Always leave him a couple of coins to feed, but his name is and where it came from, we do not know, "- says a young mother Marina.
As your correspondent found out, the cat came here about a month ago - came from next door and now constantly sleeping in a bed.
"We called it in a simple kid - smiling stylist Snezhana.- Every day, as soon as I come to work, he was already at the door - waiting borne him" bedroom ».
By the way, for three or four hours of sleep a cat earns almost 40 hryvnia, and in his first "working day" The kid will get from animal lovers as much as 120 UAH, though part of the salary stole the neighbor's kid.
Snezana says salon owner's daughter took the cat under his wing. Now he has his own collar, soft toys, and even a bowl, which is constantly poured food.
According to the materials dumskaya.net
4 photos via goodnewsanimal
Nearby is a box for donations with the inscription "For me food." Cat behaves very calm and almost never reacts to the affection of people, but adults and children would not miss an opportunity to pat the mustachioed gatekeeper.

"We walk here on the way home from kindergarten. My son Ilya loves to stand and pet cat. Always leave him a couple of coins to feed, but his name is and where it came from, we do not know, "- says a young mother Marina.
As your correspondent found out, the cat came here about a month ago - came from next door and now constantly sleeping in a bed.

"We called it in a simple kid - smiling stylist Snezhana.- Every day, as soon as I come to work, he was already at the door - waiting borne him" bedroom ».
By the way, for three or four hours of sleep a cat earns almost 40 hryvnia, and in his first "working day" The kid will get from animal lovers as much as 120 UAH, though part of the salary stole the neighbor's kid.

Snezana says salon owner's daughter took the cat under his wing. Now he has his own collar, soft toys, and even a bowl, which is constantly poured food.
According to the materials dumskaya.net
