The girl behind the wheel, a monologue =)
- Cheers, food! Food, cheer, Well-Well-Well! Wye as quickly mommy! BBC! A Th BBC that ?! Just think, turn did not show! If you're so smart, he has to understand where I need. Here some variants - left, right and straight. Right, I'm not going, I'm not such a fool to go straight into the house. Right - the library, and I'm not such a fool to the library. And left a spa. There, around the corner in the basement. What is difficult to guess?
Oh, why are you so sharp turn on the blinker in the face ?! I was scared!
Well, what do you got? Well, men and logic! What it shows a right turn when you can go straight there ?!
It feels like I forgot something ... buckle up? Fastened. With the handbrake off? She took off her ... Oh, I forgot to start the engine and go, muddler. Well, that downhill may not notice that I unwound food. That's funny, I do not have remembered - all day would fare.
It's a nightmare to some head at me. It may affect the magnetic stars? In the morning the house break, looking for the car keys, and they were at the door! I closed the door to them yesterday.
So, where is the key to turn? Oh, it started! Let's go with the first transmission. Oh! Stalled! What is it? Maybe gasoline over? No, it started up again! A! I brake is removed and the clutch is not pressed. Or press? And, anyway - the food already. Where to go alone? Oh! On Red drove! What are you shouting, Uncle! On the green I was driving! Scary guy what. When I cry, too, probably ugly.
Oh, stretching! "Fifty percent discount on ..." We must go back to read. What dudish ?! It is necessary and stood! In the middle of the road? Oh ... And dudish something that ?! Dudit! Read a Give ... "discount on spare parts." Pah! Hung horrible! Doody Do not you have food! And do not make such eyes. Yes, I had lipstick! This lipstick is greater than your "eight" is ragged. Ha! When Nina someone's ass has called it her lipstick smeared because the airbag! Always something nasty cheap buy and then get very expensive.
It is necessary to turn. Oh! Lights turned on ... What up? I'll blink, beard! Oh! I forgot to turn the ...
Thus, it seems zastuchal 4th valve. Or the third? Ale, Ning? Look, I have knocks where? The knock window? And, sure, man. Fourth or third already. Well, Ning, swing I'm here with you, and missed the green. And for a long time, I guess.
Hey! Where prёsh? The hat! Honda in the red hat! And why the women in these machines sell hats? Where prёsh? In such caps pёrli hundred years ago! And she was wearing and think that everything is possible! In such caps rod straight to the cemetery!
Wrong, I'm at the wheel. On the phone talk, lip paint, and in fact, by and large, you must first pull out his eyebrows, draw eyes, and hair are not stacked ...
Oh, Why are you yelling at me ?! Che you're yelling at me today as a conspiracy ?! All the same, I do not understand anything. Right now my husband will call, he will come, will understand. Sasha! Where are you? Have you eaten? .. And how many now over? .. What do I call? Yes, I have a machine that somehow ... not going ... Yes, put her in a piece of metal, and some are not going ... What a piece of metal? Well, what you have there the car behind the stick? Buffer? Yeah, right, bumper! What I clever. What a bumper? Oh, then one man stood at the crossroads, bumper stuck your stupid, well, I'm in it and rested, and the car does not go on. And he was still standing there and yelling at me ...
Sash! Come, eh? I miss you already. On what do you go? And, I forgot completely. Sash, I took the car you can be? ..
Okay, let's go! And that the front suddenly stopped? And, it is a red light.
Oh, how tired of these tightening on the roads. Or are there? Delays. There is not as it seems. A remembered cork! That language is stupid ...
I wonder why the glove is called "glove box"? No, in my car, he will be called "poryadochek." It should be more flowers on the front sill ...
Let's go, let's go! Green for a long time! Ehay-ehay! Oh! Red! What is going on the red? I drive?! Shut up! And not the ribs that's his name ... no, not my husband ... well, that is in the trunk! .. But not her husband, but this! ..
Oh, policeman waving something. We should, perhaps, to wave it too ...
Oh, I love this song! Damn, you're not beeping! Why, when I stop to listen to this song, all the rows bibikayut?
Such nerve! One smart aleck yesterday too so indignant! And just because I cut off his car and ran briefly in the movie.
On-op! Right now, to be a pit. Yeah, here it is again proskrebla tray, then soon right. Interestingly, and where I'm going? I remember, I was going to work.
