Car habits
I would like to invite interested parties to discuss habits that people acquire in the course of driving. And this applies not only to smoking or eating pies -this accustomed to driving some of the more surprising things.
Actually the development of all kinds of habits provoking environment itself - a stressful situation, especially when driving through the city, constantly changing picture of the window, with a cozy "home" environment, and the ability to do whatever you want, being alone with him.
A selection of small, but perhaps many will than its complement.
And of course the bearded Anek, sanctify topic stopped at traffic lights, in the neighboring car girl paints her lips with one hand, the other holding a mobile, I saw how, as a little shaver coffee dropped < br />
First of all, by myself - the idea to gather a bunch of stuff crept in when I once again found myself convulsive push of a button parking brake at the traffic lights. That's how much the wheel and go and have 10 years, so much torment handbrake in a car.
The most common - is smoking. More harmful than you can imagine: a hardened floor and seat, always smoke-filled room, the dirt of the ash on the side windows and doors - the most harmless of the possible. On the other hand, soothe the nerves, the fiery trip through the city full of traffic jams, smoking a cigarette - an indescribable pleasure.
Eating at the wheel. On the one hand, it is believed that the process of chewing improves the response and increases attention. On the other hand suddenly crumble pie trousers distraction cleaner blowjob.
Swearing. What better soothe the nerves behind the wheel than the selective flow of battle addressed to fellow road? And in this case there is any difference who you are - M or F, not important any experience or the brand of the machine, no actual case in your particular situation quite important. Anyway everything kozlyblyatkudapreshsuka !!!
Singing. This activity is loved by many: my home is my castle, and do not care that the machine is clear. Firstly your vocal achievement no one will hear, and secondly it's great relaxes and helps to calm down.
And among those who can not sing, caught drummers. These are the guys who are on the steering wheel or drums in time with music or a knock on the roof out of the window. And this activity safely combine many different maneuvers, turns, converted and so on. Actually, you can turn the wheel with one hand ....
I have a friend who thinks driving a car adjacent rooms. And invincible habit, to distract him from this activity is virtually impossible - all the time people focused traffic staring at license plates, putting them in mind.
And of course many people find time to talk on the phone, just sitting in the car. And often, as it turned out, it had also cases where people without a phone in his hand in the car uncomfortable.
Before we give a voice to another, separate ladies curtsy. Because of the number of sessions at the wheel of the car, they left men far behind: in the car can be painted lips / eyes, apply varnish on the nails, reading a book, record somewhere some garbage, or just stare at the sides ...
Actually the development of all kinds of habits provoking environment itself - a stressful situation, especially when driving through the city, constantly changing picture of the window, with a cozy "home" environment, and the ability to do whatever you want, being alone with him.
A selection of small, but perhaps many will than its complement.
And of course the bearded Anek, sanctify topic stopped at traffic lights, in the neighboring car girl paints her lips with one hand, the other holding a mobile, I saw how, as a little shaver coffee dropped < br />

First of all, by myself - the idea to gather a bunch of stuff crept in when I once again found myself convulsive push of a button parking brake at the traffic lights. That's how much the wheel and go and have 10 years, so much torment handbrake in a car.

The most common - is smoking. More harmful than you can imagine: a hardened floor and seat, always smoke-filled room, the dirt of the ash on the side windows and doors - the most harmless of the possible. On the other hand, soothe the nerves, the fiery trip through the city full of traffic jams, smoking a cigarette - an indescribable pleasure.
Eating at the wheel. On the one hand, it is believed that the process of chewing improves the response and increases attention. On the other hand suddenly crumble pie trousers distraction cleaner blowjob.

Swearing. What better soothe the nerves behind the wheel than the selective flow of battle addressed to fellow road? And in this case there is any difference who you are - M or F, not important any experience or the brand of the machine, no actual case in your particular situation quite important. Anyway everything kozlyblyatkudapreshsuka !!!

Singing. This activity is loved by many: my home is my castle, and do not care that the machine is clear. Firstly your vocal achievement no one will hear, and secondly it's great relaxes and helps to calm down.
And among those who can not sing, caught drummers. These are the guys who are on the steering wheel or drums in time with music or a knock on the roof out of the window. And this activity safely combine many different maneuvers, turns, converted and so on. Actually, you can turn the wheel with one hand ....

I have a friend who thinks driving a car adjacent rooms. And invincible habit, to distract him from this activity is virtually impossible - all the time people focused traffic staring at license plates, putting them in mind.
And of course many people find time to talk on the phone, just sitting in the car. And often, as it turned out, it had also cases where people without a phone in his hand in the car uncomfortable.

Before we give a voice to another, separate ladies curtsy. Because of the number of sessions at the wheel of the car, they left men far behind: in the car can be painted lips / eyes, apply varnish on the nails, reading a book, record somewhere some garbage, or just stare at the sides ...