Yeah, parking. Interestingly, among these machines I put? Ta-a-ak. Place! Hooray! And how now I have to go your way? Ponastavili then close! The main thing is here the place is small, the door will not open, and on the other side - there is so much! Well, okay, I will not go to work! I will tell you - all day behind the wheel sat in a traffic jam.
Ale, Nina? Today I have this guy cut in front of ...
Oh, why are you so sharp turn on the blinker in the face ?! I was scared!
Well, what do you got? Well, men and logic! What it shows a right turn when you can go straight there ?!
It feels like I forgot something ... buckle up? Fastened. With the handbrake off? She took off her ... Oh, I forgot to start the engine and go, muddler. Well, that downhill may not notice that I unwound food. That's funny, I do not have remembered - all day would fare.
It's a nightmare to some head at me. It may affect the magnetic stars? In the morning the house break, looking for the car keys, and they were at the door! I closed the door to them yesterday.
So, where is the key to turn? Oh, it started! Let's go with the first transmission. Oh! Stalled! What is it? Maybe gasoline over? No, it started up again! A! I brake is removed and the clutch is not pressed. Or press? And, anyway - the food already. Where to go alone? Oh! On Red drove! What are you shouting, Uncle! On the green I was driving! Scary guy what. When I cry, too, probably ugly.
Oh, stretching! "Fifty percent discount on ..." We must go back to read. What dudish ?! It is necessary and stood! In the middle of the road? Oh ... And dudish something that ?! Dudit! Read a Give ... "discount on spare parts." Pah! Hung horrible! Doody Do not you have food! And do not make such eyes. Yes, I had lipstick! This lipstick is greater than your "eight" is ragged. Ha! When Nina someone's ass has called it her lipstick smeared because the airbag! Always something nasty cheap buy and then get very expensive.
It is necessary to turn. Oh! Lights turned on ... What up? I'll blink, beard! Oh! I forgot to turn the ...
Thus, it seems zastuchal 4th valve. Or the third? Ale, Ning? Look, I have knocks where? The knock window? And, sure, man. Fourth or third already. Well, Ning, swing I'm here with you, and missed the green. And for a long time, I guess.
Hey! Where prёsh? The hat! Honda in the red hat! And why the women in these machines sell hats? Where prёsh? In such caps pёrli hundred years ago! And she was wearing and think that everything is possible! In such caps rod straight to the cemetery!
Wrong, I'm at the wheel. On the phone talk, lip paint, and in fact, by and large, you must first pull out his eyebrows, draw eyes, and hair are not stacked ...
Oh, Why are you yelling at me ?! Che you're yelling at me today as a conspiracy ?! All the same, I do not understand anything. Right now my husband will call, he will come, will understand. Sasha! Where are you? Have you eaten? .. And how many now over? .. What do I call? Yes, I have a machine that somehow ... not going ... Yes, put her in a piece of metal, and some are not going ... What a piece of metal? Well, what you have there the car behind the stick? Buffer? Yeah, right, bumper! What I clever. What a bumper? Oh, then one man stood at the crossroads, bumper stuck your stupid, well, I'm in it and rested, and the car does not go on. And he was still standing there and yelling at me ...
Sash! Come, eh? I miss you already. On what do you go? And, I forgot completely. Sash, I took the car you can be? ..
Okay, let's go! And that the front suddenly stopped? And, it is a red light.
Oh, how tired of these tightening on the roads. Or are there? Delays. There is not as it seems. A remembered cork! That language is stupid ...
I wonder why the glove is called "glove box"? No, in my car, he will be called "poryadochek." It should be more flowers on the front sill ...
Let's go, let's go! Green for a long time! Ehay-ehay! Oh! Red! What is going on the red? I drive?! Shut up! And not the ribs that's his name ... no, not my husband ... well, that is in the trunk! .. But not her husband, but this! ..
Oh, policeman waving something. We should, perhaps, to wave it too ...
Oh, I love this song! Damn, you're not beeping! Why, when I stop to listen to this song, all the rows bibikayut?
Such nerve! One smart aleck yesterday too so indignant! And just because I cut off his car and ran briefly in the movie.
On-op! Right now, to be a pit. Yeah, here it is again proskrebla tray, then soon right. Interestingly, and where I'm going? I remember, I was going to work.
Yeah, parking. Interestingly, among these machines I put? Ta-a-ak. Place! Hooray! And how now I have to go your way? Ponastavili then close! The main thing is here the place is small, the door will not open, and on the other side - there is so much! Well, okay, I will not go to work! I will tell you - all day behind the wheel sat in a traffic jam.
Ale, Nina? Today I have this guy cut in front of ...